Would Obama Disarm the Military?

Again, maybe if we stopped calling everyone that isn't American our enemy we wouldn't be making so many.

Yup, I'm sure that the folks that preach jihad against us actually like us and want to come over for BBQ and cola. We woke up, for a short time, on 9/11 but our collective memories are so short. It will take another massive attack with a huge loss of life to wake us up again I'm afraid.

Had Mr Carter not gutted our intelligence services, we may have had the information we needed to stay secure - not guaranteed but maybe. But spying is a dirty business and we should mind our own business and everyone will like us. Ever wonder why the Iranians let our hostages go after Carter left office - they knew Reagan would do more than whine about it.

I wish I lived in your world but in mine there are people that want us to die for no other reason than we exist. If they get nukes or chemical/biological weapons they will use them. We need to be strong, well equipped, and ready to fight as the world is not a safe place. Isolationism has never worked and probably never will so like it or not, a global power is what we are...
Yup, I'm sure that the folks that preach jihad against us
before you go on, wanna look up out WHY they preach jihad against us and are able to recruit so many more followers?
Ever wonder why the Iranians let our hostages go after Carter left office - they knew Reagan would do more than whine about it.
hey, ever wonder why the took the hostages in the first place?
I wish I lived in your world but in mine their are people that want us to die for no other reason than we exist. If they get nukes or chemical/biological weapons they will use them. We need to be strong, well equipped, and ready to fight as the world is not a safe place. Isolationism has never worked and probably never will so like it or not, a global power is what we are...
You can live in my world, too! Logic and reason has an open immigration policy! :D
You can live in my world, too! Logic and reason has an open immigration policy!

Golly, didn't realize I had no logic or reason. I've served my country, raised 3 successful kids that are not burdens to society, and believe we need to stay strong to stay free. Don't think I'll immigrate to your world anytime soon...
There's a vast difference between having none (which very few are guilty of) and lacking a bit of critical thinking on a contentious issue.

So yeah, the hostages. Why were they taken hostage again? Because they hated our freedom?

Or perhaps some logic and reason will take us to the conclusion that forcing our influence around the world at the barrel of a gun tends to instigate problems for us.

We need to stay strong to stay free but staying strong does not guarantee freedom. When we use that strength to bully others around it's not freedom.
4sarge said:
All entitlements.... Spend Spend Spend till it's gone. We'll let our kids worry about it. Seems we've given up lots of freedom in the USA to protect it elsewhere.

Doesn’t matter where the money comes from, much of the federal budget goes to make the payments promised by politicians for the votes of the lazy and stupid.

I’m not endorsing re-building Iraq. I am saying that if we intend to defend our way of life, the military budget is barely adequate, while there remains abundant opportunity to scale back elsewhere.
So yeah, the hostages. Why were they taken hostage again? Because they hated our freedom?

Last post on this for me as we aren't going to see things the same way period.

They were taken because they could. The Shah had been our ally for a long time and the new Iranians hated the Shah and any of those allied with him. As we had a weak man in the oval office, why not ridicule us as they were in no danger at all from Jimmah. When Reagan came to power, they knew immediately that he would do more than whine about the situation and only an idiot picks a fight with someone that can and will whip their a**...
Dude, they didn't just see a bunch of people there and think "hey, we have the ability to take some hostages so why not? it'll be fun!"

They had a reason. The Shah had been our ally because he was put in place of the democratically elected Prime Minister than the Iranian people had chosen.

Blowback, anyone?

Does no one see how our messing around with middle eastern politics and fueling both sides of conflicts, getting involved with their wars and essentially forcing our will upon them is the primary motivator for hostage taking and flying planes into buildings? Or does no one care? Perhaps we'd like to go on pretending they hate our freedom or that it's just because of their religion?

Or should we just stick our heads in the sand and ignore they reasons they give us for doing what they do? It's not like terrorism is a means to a political goal and lying about one's motivations is entirely counter-productive and antithetical to their cause. Nah.
For some reason... oh yeah... WWI, the U.S. stopped following the Monroe Doctrine. Pretty much since then the U.S. has played 'world cop.' Coincidence... I think not.
Are all nations linked by trade? Yes. Can an isolationist nation survive in a world economy? No. Is there an easy way out of the 'world cop' role without creating massive global instability? Unfortunately no. Do I like being deployed all over the globe for the sake of the status quo? Not really, but I love my country, so I go.
If whoever is our next president tries something radical with our foriegn policy... I'll cross my fingers, hope for the best... and prepare for WWIII. After all, Mr. Murphy is a hellacious diplomat.
Does no one see how our messing around with middle eastern politics and fueling both sides of conflicts, getting involved with their wars and essentially forcing our will upon them is the primary motivator for hostage taking and flying planes into buildings?
It's partially that and partially because Islam is a violent, intolerant religion that condemns all "non-believers" and advocates world domination. Cristian Abortion Clinic bombers have nothing when it comes to Islamic suicide bombers.

I try to keep an open mind, but I see Islam as basically a 7th Century version of Scientology.
It's partially that and partially because Islam is a violent, intolerant religion that condemns all "non-believers" and advocates world domination.

Replace "Islam" with "Judaism" and "Christianity" (as both are being practiced today by their leaders) and I'd say you would be on to something... Have you ever studied the Koran? I'm assuming not. Have you actually studied the Talmud? How about the Old and New Testament? You'll find wonderful things and horrid things in all three. I know because I've studied all three.

I'm not aware of any ideas expressed in Islam to take over the world. I think their rhetoric is to remove Western power projection out of their lands. That does not seem unreasonable to me as I'd not want Islamic, European or any other power projection in the USA, either.

There must exist universal definitions and concepts like Truth, Love, Honesty, Compassion in our lexicon. They must apply equally to others as much as ourselves or we 'speak with a forked tongue'. One cannot speak "defense" when you're the offensive one. One cannot speak "peace" when you're the one initiating warfare.

We have a long way to go and we're running out of "time".
They had a reason. The Shah had been our ally because he was put in place of the democratically elected Prime Minister than the Iranian people had chosen.

Blowback, anyone?
for Operation Alax.

Read the history of our involvement in the Mideast. Starting with the Barbary Wars. To funding Bin Laden, Sadam Hussien. And now the Saudi Arabia and Israel. We play both sides, one of which will inevitably become our enemy, then were all shocked when we have to start another military intervention.

Our foreign policy assures continued conflict. Welfare-Warfare marches on.
My only question to Redworm is: have you served this country?
This appears to be a socialist question, is it?

Unless you have, I submit that you do not truly understand our military nor what it means to serve. If our military needs to be run more efficiently and cheaply, I suggest you sign up and fix it. It's easy to sit in your recliner, protected by the military you despise, and throw rocks.
The US military hasn't protected America in a long time.

Forgot to add that after our military is neutered, he'll then take our guns (or ammo) away so we'll be safer. Without guns, we'll all start getting along and then we can afford to give away money to those that would rather not work for it.
I simply don't understand this question or statement. Reducing the US military, a bloated socialist enterprise, to that needed ONLY to defend America is hardly neutering it.

My signature line is the absolute truth. We are only free because we maintain the power (in men and machines) to make our enemies realize that they'd be in for a fight...
Anyone that has paid one cent in taxes is entitled to voice an opinion on anything the US government does or plans to do.

Further, America was at its strongest before it engaged in a single overseas military adventure in the early 20th century, and would have been stronger if it hadn't engaged in any military adventure during the 19th century.

War burns wealth for no gain, and kills millions of people who, tragically, are in possession of irreplaceable minds.
I think there is a very good chance Obama will decimate the military. Much the same way the Clantons did IMHO.
Would Obama disarm our military? Of course not! Neither he, nor any of the other candidates, would do such a thing. What a silly idea.
Ever wonder why the Iranians let our hostages go after Carter left office - they knew Reagan would do more than whine about it.


It's bad for democrats to talk with Bad World Leaders but totally fine for republican administrations to make back room deals with them. Leaving Iraq would set a bad example if dems did it but Hezbollah has no memory of Reagan cutting and running in Beirut after they killed 241 Americans. Even the French retaliated for that attack.
Blowback, anyone?

Did blowback cause the terrorists to kill Catholics in the Phillipines, to place bombs in Bali and Jakarta, Indonesia to kill tourists? To place bombs to kill Bhuddists in Thailand? To place bombs to kill Hindus in India?
Aren't we getting a bit far afield?

Why shouldn't we downsize our military? Isn't a standing army a danger to Liberty? Do we really need an Navy, after all, we have airplanes now? Do the Marines do anything the Army couldn't? And Why do we need a whole service to guard our Coasts? From who? Etc. ETC. ETC!

Note: I consider the above to be sarcasm.

The only problem we, as a nation have in world relations is the fact that both we and the rest of the world contain people. People with widely differing views on virtually everything, from the value of human life to what is or is not the proper way to worship God. People who will, without a second thought trample the rights of others for profit. And by profit I mean more than just money. Americans tend to focus more on money, but not everyone else does. And that is another point of friction. Too many of the rest of the world's people's only understanding of Americans is from contact with certain businessmen, our military, and since the age of satellite TV, our video entertainment. And that is one huge problem that for the most part, we fail to recognize. If all you knew about the American way of life came from the crap that we put on the air in our dramas and sitcoms, odds are you wouldn't like us very, Heck, I wouldn't either. We are showing the world that all we are is a bunch of amoral, greedy, sex fiends, without a care for anything beyond getting what we want, when we want it. And what we seem to want is to cheat people and laugh about it, sleep with everyone and anyone, and insult anyone with values different from that. This is not a good image to show to the rest of the world. It is not a good image to show to our children, or even ourselves, but in the US, it sells. So we keep doing it.

And I haven't even mentioned the violence.

Obama will cut the military, given the chance. No doubt in my mind. How much, and how far, only time will tell, but one thing is certain. At some later date, we will have a need for something we did away with, and will cry and moan that "if only" we hadn't, we would be fine now.

We have become "stuck" playing world cop. Yep, but it is something we sought. Today you can look at it and say, we shouldn't be doing this, but consider the point of view of those who set it up. Men who lived through WWII. Men who believed that not being the world cop led us to having to be the world cop in order to stop men like Hitler, Tojo, & Mussolini. That only the clear willingness to spend both our money and our blood would contain others with similar desires, and do it before it became necessary to have a World War in order to stop them. I would love to see us go back into our shell, relinquish those foreign entanglements. Stop being the world cop, tell the UN to find a new country to pay for their hare-brained social schemes, and just mind our own business as we peacably live our lives. We could so that (even though it would cost some very rich folks a lot of money, so they would do their best to prevent it). But sooner or later, something in the world would require us to come out of our shell and fight, just to preserve us. And it would cost. Cost like none has seen before.

Pay now, or pay later, and later comes with some horrendous interest!
All those in favor of Obama disarming the military, step forward and hand over all weapons to the democrats. (Oh, and don't tell them who we are that still have ours.)