Worst Full Auto You've Shot?


New member
Mine was a suppressed Mac 11. I didn't hit much with it which was partly my fault. I didn't like the way if felt, which was the gun's fault.

I haven't shot a Mac since. The only ones that look interesting are the slow fire conversions that I have read about. I've never even seen one of those.
The little Ingram in .380

The scene: Two of us go to local range with full auto rentals. We're both just old enough to rent a buzzgun and all excited by the prospect. There's the little .380 Ingram hanging on the wall, and I say "Oh, cool! Those things have like a super high cyclic rate! Let's rent that!". We collect the gun and... wait for it... one box of .380 ammo. Surely you can see this one coming...

Wondering what the dude behind the counter had been smirking about, we troop out to the firing line, loaded mag in hand, lock and load and "BBRRAAP! BBRRA...".

"What happened?" asks my friend.
"I think it jammed," respondeth I, "wait, lemme see... Nope. That was the whole mag!"
"We're gonna need more ammo" says my friend, looking at the remainder of the box of shells in his hand.
I've had a bad effect on some MP5s. The first one I shot, at a rental range in Georgia worked fine. Later, I shot a few at the old Second Chance Bowling Pin Shoot in Central Lake, Michigan. I picked one up to shoot a side match there once and fired one round. As it went off I had a dim impression of something small and black flying out of the ejection port. I didn't think about it too much as I was swinging toward another target at the time. The gun paid attention though, it refused to eject the fired shell since the little black thing had been the extractor. They took the gun away and I shot the match with another one.
I also had a little trouble with a Uzi there once. Same thing one round and then nothing but a different reason. I never did find out why.
I walked up to the subgun area to do it over again the next day and the woman running the signup tried to run me off because I was a danger to the guns.
The MAC 10. What a piece. It was suppressed, and the can covered the sights, making it an instant bullet hose. Couldn't hit the broad side of Rosie O'Donell's rear with it.
The worst full auto I have shot was a G3, 20 shot from 10m = 7 hits on man sized target. We was 20 recruits testing out what our rifles was capable of, and desided to try a 20 round burst "Hollywood- style", the best was 9 hits, average was 3 or 4.

That one day at the firingrange almost made up for a whole year of pointless military training.
I have a Mac11A1 (.380). It is 1800 rounds/minute. That is 30 per second. It has never jammed (only fired it once!).
GE mini-gun from Stembridge Arms (the movie guys).

Same mini-gun that was used in one of the Rambo flicks and Predator. Gun was out of time and ruptured case head came back and gave me a third belly button right next to the one made by a .32 ACP.

Shooting live ammo in movie guns sucks:barf:
It is likely there are less reliable weapons than the Mac. Some writer said the S&W 76 made the Mac look great, and that comparing the S&W 76 to a dog was insulting to a dog. But then I know someone who just bought one, and he loves it. So I am not sure the real story of this.
MAC-10.... first experience with one resulted in 50 rounds downrange and 3 rounds on the paper (two on target) firing at one of those gargantuan ape-sized silhouette targets at 25yds.

I did eventually get where I could use it though.
Like most every other FA firearm, the M10 can actually be used to good effect with trigger control. Sure, with its cyclic rate it needs a bit more practice, but it's far from being uncontrollable.

I for one always liked the S&W M76 and may take it second only after the MP5 in a sub-gun.
FWIW, in five years active duty with my former dept's SWAT team I had zero malfs with the HK gun--and we shot a lot.

I have a micro UZI 9mm and it fires just as fast as the Mac11a1/.380. But it has a better stock, looks better, and uses UZI magazines. So it is the same idea, but better. Too bad it was 3.75 times as expensive.
Couldn't hit the broad side of Rosie O'Donell's rear with it.


There's a slim side?

Grease gun for me. Chuga. . . . Chuga . . . Chuga . . .

Maybe the MAC is too fast, but that grease gun was BORING! I almost felt like I was standing around waiting for the next round to fire.
I appreciate a Greaser. Shot one of those on that rental range in Georgia too. It chugged away, but I shot tighter groups than with the Thompson I tried right before it.

The suppressed one you could use at the Raptor Road event at the late, lamented, Second Chance Shoot was a hoot.
The targets were steel with flying dinosaurs painted on them. (The paintings lasted a few hours.)
The Grease Gun chugged, the can suppressed, and all I could hear was the "clank, clank, clank" of the 230 grain Core-Bon FMJs hitting steel.

I was grinning when I put the gun down.