Worn blued guns...

I don't mind the look of a well worn blue gun. It adds character. But with the Single Six and the Blackhawk's part of the frame is aluminum with a black coating. Unless they have changed since I last owned one.

As the guns wear the coating on the aluminum scratches/flakes off leaving the aluminum showing white while the blued steel parts develop character. Those guns look bad after several years of use to me. I'd go with SS on this gun to get the same material all over the gun.
The main point of this thread was to see pictures of worn blued guns.

He asked for pictures...



My $250.00 Model 19.

If you handle it for awhile and look closely, this pistol seems to have a number of stories to tell. There are different layers of "worn".

I think someone on this forum accused me of letting the cat lick it. ;)