Words I can not describe from the anti-gun lobby

JHS wrote:
>I know! He's the poster person for HCI.

He *SHOULD* be the poster person for Trojan Condoms.

My guess is that he was yanking Gun Shy's chain. Or, perhaps it is just beyond my comprehension that a person could *really* believe this tripe.

Either way, welcome Gun Shy.
Jeez. You kinda make me proud of the Air Force again! (It's been a long time!)

Good to hear from you and look forward to your future posts. VERY glad you joined us!
I think that we should put a spin on guns for these lefties. We should ask that "gun violence" be called "retroactive abortion." I'm sure they're in favor of banning guns, but that they're pro-choice on the other issue. This way, we remove the dichotomy that ordinarily impairs their logic.

I don't know why, but it just came to me as I was thinking of this Rod Walker creep as the poster boy FOR abortion. It isn't PC, I'm sure. This creep shouldn't worry about nutty gun owners checking him out, as I wouldn't waste the ammo. I think, however, that banning baseball bats WOULD be a good idea if he believes airing his views jeopardizes his safety.

DO NOT tell me your views on this subject, as I don't care what they are one way or the other and you needn't prove your point to me.
I think these people have ran out of arguments. This is what one of the few left wrote:

This list has turned into a big gun control debate. I didn't join this list
to be part of another gun control debating society. If I wanted to do that
there are about 100 other places I could do it, most of them over run with
gun nuts, like this one is turning out to be. I'm not interested in debate,
I have already done that enough and I am more than comfortable with my
position on gun control. I joined the list in order to discuss programs and
messages we could promote and activities like that. Is there going to be a
PRIVATE place to discuss that stuff, or is this just going to turn into
another noise fest?

****Looks like they wont be promoting any activities on this list! :)
The attitude of this clown is typical of the elites who run the political systems of Europe and Amerika. It is pure Stalinism where a individual is completely defenceless against the state. Rape, murder, and death camps will prevail. Dont you think this is just some isolated nutcase philosophy. Stalinist Russia was one big death camp and the same type of leaders are ready to initiate this type of system worldwide. The people must be disarmed. Big Comrade, Hillary, Blair, Shroder, the Us Senate,most of congress,Banksters, so called religious leaders, police, and others of the elite system, all want one big slave system . All the elites are waiting for one big opportunity to call in the private firearms.