Words I can not describe from the anti-gun lobby

Miss Demeanors

New member
Someone had posted this site awhile back. I joined hoping to get a few words in. Ive noticed a few people from here getting in on it! :) But look at this last letter that was sent! As calm as I may seem, this one hit a nerve:

Rod walker <roderickwalker@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Rod walker <roderickwalker@yahoo.com>

> I want the security of knowing that IF a person > >
wanted to assault me, I could and would defend >
myself. How about if I was raped
> and the man had AIDS?

How can you be raped if you don't want to be? Just
keep your legs together. Failing that, call the
police, and let them earn their money. I have yet to
meet a woman that could not talk forever on something,
talk to him while the police are responding!
******That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard! A gun would get me
out of the situation way before the police arrive.
>Who is going to raise my kids when I die from this?

You can rest assured that the State will raise your
children. Group home settings are teh wave of the
future, that way children do not have the meddlesome
parental influence, and can be taught what they need
to know.
********Obviously you dont have kids, if you do I feel sorry for them and
their mother.

> But, if I stopped him prior
> to the rape, I could continue to be a mother.

But what about him? Why should he die because you
will not have sex with him? That makes no sense,
obviously you have already have had sex, it isn't like
you are a virgin. You are going to take a mans life
because you think sex is worth killing over?
**********If I say NO, then hell yes it is worth it!
> Why should a criminal decide my fate? What is
>wrong with you people???

They don't just pick up the phone and call the police.
They will respond and remove the alleged rapist,
before he commits his sexual deed. No killing
********"Oh sure Mr. rapist can you hang on while I call the police?"
Give me a break, you are not one of very much intelligence are you?
Miss D.: Congratulations! You have become a member of the shooting society, and the RKBA. You see, it isn't about guns at all. You do not own a gun, and have even voiced your concerns about ever owning one. But, you evidently belong to the belief that the right of self defence is a God given one for the people. The other poster is obviously a troll or is so totally ignorant is is beyond belief. To condone rape is unbelievable. Now you see what we are up against. Welcome to the club, glad you are on our side.

Want to feel your age?Check it out. http://web.superb.net/boy/age1.html
That boggles the mind. That character treats a rapist like nothing more than a wart; like he'll sit around while you make and carry out your plan.

I wish that guy who was stalking Speilberg would stalk and rape that guy. Maybe he'd have a different perspective, at least.

I've used that senario a few times as a pro-gun argument with some women: "If we were both unarmed, do you think you could keep me from taking anything, including your life?" The obvious answer is "no." My weight advantage of 50-75 lbs wouldn't make it much of a fight.

This bozo kind of sounds like someone who's been the perpetrator and doesn't think it's a big deal.
OMG! This guy is one sick dude! He is saying to a woman in the military that the only thing she should be doing is shining shoes and typing! He said if women own guns the only reason is that they are lesbians and want to be like a man! Its people like this that NEED to be shot! Is anyone else from here on this list? If so, please feel free to bash him! Judy I had patience with but this guy really has a problem. Have any inmates in Texas recentley escaped?
This guy is a moron! Don't take him seriously.

A few years ago, a friend of mine was at home with her daughter and two nieces. A man crashed through the back door and stuck a gun in her face before she could even react. He then tied them all up with duct tape and my friend was forced to watch as this animal raped her twelve year old niece. It was several months and a number of rapes later before the police caught the SOB.
My friends life was changed forever. It was over a year before her husband could touch her without her having a panic attack. They had to sell their house and move because she couldn't bear being in the place this happened.
Now several years and many dollars spent on shrinks later. She is almost back to normal. She is also now a gun owner.
I know that no man can ever really understand what rape is to a woman, but I've seen the effects of it. If I should ever happen onto a rape in progress, the bastard would be lucky if I only shot him.

Your personal saftey is your responsibility. Don't trust the police to save you because they most likely won't even know about it until it's over. Fear is the enemy and the rapist tool. You must learn to overcome the fear. If that means owning a gun, then so be it.

I'm reminded of a t-shirt slogan I saw some years ago.
"Nobody ever raped a .38"
Miss D., Rod Walker is either an idiot or a potential rapist (or both).

I have taken rape reports and arrested rapists, back when I was still in the police business, and most of the victims were beaten sometime during the rape. None of the rapists were injured beyond a few that suffered fingernail claw marks on the face, which did not prevent the crime.

The rapist that was shot DEAD did not come anywhere close to commiting the final act.

If you are contact with that board again, you might point out that rape is not a sexual act, it is a physical attack committed to degrade and abuse women. I think every state says that a police officer may kill a rapist if he comes upon the act in progress. The prison terms for rape is not the same fas for simple asault but, in some states, can be life in prison.

More than half of the rapists that I arrested or was in on the arrest were married and/or had girl friends.

I wonder if Mr. Walker would feel the same about rape if he were a victim of a homosexual rape. They happen and they occure more often than people think. "Gee, Mr. Walker, you could have prevented it. You could have just kept your legs together. It's really too bad that you are going to die from AIDS contracted from the rapist. But as you said, "Call the police and let them earn their money." Oh that's right, you did not have time and now you are going to die."

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited July 24, 1999).]
Ok Jim, I used those words about him being raped. Now he is saying good thing that i dont own a gun or I would go around killing people for an opinion. He said I am another reason to get the guns out of the hands of the gun nuts!!!!! Ok I am getting off this computer now before it gets nasty! He does live in Texas ya know! ;)
Miss D,
Rod Walker is:
1) a complete fool,
2) a child enjoying an "exciting" conversation,
3) a rabble rouser pulling your chain,
4) a mental buttwipe who very well may be dangerous
5) something even I can't think of, or
6) a combination of any of the above.

In any case, he is not worth your time to talk with. I recommend you stay away from him.
ROTFLMAO Dennis! I know I shouldnt bother, but who else better than to take frustration out on? :)

On the lighter side, I recieved an email from the girl he was originally bashing. She is in the USAF and a program instructor for the Eagle Eddie program! I told her about this place and that she should visit! I hope she does!

As for this guy Rod, I am not finished with him yet, I deal with people like this each day, and await the chance to give my piece of mind! He's just a big pig that probably has no woman in his life! :) (Now I am getting mean)
Hello, I am the woman that Miss D is speaking of. I just delete his messages now. I am pro-gun, NRA life-member, MCRGO (Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners) [www.mcrgo.org], and a life-member of the VFW. I am a mother of four, two of my kids shoot regularly. My oldest is a girl and I will make sure she can defend herself. I am an Eddie Eagle instructor, trying to get the program into my school district. Miss D, I think you will enjoy learning how to shoot. Nice to meet you all and I'm sure you'll here from me again. I sent notice to MCRGO of your website, so you might get a few new members. :-)~

I'd rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6.
Im glad that you came gunshy!

How about that? From getting bashed by some jerk to getting a new member here! :) Now I am in a much better mood! :)
Heinlein said "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity."

Still.... this guy's yanking your chain.

Blow it off. Your bluster is his goal.

Welcome to T.F.L., Gunshy.

Welcome to TFL Gunshy.... Another level headed gunner is always welcome... :) Feel free to make yourself at home.

I know! He's the poster person for HCI.
Don't give him to much of your mind Miss D, a with a vacuum like his can never be filled.

Welcome Gunshy.
Dont burden yourself with frustration and anger. There is nothing you can do about him.
Protect yourself even if it means buying a gun and learning to use it.As usual Grayfox has told it as it is.
I dont sell guns but I urge every adult to be able to to protect himself/herself and family because it is theiy responsibility and obviously the police wont be there in time.
MissD. You need a gun.
I just gave my wife a Taurus PT-22 for her birthday.

Not being a shooter, this was a big step for her.

The next gift is the CCW class!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited July 25, 1999).]
Unforseen (and fortunate) Consequence, indeed! Troll-moron attempts to play his sleazy number; TFL gets a new member. I love it! Welcome, Gunshy! BTW...kudos to Miss D, for her courage and forthrightness. :o) slabsides

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.
Welcome aboard, Gunshy. I'm pleased you met Miss D and took the time to visit TFL. You'll find many fine, friendly & knowledgeable folks here who are very happy to share, and we're very proad of Miss Demeanors and her efforts on behalf of the brother/sisterhood in arms. Please visit often and bring your friends. M2
Miss D--

Words fail me, too. Sorry you encountered such a lout. He is a disgrace to Texas and to humanity.