With a Little Help from My Friends

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Many prayers on the way, Express Delivery.
Save some parking space on your shoulder, I'm pushing for an angel to come your way.

Prayers coming and all the hopes for a quick and successful surgery with no complications.

Jim in IN

May God bless and keep both your wife and you. The calcification is wonderful news. The location in the foramen magnum is not. It is indeed a ticklish procedure. My prayers are with you and yours. As a person who has had a thoracic spinal cord tumor surgery and is at high risk for brain tumors I can relate rather well. Please, if there is anything I can do besides pray, let me know.

Count me in, consider it a "chip cashed" from good support karma my mother received several years ago.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Absolutely. I consider anyway in this forum to be as close to being a part of my family as any blood relative. My prayers are with you both.
Count me in. Hope all goes well - will be thinking of you and your wife.

Regards - AZFred

I'm sorry you and your family have to go through this at all, but I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I hope that all goes well, as the surgery your wife is having is indeed tricky...

I'm sorry I didn't notice this earlier. Peace to you, and protection to yours. Please let us know the outcome.
-John Shirley
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