Wish it wasn't so far.

My round trip is 54 miles door to door. 40 minutes each way... I too, would like to get a house in an unincorporated area with a few acres. Heck, I'd be happy to shoot air rifles and do archery on the property.
I hear you. I drive two hours one way just to go to a good range, even though there is a "guntry club" range within walking distance of my house. It is basically an all day event now since if I am going to drive four hours I want to get in at least four hours of quality range time. On the plus side, it is completely worth it to not be governed by the lowest common denominator of shooter behavior in the megaoplis area.
Supplement with a nice air rifle. You can have a lot of fun even with indoor setups.

I am very lucky to have a nice outdoor range 15 min away and an indoor range about 6 min away. I still do a fair bit of air gunning at home.
This makes me thank God for the place I have.
I can and I do fire out the front door. I have 40 acres here, and I own the largest hill in the Wind River Valley for 60 miles in one direction and 20 miles in the other direction, so I have my own "impact area".

I face some challenges getting in and out when the weather is bad, and it's a long drive to get to any big city. The closest city having a population over 12,000 is Casper and it's a 220 mile round trip. I have to go 34 miles to get to a good grocery store, and it can get cold here in winter, but in my opinion, the good outweighs the bad. I love my place.
My hobby is shooting and that was the main goal when I chose my retirement home. I wanted a place where I can load ammo, step out of the shop and shoot it. I didn't want to load a few rounds, drive to a range, check them, drive home, make adjustments, and back to the range.

So I have 400 yards in my back yard. I even cut a shooting port in the wall of the shop so I don't have to go outside.

About two miles from the house is an abandoned gravel pit on BLM land If I want to reach out there. I can safely shoot 2000 yards or more.

Our club has a range in town (10 miles away). 300 yard rifle range, and a indoor range. Members have access to the outdoor range any time its day light. 24/7 for the indoor range.

I'm too lazy to go to town so I only used the club range for matches or teaching classes.
I feel the OP's pain. About an hour's drive each way for me to get to my club's outdoor range. I don't mind the drive too much, though. My main issue is finding the time to go with work and family obligations.
Its 45 minutes to my shooting range. Sometimes I get there a couple times a month. Nice range, good people, and the people that use the range are usually friendly. Its over an hour to the nearest prairie dog town, but a few times each year I drive 2 1/2 hours each way to go doggin. Just a fact of life, for me. My other half is much like Rickyrick's, never whines about guns,loves venison and antelope meat, encourages me to enjoy life. It is a truism-"Happy wife, happy life."
I'm in the sticks on 120 acres and I have a permanent 300 yard rifle range and when the corn is cut I can shoot 700 yards. Handguns and shotguns are just shot where ever you want as long as you don't hit the vehicles, barns, or dogs. I have a deer stand 50 yards from the front door with a built in bench overlooking the aforementioned corn field. I'm spoiled rotten. :D
Good reminder to be grateful . . .

So I am ten minutes away from an indoor range where I have a life time membership and about the same distance to a buddy who has land out in the country where I can hunt, shoot and fish.

I have it good . . . and I am grateful.

Life is good.
Prof Young
I can relate to the move. I used to live 25 miles from a beautiful outdoor range for every type shooting and shot there every week or two for yrs. 8 yrs ago I moved and that range is now over 60 miles away which greatly impacted my range time. Now I shoot at a small 25 yd indoor range and have to buy their ammo to shoot there. I reload but can't use my ammo and can't shoot all my long guns there either...the enjoyment factor just doesn't happen at this range (or for me, any other indoor range). The good part is this range is a 3 mile drive from my house.
Sounds to me like someone need's to invest in a good size piece of land just out of town and put in an under ground range. Nosler in in a populated area in Bend, Ore. I've seen their set up, 100 yd under ground range. From outside you can't hear firing! Of course ear plugs would be required!
My favorite indoor range is about 15 minutes from the house. 25 yards allows hand gun and rifles. There is an outdoor range about 10 minutes away.
I haven't shot there in a couple of years. Hours are kind of weird. 300 yard range is about 45 minutes away, this cost $10.00 a year. My favorite place to shoot is 100 miles from the house. It's out in the middle of the desert and in the 39 years I have gone there I have only seen other people about 3 times. Because of health issues my darling bride won't let me go out there by myself anymore. Now I only shoot out there about two times a year.