Wis.wolf fee

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You see Chuckee there's something involved with being a sportsman called being ethical.

There's not only lawful and unlawful but there's also being ethical and unethical. I consider myself an ethical sportsman. If I shoot a wolf I'm going to call the local warden and let him/her know. I am of the belief that the warden, being a logical and ethical person, will understand the situation I'm in and act accordingly. The friends I have had that HAVE shot wolves either due to self defense or defense of their property (dogs while hunting) have called and "told on themselves". They did not receive a ticket or have their firearms taken away. Instead they were asked a bunch of questions regarding their reasoning for having shot the wolf and the actual circumstances surrounding it. If there were witnesses they took statements from them as well and that was it. No tickets, no charges and definitely no confiscation of firearms.

I was involved in a bear shooting while hunting several years ago. I was walking back to camp and witnessed a black bear charge a hunting companion as he was cooking lunch. We called the DNR, a warden came out, and we all gave testimonies as to what we saw. The warden took the carcass and left. Again no tickets, no charges and no confiscation of firearms.

I'd actually like to know who you spoke to Chuckee, as in which warden. What county are you in and which warden did you speak with regarding these issues? There are only two in each county (unless the DNR somehow came across some money and they could hire more wardens) so they shouldn't be so hard to remember. I have the business cards of every warden in the areas I frequently hunt in my wallet... that amounts to 8 because there's 4 counties I hunt in primarily. Likewise though I'll call my local warden and ask him regarding having to shoot a wolf that is endangering say... my hunting dog.

In any case back to my point at hand - there's ethics involved. Frankly I believe that if people can't be ethical while hunting then those people have no place out there hunting. Ethics is the only thing which separates us as sportsmen from the barbarians that the antis want to paint us as.

Bailey Boat, as I've said before, I would have shot the wolf too. My dog cost me $1,000 as a puppy and after training it would not be unreasonable to say that the dog is a $4500 investment in my hunting past time. I won't let wolf destroy that investment just because its a)hungry or b)defending its territory. The only difference is that I'd call the DNR once the shooting was over and let them know what had happened. I believe that if you're an honest, law abiding and ethical sportsman you can "tell on yourself" and still come out on top. I won't expound on my thoughts and opinions about people who are unethical in their methods.
The warden I talked to workes in the Park Falls DNR office as far as a name I did not ask and thats up in Prince county.So far you are were lucky to have nice wardens so far but there a chance your luck will run out!:eek: never say or offer any info to any DNR WARDEN! AS far a it being ethical or not thats not yours to say if I poached A DEER then thats not ethical.
Shoot a wolf without a tag then failing to report the incident is also poaching. Ever thought about that?

EDIT: Oh by the way you got the county wrong. There is NO Prince county in WI. Park Falls is in Price County and I'll give them a call since they ARE in wolf territory. If the office says what you stated then I'll concede that I was wrong and you were right. If the office states different then I'll wait for your concession but I won't hold my breath.

EDIT (again): I called the office and was able to get in touch with a customer service agent there. I believe his name was Greg or Fred although the way he said it on the phone was not easy to make out. He stated that IF you found yourself or your dog in danger of being attacked by wolf and the wolf was in the act of attacking you or your dog (ie. stalking, growling, advancing etc.) then you have the right to shoot the wolf. Afterwards the procedure would be to notify the DNR and the wolf would be turned over to them for research and so as not to promote people just claiming self defense and shooting a wolf for sport. Aside from that no charges would be brought forth IF the shooting was determined to be truly a justified defensive shooting. Failure to notify the DNR is a crime and is considered an act of poaching which if caught would lead to a hefty fine AND confiscation of firearms AND loss of hunting privileges.

Personally I'll stay ethical and follow the law. I'd strongly advise that others do the same.
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So in other words they will make it a federal case! now they were not there so then how are they going to tell me I was in the wrong? Are they going to run tests on the wolf like CSI CRIME does for people on TV? why even get yourself involved in the first place the woods are a big place and if a county just has 2 wardens there not going to be everywhere.
Wow... trying to reason with you is obviously failing and not due to lack of trying on my part.

Its obvious you're willing to rationalize breaking the law just so you can sleep at night after you've been out there doing just that - breaking the law

As for the hunting laws here in WI, don't like them? Don't hunt here. Plain and simple. Look for somewhere else to hunt that has laws more to your liking... like Canada.
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