Winter time CCW


New member
Winter time is around the corner, and for those of you who live in areas that actually have a winter, I have a question.

Do you do anything different for in the winter time in regards to your CCW?

I saw someone's signature that listed their summer and winter carry firearms (I can't recall the name or I would mention him/her)

I was also thinking, since you have more layers on, does anyone switch from IWB to OWB?

And does anyone practice either A: Drawing and shooting with thick gloves on, or B: Removing gloves, and then transitioning into drawing and shooting.

I've messed around a bit and noticed that it seems easier for me to draw with a hooded sweatshirt on than with just a T-shirt or Polo. I think it's because the thickness of the material makes it easier to manipulate.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Technical difficulties?
When I'm wearing a parka I tend to just throw a revolver with a bobbed hammer in my right hand pocket.

Oh and my riding gloves are also my shooting gloves, so its not a problem.
Now I do no different winter or summer. I still carry my 642 in my pocket.

I worked 20 years with the Anchorage Police Dept. We had parka's for the winter cause it did get a bit nippy. The parka's we were issued had a zipper on the side that was suppose to allow access to one's duty revolver. Still a bit awkward so I carried a snub nose in my parka pocket. I could keep my hand on my revolver and no one knew.
My summer and winter carry never Rossi 462 in a Done Hume OWB worn at the 10:00 position (cross draw) with two speed strips in an Acumold pouch. The pouch can either be worn on my belt or slipped in my right hip pocket.
When I wear a coat, I carry a Speed Six OWB. When I don't wear a coat, I carry a Kahr P380 on my back pocket. If I happen to be in a place where I will be taking my coat off, I either carry the P380 or I pull my shirt out of my pants to cover the Speed Six. I always wear button down shirts or a sweater regardless. If I plan on drinking, even a single beer, I go unarmed (the law is what it is). I am in the process of finding a nice IWB holster for my Ruger Sr40c.
I do switch from inside to outside and almost exclusively carry my .45(except when playing league pool, p 238 for that). If I know the leather jacket isn't coming off when I'm out, shoulder holster. Accessorize!:p:D
I won't be as worried about weapon size, for sure, due to thicker clothing. Presents a problem of its own, however, as there is more fabric to dig through should on need to get to their weapon.

Will likely switch to full size Beretta 92, fewer sharp angles to get caught, large grip, etc. I carry SOB usually, and am stick skinny, just about any size weapon disappears.

I do not practice with gloves as I tend not to wear them, if I do they are fingerless.
Yep winter is coming so a button up shirt. Its almost to the point here in FLA that like in other southern states we have 2 seasons hot and hotter.:eek:
For anyone who carries a knife there is the consideration of being able to cut or stab through the heavier winter clothes an assailant may be wearing, some think serrations cut through better, others would rather thrust. That being said, not much changes for me, I wear gloves at times, but it doesn't hinder me much.
For anyone who carries a knife there is the consideration of being able to cut or stab through the heavier winter clothes an assailant may be wearing

If only, Ohio knife laws are pretty vague...and yet strangely specific at the same time, and our carry permits do not cover weapons other than pistols. Rather unfortunate, I would actually prefer a dagger to a pistol in many cases - such as heavy clothing, distance from assailant, bystanders, etc.
I don't carry concealed, the knife always shows. While I know I tread on ice when doing so, I've never had a problem. That being said, I've looked into knife laws in Ohio, they don't seem to mind open carry, unless in Cleveland. As far as concealed, I don't know. But, I've never talked to any LEOs there and I don't live there, so I wouldn't know. Here:

Depending on what you practice as far as knives go, there are always pocket knives that work with it. I'd either get a Heiho or Spyderco P'kal. The P'kal would be for when a firearm is carried, left side pocket. Hissatsu folder for the cold days. But I'm a fan boy...
In regard to knives, I've been a big fan of SOG for a while now. A buddy got me into them. He spends more money on knives than he does guns, and we all know how expensive guns are. So just imagine his knife collection. :eek:

But going back to firearms, do you guys think it would be wiser to wear loose enough fitting gloves to be able to fling them off, or just practice with them on?
I think you should practice with the gloves on. You may not have time to take them off.

My carry doesn't change in winter with a coat, but I wear a short jacket. People that I know that are outdoors more and wear heavier coats sometimes switch from 4 o-clock to appendix carry and that looks like a good winter option if you keep up with your practice.

My carry choice doesn't change during the winter season but my ammo choice do. I use the Hornady Critical Defense because should the need arise it will not be affected by the thick and heavy clothing, including the denim and leather of the perpetrator. I also practice at the range shooting with gloves and practice my draw while wearing heavy clothing as well.

In regard to knives

Expect to be cut if you ever pull a knife or get one pulled on you.

I've been in knife fights before.

#1 don't get one
#2 carry a gun
#3 carry QuikClot
#4 see number 2
We don't really have much of a winter here, but when it starts getting cold enough to wear a jacket or pullover and switch from cargo shorts to jeans, I switch from pocket carry to belt carry, either my regular EDC PM9 or my Kimber UCII. I also remember to practice my draw daily, since drawing from a pocket is far diffferent from drawing from a belt holster.

As for knives, I always have a 3-inch folder clipped to my weakside pocket. I always use the clip so the top of the knife is visible. I've carried a knife everywhere for probably 40 years and I have never been questioned about it. On a recent trip to Missouri from Texas, I was stopped in Arkansas. The officer asked where my gun was -- door pocket -- and then asked if I had any other weapons. I indicated my folder, he said "don't worry about it." Then, he had me sit in the patrol car next to him while he ran my license, the knife easily accessible. Left with a warning and wondering if police now feel they are invulnerable to sharp objects.
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Same carry in winter as any other time, . . . less problems for the 66 yr old mind to process at a crucial time.

Only change is the IWB is down under one or more layers.

As for gloves, . . . years ago I gave up tight gloves in favor of loose gloves, . . . and I can fling it off in the same movement as I use to reach for my weapon.

Again, . . . KISS, . . . (Kepp It Simple, Soldier).

May God bless,