Winchester Powerpoint

My daughterbtookba nice 7 pointer with a .243 win at 75 yards square in the chest using winchester 100 grn power point, it dissapeared over a small hill and piled up. So I came up with a similar load using Sierra Gamekings and Winchester Supreme 780.
Id pick Gamekings and Partitions over Corelokts and Power points, from what Ive seen in the field.
I'm surprised that some of you have the expectation of the deer "dropping in it's tracks" as normal.

I've never seen a deer drop in it's tracks with a normal "boiler room" shot. Spine or neck shots, sure, but I don't know anyone who intentionally aims for a deer's spine.

I consider it normal for a deer to run 20-50 yards as it dies from a double lung shot.
You just never know how a deer is going to react when you shoot it.
About 8 years ago I shot a yearling buck through both lungs and shot off part of its heart. The bullet entered the left side and exited the right side. The deer stood there for a few seconds , turned around and calmly walk 30 yards in the direction it had come from and fell over dead.
I've never seen a deer drop in it's tracks with a normal "boiler room" shot. Spine or neck shots, sure, but I don't know anyone who intentionally aims for a deer's spine.
You obviously have not shot many with a 257 Wby or 7Rum. DRT, DRT, DRT. It is unusual for the deer to take a single step. The 90gr Norma bonded at 3800 fps makes huge whitetail bucks act like they got a ton of bricks dropped on them.
bullet fail

It's popular to talk about bullet failure these days........and a good response as penned by John Barsness is, " at what point, in the death of said animal, did the bullet fail?"...or words to that effect.

A chest shot deer will do what it's gonna do.......some drop, some crash off, .... the other posts cover the issue. I do not expect a deer to drop at the shot. If it does, great, but my experience is it is not the norm.

In the OP, the bullet penetrated the shoulder, crossed the chest, and exited, the deer(s) were recovered easily and nearby. Mission accomplished, success, situation normal. The Power Point has been an effective and accepted deer bullet for ages. And it worked for the OP.