Win/Miroku/Turnbull Model 92

Nobody asked for those supposed upgrades.
Yes, someone did.....Winchester/Browning asked for them for liability reasons. I doubt Miroku could care less if they were there or not. They've made them both ways for the customer...the customer being the people who import them and distribute them.
I thought anybody reading that comment would understand the context without me having to spell it out.

To clarify:
Nobody in the buying market asked to have Browning's original design modified to a point where unnecessary & undesirable alterations to a very workable rifle adversely affected usage.

Shooters neither needed nor requested such changes, and the result was an action that requires more force to operate, creates a clunky lever cycling, and creates a heavier trigger pull.

I did not blame Miroku, I specifically referred to changes "that the Browning project people had Miroku" make.

In other words, if I have not made my position entirely clear by now, I credit the Browning people with the degradation in performance, not Miroku.
And as an additional note, I'm very glad to see somebody like Turnbull "undo" those annoying lawyer-induced "safety" modifications.

Incidentally, they'll do just the conversion work, if you have a standard Miroku 92 already & want to send your rifle in for it.
Your choice of case colors or blue on the frame, after they do the tang work.
The tang safety gets in the way of a tang sight if you want one,

Good point, I suppose, if you want a tang-mounted sight. Like most people, I don't. I'm happy with the Williams receiver sight I have on my Model 1886 Miroku "replica".

The tang safety gets in the way of a tang sight if you want one, and I find it annoying to my hand even without a tang sight, not to mention the possibility of getting itself activated during normal handling.

Speaking only for myself, of course, the tang safety has never "gotten in my way"; it "feels" fine and has never gotten disengaged with even "abnormal" handling.

And the obligatory: "ymmv" caveat.
If you're happy with what Miroku's 92 offers, it's your money.
I am distinctly not happy with what was done to the design.
My only 'problem' with Turnbull's work is that they come out too beautiful to shoot! Like a custom car, they are made as a work of art, not a shooter so I'll pass. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to own a few but I couldn't bring myself to take them out to shoot them fearing that I'd scratch or mar them.
My only 'problem' with Turnbull's work is that they come out too beautiful to shoot! Like a custom car, they are made as a work of art, not a shooter so I'll pass. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to own a few but I couldn't bring myself to take them out to shoot them fearing that I'd scratch or mar them.
I used to think like that about my really nice stuff (even outside of firearms).
But, two major incidents occurred that changed my attitude:

1. I got my new truck into a nasty spot in the Florida swamps where continuing forward was certain paint damage, but going backward was likely worse. I pressed on, scratched the hell out of it, and later came to terms with the damage. "It's a truck. Use it like one..."

2. I built a nice 444 Marlin, and nearing completion of the project, I realized that it was too nice to take out into the woods. So, I intentionally got sloppy with fitting the butt plate, and intentionally marred the finish on the lever and receiver while doing final fitting of the stocks. Now it's not perfect, and I'm not afraid to use it. And, as dumb as it sounds, that was the catalyst needed for me to look at the other nice stuff and think, "They're all tools. If I'm not going to use them, then sell them!"

I would have no problem dragging a Turnbull-finished item through the woods, so long as it was reliable enough and suitable for the job.
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And, as dumb as it sounds,

To deliberately mar the finish and make an ill-fitting butt plate of a rifle you're making just so you can hunt with it without having angst, does sound as you said, well, dumb-especially when in this context you add:
"I would have no problem dragging a Turnbull-finished item through the woods, so long as it was reliable enough and suitable for the job." :confused:
They're all tools. If I'm not going to use them, then sell them!
That's my point exactly: if I don't feel comfortable using something, I don't buy it. The fact is, all of my firearms are used. True, some are not used much as I'm saving them for my son's inheritance, however, they have all been shot by me and are taken out once in a while even still.

That's why I have 2 Rossi 357mag leverguns; a 20" carbine and 24" rifle among my 8 leverguns. I gave both $58 action and trigger jobs (Steve's Guns parts and DvD) and both have new sights (carbine has Marbles and rifle has a tang and globe set) so I can use them the way I want to. Interesting thing is even with the extra $$ invested in them, together they cost me less than a single Turnbull. Each has over 4K rds through them and both are a ton of fun to shoot without the worry of marring their finish. Reliable, smooth, and everyone wants to shoot them.