Will you collect signatures to Stop SB23?

I have been fighting this issue since it began years ago, then when Pete Wilson did not sign bill everyone thought they were in the clear. Then when Grey Davis stepped into office this one of his vows to open all the bills back up that Pete vetoed. This is a cancer and it is rapidly growing out of control, Davis is doing what I had expected of him from the start (The Sorry Bastard) once he gets all the Senate Bills signed he knows the CRPA and the NRA will have their hands full in tying up the court systems. In the mean time we have gun owners who are in illegal possion of firearms according to the laws starting on January 1, 2000. I have made hundreds of phone calls and written letters (not e-mails) to the Gov. my Senator, and Representative. Talked with local business owners, friends, relatives, and local city representatives. They for the most part all feel the same way this SB23 will not stop the criminal from owning a firearm illegally. My question is how in the hell did all this fly through so damn fast, and the NRA had no real initiative to stopping it?
Got the information today from a local gun shop there is a petition that will be cirulated throughout Kalifornia to get this initiative on the ballot to reverse the decision of SB 23 by the voters of Kalifornia. They need 419,000 signatures within 60 days (I think) it may be 90 days. Check with your local gun shops and be looking for this petition and Sign It Please. Even if we do not win we can at least let know the remaining 49 States we gave it one hell of try, and what may be coming their way.