Will you be exposed?

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I haven't really discussed it yet. I have go bags ready in the basement and she freaked out and called me everything under the sun from paranoid to psyscho. Didn't really care to listen to the fact that last year, about this time, we lost power for 3 days and had to leave our house and stay at my moms. Not an option anymore as my mom has passed and we will need to either hole up or go elsewhere, doesn't a go bag make sense then?

I don't think she would be too receptive to the conversation of "don't out me" as I don't think she really thinks it will ever happen. I'm a planner and she is not and that's just the way it is. Kids on the other hand, my 19 and 16 yr old are on board with the plans, even though they think I think things through too far as well, but at least they're on the same page.

She carries sometimes as well and shoots every bit as good as I do. She doesn't like to think that far ahead.
In both situations we are all the hell out of there if at all possible -- that is ALWAYS the first option. I'm not unnecessarily risking my families future because of two dudes brawling or over the contents of a convenience store register.

If that's not possible, my wife knows to keep her mouth shut.
Thanks and kudos to the OP, . . .

Quite honestly, . . . it never has come up in the conversation.

Almost always when we are out together, . . . we are either at the restaurant table eating, . . . or each off getting our share of the shopping list. We really don't do the "you push the cart, . . . I'll load it up" togetherness thingy.

We WILL have this conversation though, . . . JIC.

We also have really curtailed the opportunities to visit the local "stop and rob", . . . when we do it is for gas, . . . and one always stays with the vehicle.

May God bless,
many topics come up

A year ago my friend's mom was working in a deli mart. There was a ruckus in the parking lot that had spread into the store. I was told that mom "ran to the back where the gun was kept and ran it up front to hand to the owner." So a) the gun was kept in the storage area (not good) and b) she had no idea how to use it (it was a semi-auto).
The fight simmered down and the disagreeing parties left, but what if it was a robbery or something? would she have been able to use the weapon? To retain it if lunged at? This brings up topics of revolver or semi, who's familiar with the weapon, is there a plan in place, etc.
My wife and I have discussed and played out a number of scenarios ... she knows that if we are threatened to move away from me as quickly as possible and seek (at the least) concealment ... if somebody is shooting, I want to be the target, since I am always carrying the means to fight back .. she is not interested in carrying, tho she does have one of those two-shot Kimber pepper blasters ... I would never want her behind me; it limits my ability to respond and to move in a defensive manner while (if I have to) firing back ... plan ahead is always excellent advice ...
My wife and I are a UNIT...move together, live together, fight together, die together! Thats why I got love for 'er!

Well, you won't find a bigger advocate than me for the concept of "The two shall become one flesh", but "Get behind me when the bullets start flying" is another thing entirely.

There's no reason to needlessly expose 2 people to hostile fire, make a bigger target and potential for both of you to get hit by the same bullet when you could be split up and make the BG worry about fire coming from 2 people from 2 directions rather than 1 person, since your wife obviously can't return fire from behind you.

Your life, your wife, your choice, but planning to do things with intentionally poor tactics is unwise, to say the least.
I never mentioned another good idea but some people do name their SD/HD firearm. an example is a shotgun (AKA: Arnold)

my wife, my two children, and I are coming back to the RV in the parking lot as dusk is ending and I have two bags of groceries on my arms and two males are standing near my RV waiting for us to get there. long story short for the thread:

I ask my wife to "go check on Arnold". that's code for an easy, non-suspicious way to say "go grab the shotgun" in case this situation escalates. That takes her out of the line of danger too, and she can bring the kids inside before whatever plan is being hatched by these guys begin. Of course it might be an innocent situation, but you never know especially if you're not where you usually reside.
Mrs. M&P carries as well. Though our agreement is that she will seek cover/concealment and cover my back side if comes to that. She knows what rule number 1 is. Get out of the line of fire. Also her hearing is better than mine. She will be the one on the phone to 911.
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