Will you be exposed?

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New member
I've been thinking about this for a while and haven't seen it addressed so want to ask:

How have you prepared your family for the time when you may need to use your CCW? Through training we have learned to not jump into a situation unless 100% certain about what is going on.

What will your family members say if you

1) Walked up on a fight and a gun is pulled and it is not clear who the bad guy is...

2) Were in a convenience store when an armed robbery began, weapons pulled etc.

Will your husband, wife, significant other, child know to not expose you with

"Dad, shoot him!!" or "Bob, get your gun!!!!" after a robber pulls the trigger on a clerk.

Do your companions know not to expose you and can you trust them in a panic situation to not blurt out that you're armed?

Your thoughts, please.
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My wife knows 2 things, 1. don't say a word about whatever may be happening, and 2. get away from me if I ever draw my gun....... We do have a code word for certain situations....
My wife also knows to get away from me if SHTF and I have to draw. We had had a few discussions about it but not enough. When my kid is born and old enough, I will teach him/her (will know which one in ~2 weeks!) that nobody needs to know that Daddy has a gun and to never tell anyone.
My wife carries some of the time. She ducks otherwise without saying a word. Once, she had her back to the trouble and as I drew and turned her way, she was already down and clear. :D
Another time, she was unarmed and saw a BG drawing/shielding a gun under his coat and approaching a LEO from behind. She poked and hissed it in my ear and I was able to draw and shout out. He froze, realized I had the drop, all in about 1/2 a second. He turned and ran as the LEO turned to see the end of it.
exposed to exclamations made by kids or spouse? What about screams, crashes, booms or gunfire, people running about and the close proximity of danger?

....im not really worried about what people are going to say if there is danger 10feet from me. I doubt that I will even notice it.

My Wife has sense enough to remove herself from danger if she can or take cover if she cant. All I have ever asked her to do is make herself safe and not force me to worry about what she is doing.
Exposed to is not the same as Exposed by.

Engaging with a bad guy is not the question. The question is, what if SHTF and a companion, whether spouse or child or neighbor's kid, who knows you carry screams for you to 'Shoot him!' in a SHTF moment. You are now potentially a target.

Can your companions keep quiet is the question. Have you thought it through? If you're in a restaurant and there is a holdup, if a BG is walking towards your table will someone at your table say 'Daddy, shoot him!'? Now you're screwed.

Food for thought. The question never occurred to me before today and I am asking if others have pondered the same question, and to what conclusion they have come.

Not trying to be a jerk, this is a serious question. Training and self-discipline doesn't rub off on family and friends.
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It's an interesting enough hypothetical, but I have yet to hear of even a single case where anything like this has occurred. As such, I consider it low on the list of things to worry about.
I told my GF if it hits the fan to instantly get away from me ,get down and behind something substantial.

Years ago in PA a man and wife went to the bank .He was carrying and she knew it. Two BGs entered to rob the bank. She whispered 'get your gun' .The BGs heard that and immediately shot and killed him !:(

Family members should be taught not to tell people you carry a gun.
we have one in the house. basically as only one example....if I am watching tv late at night and all of a sudden the alarm sounds - if my wife is walking downstairs in the dark she can use the code word.

i am not going to shoot my wife if she forgets to use the code word, but it helps to minimize the chances for a tragic event. there are other instances too you can think of. a code word lets you and your significant other know everything is safe, it is just me, etc. I recommend having it for emergency backup
... Years ago in PA a man and wife went to the bank .He was carrying and she knew it. Two BGs entered to rob the bank. She whispered 'get your gun' .The BGs heard that and immediately shot and killed him ! ...

Source or I call it what it sounds like ...
good example of a codeword on the opposite side of the spectrum that maybe could've stopped the robbers and/or especially saved his life
It's an interesting enough hypothetical, but I have yet to hear of even a single case where anything like this has occurred. As such, I consider it low on the list of things to worry about.

There was such a situation in one of Ayoob's columns. An off duty cop was standing in a convenience store and was shot when he was outed by the clerk.
25 years ago there was a group of bandits that were robbing grocery stores in Ft Worth, Tx and executing witnesses. I was a cop there, my wife carried as well. I had trained her that if the SHTF she was to move away from me and protect our baby. When it was time for me to act everyone was going to be shooting at me and I did not want my family in the middle. My daughter was raised in such a manner.
It's cool to be an internet Rambo or John Mclane
but no one,I repeat no one, knows what the reaction
will be.Will the BG see you get red faced or move and
shoot you or will you grab your side arm and hesitate
for a split second and take one in the chest.
It's an interesting question, one that
cannot be answered until it happens.
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