Will you ask the offender to wait you've pull out of your bag/coat your gun?

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Dear trg42....,

Uk , Europe at all has a couple of not obeying criminals with guns .
Therefore is there no reason , no permission to leave gunshops open .
Better a few mugger have guns than a whole country with crazy minds among other can get a killer after buying a gun a second before .

To cope with that danger cannot justifyied to get everybody a weapon !
That's not a solution for Europian people ! There are not enough criminals ! Ht wouldn't pay out in Europe !
Americans come from a culture founded by revolutionaries. Since the founding of our country we've been citizens rather than subjects. Because of that, many of us reject the idea that the only those who work for our government should be able to arm themselves
What's the difference. As for handguns for self defence better having one and not needing it than needing one and not having one. Not all Americans carry handguns I would guess the vast majority don't.
Glenn E Meyer ,

my analyses are not supported empirically in every Countries , but the human mind is not that different over distances !

Look my posts and expandings .
Better a few mugger have guns than a whole country with crazy minds among other can get a killer after buying a gun a second before .
You are assuming the entire country is crazy. And maybe from your perspective we are crazy.
Look at it like this, if American gunowners were as irresponsible with their weapons as some would lead you to believe, there would be hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of accidental shootings each year.
If Amercian gunowners were as violent and used firearms to settle every argument as some would have you believe, there would be hundreds of thousands, nay millions, of intentional shootings each year.
But to understand the whole issue, you have to understand that this country fought for its freedom and without guns, we would never have won our independance. So guns hold a lot of meaning to our citizens.

you are saying it .Yoy are forgotten cowboys without social or civil reasons .
A smart person don't want give more weapons for protecting , he wants to destroy all weapons for protect .
Protect the heart , the leisure time , all !

There are very less trying to getting a weapon , when nobody sells any kind of weapons !
Do you not get a few police for a few criminals ?

To ban selling all kinds of firearms, weapons means in your Land losing jobs , or missing money !

That's the fact ! Nothing else .

In Germany or Europe we become demonstraters to force our government , when something has be changed !
you are saying it .Yoy are forgotten cowboys without social or civil reasons .
A smart person don't want give more weapons for protecting , he wants to destroy all weapons for protect .
Protect the heart , the leisure time , all !
Just to inform you I live in the UK.
he wants to destroy all weapons for protect
Why would you want to do that people use firearms for all sorts of reasons not just self defence. More people are killed in Europe by knives would you ban them as well.
Never have I called out a member in public, but you've forced my hand.
With this:
ladybird said:
you are saying it .Yoy are forgotten cowboys without social or civil reasons . . . . .
To ban selling all kinds of firearms, weapons means in your Land losing jobs , or missing money !

That's the fact ! Nothing else .
you have insulted all firearms owners and a large part of the population of the USA. If you want to have a discussion about firearms ownership, you will be welcome here. If you think you're going to insult us and and shame us into changing our minds, you're mistaken.

Nur dass Sie Bescheid wissen: Mit den Saetzen haben Sie alle Waffenbesitzer, und viele Amerikaner beleidigt. Wenn Sie wirklich die Privatbesitzung von Waffen diskutieren wollen, seien Sie hier willkommen. Wenn Sie meinen uns (Waffenbesitzer) so beleidigen, und dadurch uns schaemen, andere zu glauben, haben Sie misgerechnet.
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I have a question for you. Lets pretend that all guns are banned and no criminal has them (an impossibility). How do you take responsibility for your own protection against violent attack?

aaah , great !
You are from Uk ? Than you know about 15% of criminals . There wouldn't capitalized to get weapons to everybody !

Yes , I'm more apprehensive to be knifed than stroken by a car !

I wouldn't ban knives unless there would increase our estimatet 10% attacks aswell !

Did I say firearms have not banned ? I don't think so . Just I have look for a exact translation - firearm . I don't apart / axcept weapons
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How do you take responsibility for your own protection against violent attack?
For me you would do whatever you needed to do and use any weapon that came to hand. That would only be in a situation that I thought my life was at risk. A punch up in a bar my fists using anything else would be frowned upon here and seen as cowardly . But its not something I even think about the odds of it happening are so low.
Spats McGee,

I didn't want annoying you . To read that you keep up a won independence which is ensuing or the aftermath to have weapons is very tough for me nowadays ! Sorry !
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I am of German ancestry, speak a fair amount of German, like to read German history. In the course of my readings I try to understand the German character and mentality as opposed to the American/US one, IMHO the difference is between people who lived in an authoritarian society and who were used to being ruled as opposed to those who grew in a society where individualism and self reliance was the norm and people looked to each other, their families, their churches, etc. and not the government for everything from moral and economic support to self defense.

You ask me how would looks my protection in case !

Don't you read or do you misunderstanding my posts ?

Very often I have demonstrated my opinion .
In Europe there is a low rate of criminals , as you can't buy weapons .
Therefore it don't pay out to think about protection !

Otherwise I would force my government as a demonstrater amongst other for protection .
Our non-firearm murder rate is several times higher than Germany's total homicide rate.

Mexico has much stricter firearm laws than the US but has a far higher murder rate than the US. I'm not sure adopting regulations like Germany's or Mexico's would lower our murder rate.

Tens of thousands of people in the US successfully use firearms to protect themselves every year.

Yes , I'm more apprehensive to be knifed than stroken by a car !

In the US (and I suspect Germany), the odds of being killed by a car far exceed the chance of being murdered with a knife or a gun.
Understand, America is very different, historically, and in mentality, than Germany.

Philosophically, the belief that citizens should be allowed to keep weapons is rooted in our American Revolution. Many Americans have a deep distrust of our own government, and keep weapons as a defense against possible tyranny by our own government.

In addition to that, there are many people in America for whom calling the police is not an option, simply because the police are so far away. Where I grew up, I had to drive for 15 minutes after I left the city, just to get to some friends' houses.

Finally, we have a saying in America: All men were created, but Sam Colt made them equal. Perhaps you'd like a world in which guns are not needed. That's not a bad goal. However, in a world without guns, the physically weak are always at the mercy of the physically strong.

With all of that said:
(1) That's enough (das reicht schon) with the name-calling ("cowboys" and "without social or civil reasons");
(2) Several other TFL members have asked you perfectly legitimate questions about your beliefs on non-gun ownership, which you have ignored. If you want to discuss, fine. If all you're just going to do is scold us like unruly children, that's not fine.
ladybird said:

You ask me how would looks my protection in case !

Don't you read or do you misunderstanding my posts ?

Very often I have demonstrated my opinion .
In Europe there is a low rate of criminals , as you can't buy weapons .
Therefore it don't pay out to think about protection !

Otherwise I would force my government as a demonstrater amongst other for protection .

Ladybird, so your saying there is a low rate of criminals in Europe because the law abiding citizens cant buy weapons.

your saying its not worth it to you to take responsibility for your own protection. Your saying that if there ever was a reason, you would petition the government to provide for your protection... good luck with your protest in your time of need. There is no government in Europe that is there to protect the individual citizen. Its a good thing you live in an area with a low rate of criminals. Some people don't have that choice.

So because you chose to depend on others (that will never be there for you) for your personal protection doesn't mean that everyone else is denied the ability to defend themselves as they see fit.
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