Will We Be a Protected Class?

Schools and Churches in America both fall in the same category. They want people who tow the line and fly under the radar. They do not want any unpleasantness. They are long on talk and policy and short on action. Anything that might tarnish a reputation or bring on potential embarrassment is swept under the rug if not held at bay at the door. The question posed to the prospective teacher falls right in line with the mindset in America.

Without going into details, I am a person of Faith and I attend Church regularly. I just call it as I see it when the 2 ton pink elephant is in the corner of the room. Via first hand experience with a rebellious son I know first hand how modern schools and churches operate. Still you can't let humans cause you to lose sight of what is really important in life.

In the case of my potential job, I am sure this is something that either came from the ownership in Japan or someone in a high leadership position stateside who was unfriendly to firearms. I am actually glad I learned up front but just the same it was cause for concern.
Just noticed this thread which is a little old now, but thought I might add something.

Everybody here jumped to the conclusion that the company doing the hiring didn't want you to own a gun, and were offended because they owned one but didn't want to have to answer "yes"to that question, but hey! There are a few 2A supporters who own companies too, and answering that question "no" might for them might have as easily been interpreted to mean the applicant was a nutso left wing union activist limp-wrist or something.

If I'd been asked in a job interview if I owned a gun, I'd have acted surprised and said something like "Your job advertisement didn't mention that I'd be required to own a gun. Is this a dangerous job?" and then I'd try to mindread from their reply which way the wind blew in thaqt company on that question. Then I'd give them the answer I thought they wanted to hear. I'd certainly never let the truth or my personal political sentiments stand in the way of feeding my family.

I carried a concealed weapon against the policy of my employer for 20 years under the same "street" logic that's inheirent in the old saying that "it's better to be to be tried for a crime by a 12 man jury than to be carried to your grave by 6 pall bearers.

The whole purpose of carrying a concealed weapon is so that nobody will know you're carrying it, isn't it?
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