Will W. be able to effectively govern after all this?


New member
After all is said and done, after Judge Sauls, after the FLSC and perhaps even the USSC, when Bush is finally sworn in (make no mistake, he will be), will he ever be able to effectively run this country? The media obviously won't let him. He'd have to save a drowning baby in a hurricane on national TV before he'll get any good press and CNN would still get it wrong! The Democrats are going to throw all this in his face for the next four years and then use it in 2004. Now that it looks like he will, in fact, take office, what chance does GWB have at getting a fair shake by the misinformed, uneducated general public?
Of course he will!
We've all seen the map of the areas that went for gore (cities, mostly). The majority of the country went to GW.

I don't know about you folks, but I give very little credence to the media (TV or press). I reckon that's how most folks look at things, now. So, no matter what the media says, they're just a bunch of bloated talking heads.

If GW follows through with conservatism (big if, there), he'll do fine...
I have seen the election map. But in this case, the only real estate that matters is the the one in D.C. where the Congress holds session. Look for the Demos to behave even more badly than they did with Reagan in the Whitehouse.

And look for the news media to help them, again.

Unless this election cycle created a whole bunch of suddenly aware conservative activists, it will be a brutal next two years and even worse if the Demos can take one or both houses in the 2002 Congressional elections.

The time to organize is now.

You hit upon the crux of this whole mess. The media!! I would suggest to all reading this that it is they who are the real movers and shakers in this country. What would you call it?? A MEDIOCRACY?? (HeHeHe) Interesting play on words...ehh?
You heard it here first folks!! What makes it so relevant is the truth in it. Our real enemy is the media and we will ulitmatly loose until such time as we can excersise some measure of control over what the American people hear and see.
No no no. Let the citizens of the United States hear what ever is broadcast. Just make damn sure that what is broadcast is the absolute unvarnished truth. If a reporter wants to editorialize instead of reporting exactly what happens then have a little heart to heart talk with the reporter. May have to "mule and a two by four" several of them but eventually they will get the point. They are no different that unruly children that need to be taught a little dicipline.
Here is some food for thought...

There are more American adults that didn't vote in the election than did. Sorry to say but there's a substantial portion of our population that is apolitical or simply doesn't care. W as President will be a non-issue for half the population. No big problem here.

The media will try to play up this "no mandate, no popular vote" angle until they realize that the average American doesn't care. After they get this through their thick skulls we should be able to get over this hurdle.

Congress is still slightly in W's favor, so he should get the support he needs. And if he's the "uniter" that everybody says he is, then he may even be able to sway a few Dems his way every now and then. If there are some Dems that decide to make this an issue in Congress, I think they may quickly change their minds under political and popular pressure. I don't see a permanent problem here so long as two years from now the Repubs don't shoot themselves in the collective feet.

Here's the kicker though, both candidates campaigned on the assumption that the country will enjoy enormous surpluses. Folks, the economy isn't going to continue like gangbusters. We're already seeing signs...declining home and auto sales, interest rates inching up, consumer confidence down, dot-coms failing left and right, etc. W is very likely to inherit a recession. And just as Bubba got credit for the great economy (which wasn't his doing), W will get slammed for the economic downturn. How he handles himself and the nation's economy will be his ultimate test. He isn't likely to get a fair shake with the media, so his leadership will need to be strong enough to overcome this built-in media bias.

Can W govern effectively? Absolutely! There will be many obstacles in his way, many placed by the media, but the biggest factor in his ability to govern will be his handling of the economy he inherits from Bubba-Alghore.

Perhaps what onecoyote meant was that we should get our own media, not censor other's media.
Personally, I would actually like to be governed less effectively.

Main Entry: gov·ern
Pronunciation: 'g&-v&rn
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French governer, from Latin gubernare to steer, govern, from Greek kybernan
Date: 14th century
transitive senses
1 a : to exercise continuous sovereign authority over; especially : to control and direct the making and administration of policy in b : to rule without sovereign power and usually without having the authority to determine basic policy
2 a archaic : MANIPULATE b : to control the speed of (as a machine) especially by automatic means
3 a : to control, direct, or strongly influence the actions and conduct of b : to exert a determining or guiding influence in or over <income must govern expenditure> c : to hold in check : RESTRAIN
4 : to require (a word) to be in a certain case
5 : to serve as a precedent or deciding principle for <customs that govern human decisions>
intransitive senses
1 : to prevail or have decisive influence : CONTROL
2 : to exercise authority
- gov·ern·able /-v&r-n&-b&l/ adjective

My take: W will be able to govern, but he won't have much of a "honeymoon". Some things to remember:

1) 60% of American's think Algore should quit and leave. They are ready for W to govern. That is not a bad "approval rating" to start out with.

2) The media DO have a powerful influence on American opinion, but it is far from absolute. If it were, 60% of Americans would not want Algore to go away! Remember, they tried to make public opinion hate Oliver North during his testimony before Congress. But the public was impressed by his candor. If the media had their way, 60% of Americans would want W to go away.

3) Most important: W CAN GOVERN. Ask Texans. You don't beat an incumbent Democrat, and then win re-election, if you can't do the job. The media have been trying to hide this fact for a year. When he starts to work, people will see.
Dubya will have to ignore the talking head and take the media on nose to nose. If he plays hardball he will be admired. If he starts acting like Trent Lott and goes wobbly, the press will eat him alive. He can effectively govern but he can not play to the grand stands. He has to determine what is right, set his face to do right, then do it. Skeptics will favorably respond, but he has to understand there is a group of people, mainly in the media, who will never support him. So sc*ew-'em and get busy with his agenda.

If he does not stand up to the democrats and spineless republicans he will be destroyed quickly. Pressure for the spinelessrepublicans to cave to the democrats will be intense. He has to be different and stand up for what is right and proper and decent.
Gore won the popular vote and the GOP lost several important senate seats. I doubt seriously that W will be able to get much done... causing a virtual "crisis" based on counterfeit logic to allow Hillary to seize the opportunity to take the White House on some weird campaign about "change."

She'll get the votes of every nitwit who voted for Gore, as well as the women's vote. She'll wipe the floor with W.

Get ready to batten down the hatches. With Hillary as Prez, the Left will be happier than a contented piglet fresh from the teat. Other images are inappropriate for this forum.
I'd like to think that President-Elect Bush will start off by treating the media like a lawyer treats a hostile witness. Start off by calling a few of them "Major League A-holes" and go from there. :D
I think you're probably right, Munro.

I've only seen President-Elect Bush wearing a tie once since election day. Usually I see him on TV wearing some casual clothing, or walking on his ranch. Seems to me that he's trying to look like just a "regular guy."

Makes me wonder if he won't bring a little "down home" or "common man" feeling to his presidency. After eight years of ol' Slick, it would be a welcome change.

I think it will be very difficult for him when he takes office, but it would have been worse for algore.
This reminds me of an article I read a while ago titled "The Internet's Latest Victim". The basic's behind the article was that the Internet is killing media. It is getting to the point now that nobody is relying on T.V. or newpapers to get information. (How many of you come to TFL looking for news these days? ;)) With the internet you can get up to date factual information when you want it. The media no longer as a strong enough influence over the general populace to have an affect. Just a thought.....
Who is George W?

The Democrats and the media are about to begin the 2002 elections.

George W is not the most dynamic speaker and not your most aggressive politician.

This isn't Texas. George W's ability to work with the Democrats will be used against him. They will act as if they are working with him and then they will set him up and turn. He will then be depicted as a eater of children, KKK leader, evil oil man, or whatever.

We will see if George can rise to the challenge. We must also see if the economy will hold. An early tax cut is important.

[Edited by Gary H on 12-05-2000 at 05:32 PM]
Whatever happens, he needs to bolster the economy. We are starting to see layoffs, downsizing again, .com's failing and unemployment on the rise. Let alone the stock market failures.

If he can improve the US financially, he will do OK I believe.
Reagan democrats will go with the repubs on most economic issues. Cheney will be the new tie-breaker in the Senate.
The Clinton veto will be forever gone.
The republicans will have no excuse again.