Will the intelligence discrepencies about Iran hurt Republicans in 2008?

IMO, the guys who produced this intel are Clintonistas held over from the ‘90s who burrowed their way into civil service jobs. They deliberately produced this report to prevent Bush from taking any pre-emptive action against Iran, regardless of what the truth really is.

They won't fool me though because I have my tin foil hat and George Dubya Decoder Ring!

Right, the Clintons, who I have no love for, actually want Iran to have nuclear weapons...
No, we weren't.

But the media will not report any of the WMDs we've found over there because the hate Bush so much

Right... vast left wing conspiracy.

So enlighten me. What evidence of newly developed (post Gulf War I) WMD programs was found. There were some containers of left over chemical weapons that were ancient history, and as I remember there were traces remaining in them. Now Iraq did have WMD programs and rattled a mean sabre for a long time making the world believe they had more than they did. How much of this was to curry favor with those in the region by standing up to the "Great Satan" will never be known for certain but it was a bluff that failed them when the resolve of the USA changed after 9/11.

Do you know of an ICBM with a nuke on it stored somewhere? Iraq had programs and it is now clear those programs were on hiatus at present. They were not dumping money into them and no new developments were taking place. Now they had not destroyed all their old research (nobody ever does and if they say they did they are lying) and may fully have intended to reactivate the development programs when sanctions were lifted. Either way they did NOT have viable programs when we invaded. Hey, I supported the war based on the information provided and fully admit that. I am concerned looking back that perhaps we were not looking at all the information honestly, only seeing what those at the top chose to see. That seems to be a major weakness of this administration. They may only have chosen to look at data supporting their assertions. Who can be certain that is truly impartial? I know the administration isn't but neither are the loudest of their detractors. The rest of the world thought SOMETHING might have been there so I am willing to say the invasion was justified on those grounds.

Basically after 9/11 SOMEONE was going to get their ass kicked. Afghanistan was too quick and handled primarily with special forces organizing locals to fight. We did have troops on the ground but nowhere near the levels that were planned for Iraq. Iraq was going to be the flag waving, ticker tape parade through the Canyon of Heroes for a generation. Unforntunately utter mismanagement has led to something very different.

Now that Iraq is looking to be a black eye on the Bush administration in the history books he is looking to redeem himself with a properly conducted action. This time we have our own people saying "Hey, they have no WMD programs!" At the same time there are Bu****es out there who think everything is honkey dorey with Iraq and now want to invade Iran based on what "they know."

Get something straight, this nation will NOT support going into Iran. Until we are done with Iraq those who wish to rattle the US saber better understand the majority of this nation does not want to go down the same path again. In addition we need to accept soemthing, there are other nations on this planet and more than a couple are not our friends. If you want to go the path of Imperial America then just say so and we can have a discussion about dropping the nukes, expanding the empire and enslaving populations. The other option is some form of bass ackwards war where we are trying to help a population that really simply wants to kill each other and/or us. No thanks.