will the .308 and the 30-06 go long ranges

Can you hit a vital organ at your stated range ?

We were cheated anyway. The original 30-06 design was for a rifle with 30" barrel and a carbine with 24" barrel. They never made the 30" ! :p :D
Can you hit a vital organ at your stated range ?

That is the question, I think, every ethical hunter should ask before they take a shot.

I can and have put lead on steel at 1000 yards consistently. Would I take that shot on game? Never! I am not that good. The range I am willing to shoot varies with rifle, position, and conditions. I am willing to take a shot from a box stand in ideal conditions at a known range at a much further distance than I would take a shot from a stable kneeling position.

Each of us should have a distance at which we are willing to take an ethical shot. For some of us it will be further than others.
As was just stated, it's in my opinion an absolute abomination to take a shot hoping to get lucky. Blowing off a critters face at 600 when the honest range a person could actually reliably hit a vital spot off of a bench is only 400. I understand the difficulty of turning down a shot, but it really violates the ethics of fair chase.
My father, in front of witnesses, had three one-shot Bambi kills in the 500-yard vicinity. My longest shots were one-shot kills at 350 and 450--neither of which were "Gee, I hope this works!"

A little bit of talent + a fair amount of practice = adequate skill to get the job done.
The point that I made was that nobody who can't make those shots shouldn't take them. There a r e probably several million people out there who shouldn't be shooting at even 100.

People should take responsibility to develop their skills, understand the limitations, and stay within them.

Go back to the leatherstocking mythology. The deerslayer never missed and he had a reverence for life. I can't say it any better.
We were cheated anyway. The original 30-06 design was for a rifle with 30" barrel and a carbine with 24" barrel. They never made the 30" !

That is interesting. If so.
The Krag was made as a 30" rifle and a 22" carbine.
The 1901 Springfield ".30 Headless" was a full 30" rifle for the very few made.
My sources say the barrel length of the 1903 was set at 24" to avoid the need for a carbine. So we then had the 1903 .30-03 with 24" barrel, followed by the 1903 .30-06 with 24" barrel.

I don't see any place in the chronology for a 30" .30-06. Except the Free Rifle, which is a different cat.

The British and Germans had the same idea which might have given Springfield management an incentive.