Will soft body armor stop an arrow?

I enjoy making predictions and discussing the theory behind it. I usually learn a lot in these discussions.

Also, I just noticed that my stoopid phone typed "potentate" instead of "penetrate".:p
I use to collect old bows and picked up a lot of old equipment with it. I used to sell the fiberglass (Heavy) arrows to a guy that hunted Africa. He told me it was for heavy penetration, and he used 2 bladed steel heads. Anybody remember the old arrow vrs. 30-06 through the block of butter ad?
I remember, way back when during my Hunters Safety class, watching a video showing an arrow vs 30-06. Had a 1 gal coffee can filled with sand. Standing behind the coffee can was a small mirror. First the 30-06 was fired and had a heck of an impact on the can, tossing sand everywhere, but did not penetrate through the can and mirror was still intact. Then they shot the arrow, it penetrated all the way through the can and shattered the mirror behind it...

It's an example of slicing through a medium (Arrow), vs displacing the medium to force it's way through (30-06).

Bullets, no matter how pointy, do not slice through any medium, they forcefully move the medium around the bullet and the kinetic energy busts a whole through...
generally, with soft body armor, very ligght and very fast are best at defating it. at least with handguns. take 9mm for example, although a 147gr bullet has the best penetration in gel, the only ones that go through vests are the 80-90gr bullets at high velocity, even though they penetrate the least through ballistics gel. i would assume that a lightweight field point, hardned and tapered would do the best. a bodkin maybe a good choice as well.
There's been plenty of discussion on the effectiveness of arrows.
According to the actual tests I've seen, arrow weight and the cutting ability of the broadhead makes all the difference.
The fairly wide and longish two blade tip, sharpened like a razor blade and attached to a very heavy arrow was credited with the most penetration.
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Another deadly "assault weapon" to ban. How can we ever subjugate the people with all those weapons out there? :eek:
