Will regular use of .357 Remington Golden Sabers wear out a S&W M66 K-frame?

I slouch corrected. The barrel on an N frame .357 is indeed larger and thicker than on a K frame gun. I recalled once measuring the barrels for comparison between N and K frame guns but I was mistaken. What I had actually done was measure .38 Special vs. .357 Magnum barrels on the same frame sizes and they were the same. This is what popped into my head during this discussion but it was not correct.

This will not, however, prevent me from the continued use of full-powered loads in my K frame .357s.
This will not, however, prevent me from the continued use of full-powered loads in my K frame .357s.

It sure don't prevent me from doing it. :D A split forcing cone some 5,000-15,000 rounds down the road is pretty far from the end of the world. Durn few people shoot enough to actually see this phenomenon, and thems what do tend to be pretty unruffled by it... ;)
SaxonPig: the issue with the hot 125s is that they're moving like a bat outta hell when they hit the forcing cone. With 158s, even if the speed at the muzzle is in the same ballpark between two loads, the "impact speed" at the forcing cone is significantly different, and slowwer for the 158.

Plus the Ks have a weak spot at the lowest section of the forcing cone (rear end of the barrel just ahead of the cylinder).
I have never seen a split forcing cone, but I hear others say that it happens so I guess it does. I wonder if this could be prevented by making a small semi-circular notch at the bottom of the forcing cone? Sometimes an elipse can disperse stress in metal and prent cracks. Or maybe it would just further weaken it?
Golden sabers should be fine, as they are a reduced load to begin with. They also have a taper to them that is supposed to help line them up with the barrel much smoother. So in theory they shouldn't beat the cone up nearly as bad as a standard slug.

Notice how they are taper crimped, not roll crimped.
If you have a bullet puller take one apart and look at the slug.

Kinda interesting.