Will Pres Obama cause more pro gunners to retake congress?

Will Pres Obama cause more pro gunners to retake congress?

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In reply 17 the abreviation AMT is used no doubt in relation to a new form
of tax.
Could somone please explain this.
Thank You.

There is no question that Obama will be more hostile towards gun rights. The question is..."If he gets in and the middle class sees things it likes such as affordable health care, reduced taxes.......

Where on God's green earth have you ever read that Obama will provide "affordable" health care and reduced taxes?

Links please.
Where on God's green earth have you ever read that Obama will provide "affordable" health care and reduced taxes?
I think he and Clinton both stressed healthcare in their campaigns.

How about you deal with the question with a whole for a change instead of trying to wiggle a few words out and create a distraction.

How about you deal with the question with a whole for a change instead of trying to wiggle a few words out and create a distraction.

Distraction? What distraction? You made a statement regarding Obama's platform, and I asked you for links to back up two specific parts of it. If his platform is as you say it is, links shouldn't be too difficult to provide. If you can handle that, which I doubt, perhaps then we will address the rest of your statement.
Distraction? What distraction? You made a statement regarding Obama's platform, and I asked you for links to back up two specific parts of it. If his platform is as you say it is, links shouldn't be too difficult to provide. If you can handle that, which I doubt, perhaps then we will address the rest of your statement.
Once again you huff and puff and avoid the true question. If Obama gets elected (which he probably will thanks to the far right succeeding in making him a persecuted Martyr instead of dealing with his true faults) and people like what they see, will they care what he does about handguns? If they do not like what they see will gun rights positions be something they look for in congressional candidates when they seek to counter him?

If you want links to his platform try using your search engine. But here are a few links about affordable healthcare being one of his platforms here you go. See it is not hard.

The very fact that only a little over a third of the people are saying "Yes", on a gun forum of all places, should tell you something.
Obama will go after guns.....it just wont make the news. If it does it will be a safety/collective...we need peace from the violence....crap spin.

But then McCain likes restricting the 1stA so I have no faith with him either.