Will Palin's Pregnant daughter hurt her...

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No they are not. They are defection from the real point. Which is that Palin's own daughter is living proof of the failure of abstinence-only education.
The topic is "Will Palin's Pregnant daughter hurt her... conservative credentials? Did McCain know about this when he picked her? How will this play with social conservatives?" Her conservative credentials matter now only because of her selection as McCain's VP. Nothing in the original post mentioned anything about abstinence-only education.
Sure is does. It is policy matter unlike where Obama goes to church. A huge part of Palin's policy declarations have been about abstinence-only no contraception sex education inside and outside the home.
Oh my God! A pregnant, unwed teenager? How scandalous. This would probably not be so sensational if any teenager had ever gotten pregnant before in the history of the world, but her being the first one…

Attack the candidates on the issues. Let’s leave their kids, on both sides, out of it, OK?
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