Will GW find a good fit for Alan Keyes?

I am not so sure that Keyes is perfect (some of his positions suggest to me thathe and I have matching biases, not matching ability to live and let live)...but he's much better than most alternatives. Would love to see him in any PR position :)
I have the perfect place for Alan Keyes. A worthy successor to Dr. Jean Kirkpatrick: U.N. AMBASSADOR!!!. :D He will put all those pesky anti-gun countries, like Japan in their place!!!!
That is where we need him the most.
Let the e-mail campaign begin...;)
Keyes for UN Ambassador has a nice ring...but it won't happen. Like many others here I feel he is not comprimised enough to be named to a post. However, it would be awesome for Keyes to be appointed as Ambassador to the European Union ( I know, no such job (yet)). It would be awesome to watch him lecture those smarmy socialist, hedonist, numb-nutz.

"See here Netherlands, what is this nonsense with legalized drugs and prostitution? Did Prince William of Orange fight for the independence of the United Provinces from monarchial Spain so that..."

"Hey, Deustchlanders, didn't you learn the lesson about killing minorities already? What is this neo-nazi crap? If the US and Russia have 75,000 nukes between them, how many do you think are labelled 'Berlin'?"

Ed, are you thinking of Andrew Young and Jimmy Carter?
Been There, Done That

Alan Keyes was U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Social and Economic Council and also Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations.
One major reason why Alan Keyes won't be placed in a postiion of worth is that he ( as far as I know at the moment ) isn't a member of any of the "elite" groups. I.e. the masons, council of foreign relations, sierra club etc.
All other major U.S. government officials from Bill Clinton to George Bush snr and jr to Henry Kissenger, most congressmen and senators, they all belong to one or more of these groups.

Heres a link to a web page listing the links these people among others have to these groups

Hell it even says Barbara Walters belongs to the CFR?