Will green lasers take over the market?

I find it hilarious how much more the green lasers are. Take a 100 mw diode and driver from ebay , a red laser, and literally swap components, and you have a green laser 20x more powerful than any green sold in the u.s. They are limited to 5mw
I used to work with them and I vaguely remember the extra power consumption has something to do with the fact that a green laser cycles differently
HKFan9 said:
You shouldn't have had to I would send em back to CT. CT adjusts each laser 3 seperate times before shipping out on EVERY grip. The should come dead on for 25m. Don't believe me, call em and ask.

Why on earth would you go through the hassle and expense of returning a sight to it's manufacturer because it didn't align perfectly on installation rather than using the supplied adjustment screws and the 2 minutes it requires to make the adjustment?

My CT grips were most certainly not "dead on for 25m" and even if they were I'd have adjusted them. I want dead on at closer to 25 feet rather than meters.

My grips had me shooting about 2" high and right at 25 feet. At 25 meters I would have been 6" high and right.
There actually are direct green laser diodes. Just not in the 536nm range. IIRC, they are @ 531nm. The cost is way up there. So is the power requirement.
Well, sure enough! Apparently they became available in 2009.
Why on earth would you go through the hassle and expense of returning a sight to it's manufacturer because it didn't align perfectly on installation rather than using the supplied adjustment screws and the 2 minutes it requires to make the adjustment?

Because something else could be wrong with them.

Also what CT points out is if you back out the adjustment screws enough you will never get it to align properly and would have to return them. This of course probably wouldn't be covered under their one year warranty. Just tell you what the reps tell me.

You are right about the feet, I am so used to writing meters I got it wrong.

Also I believe they will cover shipping, they do when I have an issues with their stuff but we are also a dealer. Their customer service is outstanding. Just make sure you remember to call once a year for your free batteries.;)
Dazer Laser....

If you want to see a cool new defense laser unit(green), check out the Guardian from Laser Energetics.
To my knowledge, the compact green laser isn't available to consumers yet but it's impressive. ;)
I recently installed this one on my .40 carbine. I figure for $35 range it's worth a gamble... Apparently they're from China but the build quality is decent considering the price, and the light is VERY bright. A couple of the feedback guys say they've used them successfully with hundreds of rounds, and the positive comments outweigh the negative by quite a bit. I'm not even going to mess with the dubious pressure switch which seems responsible for many of the negative comments. Anyhow, I'll probably be posting a range report in a couple weeks.

Note: It doesn't ship with a battery.
