Will elitism kill the sport?

Elitism exists in almost any human endeavor which involves more than one individual!

Like Art said; "Hang together or be hanged separately".
Great thread
I am associated with and guide for an outfitter in NM.
WWW.HUNTINGWESTERNUSA.COM. Among other things we hunt Bear and Lion with dogs. Oh the horror!! I have recently moved to CO where it is now illegal to hunt Bear with dogs. Guess who many of the people whom pushed the dog ban in CO were? Yup you guessed it, hunters. Bird hunters who believed through there total ignorance that dog hunting for big game is cruel and unsportaman like. And Elk hunters who Who join RMEF (yes I'm a member) and all of a sudden get the one step above those other guys syndrome. There were others as well. We hunters as a group made the antis cream in their jeans on that one. If you want to see hunting gone for good keep up with this mine is better than yours attitude it's not as far away as you think.

Oh and by the way for any of those folks who believe that hunting the Rockys for Lion and Bear with dogs is a cake walk We've got a standing offer for them. Simply state your beliefs at the begining of the hunt and if after 3 days of scrambling around some of the roughest country in the lower 48 chasing a pack of hounds, You aren't completely whopped and don't agree that thios was one of the toughest hunts you've ever been on,you get the hunt free.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, when you think about it dog hunting is the one of the only true forms of catch and release hunting there is. If after you tree something you don't like it pull the dogs back and let it go.

I know that I'm preaching to the quire but son of a gun I make no appoliges I really feel strongly about this. For any of you guys wanting to come out west this year It should be a great one for ELk, Mule Deer seem to be strong in NM this year, and Bear and Lion Are going to be real good we've been seeing lots of em.