Will Chicago ever get reasonable gun owner rights ?

I would speculate that this is part of a set up. When the CPD cannot curb a rise in crime under the new Mayors(Emanuel) administration due to a lack of Officers, they can point to the lack of a federal AWB, the voiding of Chicago's handgun ban and also CCW in Illinois(when it comes) as factors. This is all speculation but IMO reasonable speculation given the legal and political history in Chicago.

On the positive side of all this, it is just a matter of time before CCW despite the inevitable challenge by Illinois to it is reality not only in Illinois, but in Chicago and Cook county much the same way that handgun bans by localities have more or less been struck down by the Supreme Court. I never thought I would say this but I really believe I will live to see CCW in Illinois.
I agree with what's been said.

Marion Barry blamed DC's crime problem on the surrounding areas of Virginia. I'm sure Emanual will make some claim that Chicago's crime problem is the result of lenient gun laws outside of Chicago.

I think McCarthy has already said "we can't arrest our way out" of Chicago's crime problem. That's a way of saying that putting more better equiped bettter trained police officers on the street won't accomplish anything.
When ever I see backwards thinking - a common denominator is shifting responsibility from where it should lie.

The idea that it's the government's job to protect people and if people protect themselves - it's vigilantism and they are over-stepping their bounds.

No - people have a right to protect themselves and no governmnet could ever take responsibility for it because 30% of the entire populace would have to go on the government payroll as "peace" officers.

The idea that the people in Chicago that are commiting the majority of crimes in Chicago aren't responsible for those crimes - that it's a nation wide conspiracy to get guns into the hands of black and brown children.

There are a large number of crimes committed without firearms. Is it the nation's gun control laws that are causing the people who commit those crimes to engage in criminal activities?

It's the same old story - tell a people that they're not to blame for their own crummy situation, in exchange they keep you in office.
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Well , as one who lives about 1 1/2 hours from Chicago , I don't see the possibility of this happening , not with the current Administration in place . A great many people were hanging on the edge of their seats when HB 148 hit the floor in the House , and a collective " moan " was felt when it didn't pass ( and I was one of them ). With the rising tide of violence in Chicago , I think that the majority of citizens state-wide would be in favor of such a bill . This state needs to follow suite with the other 48 . And i'm sorry , but the lift on gun ownership ban in Chi-town , while a good start , just isn't cutting it . :confused:

just my .01 cent .
@ Tengu: Normally I would agree with you but after the McDonald case I think that pro-2A groups even in Illinois have the upper hand.
It might take a SCOTUS or multiple SCOTUS decisions against the state of Illinois/City of Chicago but it will happen so long as the makeup of the SCOTUS doesn't change before this thing is seen through.

Chicago will be dragged kicking, screaming, tooth and nail to it but you will see a "technically" legal CCW in Illinois. It might be next to impossible to get to begin with, this is where in the next 10+ years we are going to see the limits of 2A as decided by SCOTUS. What type of handgun, what levels of training, what ammunition type of capacity, detachable mags, "assault" weapons etc etc. I am sure the second any kind of CCW is passed in the State of Illinois unless provisions are written otherwise the City of Chicago and County of Cook will ban it. Considering the make up of the Illinois legislature at this point this is almost guaranteed.

The scary part is a number of SCOTUS justices that are pro 2A are getting very old and under this administration we have already seen the types of people deemed fit for service on the high court. Through legal maneuvers, going in as the State of Illinois then perhaps the County of Cook then the City of Chicago CCW in IL could be "up in the air" for more than a decade. All that needs to happen to ruin the second amendment in America is for Obama to be re-elected or if the next Administration is republican for that president to be a 1 termer, succeeded by Obama pt2 and to replace one or in a doomsday scenario 2 pro 2A justices with YOUNG anti 2a justices.

I would say the upcoming state of IL or City of Chicago decisions are going to be the most important 2A cases in the next decade or two.
I do not want to see anyone get hurt - not an inncent victim getting mobbed, or anyone, but I do think that the flash mobbing would stop if the next group of thugs to try it take a few bullets in the attempt.

Is there really a rising tide of violence in Chicago?

I know we had the flash mobbing incidents, but, it just doesn't feel like there is a crime wave of epidemic proportions or anything - maybe its that the media isn't reporting it - I don't know.
posted Today, 05:42 AM #5 by


Interesting information:

1960s-1970s In Oakland, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale form the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. Among other things, the Panthers advocate the use of guns as a means of protection against police brutality. In May 1967, 30 party members stage an armed protest in the California state Capitol against a restrictive gun control bill, carrying loaded shotguns and rifles into the Capitol building.

The gun control bill is eventually signed into law. In his article titled Don't Blame Liberals for Gun Control, Richard Poe writes

It was Governor Ronald Reagan of California who signed the Mulford Act in 1967, "prohibiting the carrying of firearms on one's person or in a vehicle, in any public place or on any public street." The law was aimed at stopping the Black Panthers, but affected all gun owners.

So stop blaming the liberals.
I also don't like the term "Top Cop"

The police officers who patrol the streets, carry out investigations, respond to calls, and do their duty day in and day out should not be put in the category as a political hack like McArthur.

McArthur is a shameless self-promoter cow-towing to Emanual. If ever his tenure in Chicago comes to an end - I'm sure he'll find some other anti-gun mayor to whore himself out to. Just like that hack Joseph McNamara.

McNamara is still feeding at the anti-gunner trough, always ready to give a sound-bite for Sarah Brady. Spent most of last year promoting the legalization of marijuana.

As long as there are mayors like Emanual and Bloomberg, there will be cities for guys like McArthur to rotate around to.
Is there really a rising tide of violence in Chicago?

Yes there is, and the PTB are sweeping it under the rug with a vengeance. Mac is worse than JFLED and the Cops hated JFLED. Google the video where he says the NRA doesn't like him. but do it on empty stomach.
Talk about a racist argument! Isn't the chief essentially saying that if you give black people access to firearms they can't help but shoot each other? The basic facts necessary to make his conspiracy theory believable are more abusrdly racist than the actual conspiracy he proposes.

And of course, the villain in this conspiracy is an organization formed by veterans of the war that ended slavery, Union officers in the post-Civil War era. A villain whose most well-known President marched alongside Dr. Martin Luther King in the civil rights struggle. :rolleyes:

What can you say, crazy talk is crazy - chief of police or not.
Is there really a rising tide of violence in Chicago?

It is getting worse and more "well off" people than in the last 30 or 40 years are within easy range of the criminals thanks to the gentrification of what had been crack dens. It was Amazing through the early to the late 90's to watch what had once been "fat larry's crack house" become a 1.2 Million dollar 4 flat.

Edit: Expanding on what I said above, this may be a case of selective memory but in my younger years I do not remember there being as much crime in the North and North West Suburbs back in the 80's and 90's. What I am about to expand upon are my own personal observations and are likely to NOT be noticed by Media not from the N/NW Suburbs of Chicago.

The area where I live was nice when I was growing up in the 80's and 90's, but now it is going down hill. Last year there was a drug related homicide and another attempted murder not a mile from where I live, as well as three separate gang related shootings not a mile in the other direction. Recently (I know this is not gun related but hear me out) 4 little gangbangers crashed a stolen car killing three of them only 3 or 4 miles away. The "gang" and "gun" problem is not only increasing in the city itself but is spreading to the suburbs. Last month in Northbrook you had an armed takeover style robbery of a Jewelry store and just this morning two masked gunmen tried to rob a store in Vernon Hills. Those two suburbs I mentioned above are just about as safe as they come in the Chicago area. These incidents may be few when looked at with the scope of Chicago's problem, but they were simply non-existent 15-20 years ago.
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Frustrated people do stupid things, such as knee-jerk reactions to problems. Moving towards new gun control laws is easier than fixing the root cause of the violence problem (education, jobs, drugs, etc.).

Even though I typically vote democrat, I don't automatically support any straight ticket. Only a fool gives a political party or politician a blank check.