Wild Wild West Commercial


New member
Have any of you seen the fast food (Burger King, I think) commercial for the pair of sunglasses like Will Smith wears in the movie "Wild Wild West"?

These two cowboys are walking down a dusty street at high noon to shoot it out. It's so bright that neither can see straight enough to shoot and their rounds go astray.

Did you notice that you never see the guns or the holsters?

Should we be mad about it?

- Anthony
A while back BK was into printing coupons on the back of their receipts like grocery stores do. An owner of a gun store was distributing discounts on ammo that way until Mr. Burger King found out and that was the end of that. I don't think not showing the guns was an accident.
I saw that ad and was very confused. I had no idea what they were doing ("gunfighting"). Their attempts at being PC just made a really stupid commercial that made no point. I had no idea it wasan ad for Burger King, that is how bad the ad is.
The commercial that I found interesting is the one where Col. Sanders, Pizza Hut delivery girl, and Taco Bell dog all arm themselves to fight the evil empire. Yes, we actually get to see them shoot their weapons at the BG's.
Yes, but it's okay, because:

1. The B.G.'s are robots.

2. The guns are:
a. Lasers from the future.
b. HUGE. Unconcealable.

Long Path - You are exactly right...

Even though the 'Wild Wild West' (and the original show)was founded by 6 shooters it's a no-no to show them on TV.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
I have a ? for chink; does your handle imply you're asian, specifically Chinese?

And I also have a statement: don't you know that you could be offending yourself. ;)
Wild Wild West is an OK 40-minute sci-fi/western. The other 40 minutes are filled with very badly done attempts at gender humor and tacky outfits. I felt my intelligence was insulted and my time wasted. At least I didn't pay for the ticket. I'd rate it as one of the worst films I have seen, ever.

Go see South Park. Or Dlair Witch Project, which isn't great but mildly amusing and teaches important lessons like: duplicate critical equipment, carry.
So, like, I wanted to see WWW but the bride wanted to see Eyes Wide Shut. Guess who won? Eyes wide shut was a slick, well produced, well acted movie with plenty of fine nudity, sex, intrigue, just wonderful. If it had had any sign of a plot everything would have been great. Now you tell me that going to WWW instead would have been no improvement. Oh, well.

Burger King sucks anyhow, I didn't need it before and will not support it now. Please don't give me any bad news about Jack in the Box or Wendy's, tho.
Didn't know BK was foreign-owned. It used to be Atlanta Fast Food Corp., back about 15 yrs ago, at least. I do know I won't eat there - I worked at one for 4 months (my first job). The smell still makes me ill, after 15 years...

All that fast food will kill ya! The only ones I'll eat at are Wendy's and Chick-Fil-A!

Hmmmm...After seeing all the McDonald's commercials aimed at Americans of African descent, I wonder if the NAACP will sue them for all the health problems eating that crap causes. After all, it is an unfair marketing practice, targeting a specific community like that...

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.
BShipley - chink is of chinese descent. He was concerned that he was being offensive because some of his friends objected. We discussed it here on the board and it came out, basically, to use the name he wanted to. If someone has a problem with it then that's their problem not his, so chink kept his name.

[This message has been edited by Jeff OTMG (edited July 22, 1999).]
I'm not offended. It's not my place to be offended. I was making the point that we are now so offended at everything that we will soon be offending ourselves and perhaps going to court to sue ourselves. ;)
Remember Toy Story. Well when BK was promoting that they gave out toy soldiers in their happy meal. Only prob they didn't have any guns. Toy soldiers w/o guns...WHY BOTHER?
Toy soldiers without guns?

What did they do, throw Furbies at the enemy?

Something upon which to ponder: when I was little, like 6 and 7 years old, my best friend and I had a combined toy soldier army of over 5000 troops with BARs and RPGs, 250 helos, and 500 tanks. We were quite the little generals. :)

Despite all this exposure to Weapons Of Mass Destruction, neither of us turned into psychotic murderers... maybe because we were allowed to run around and have fun, and not forced into taking mind-altering chemicals every day to keep us under control.

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