Wild hog bacon!!


New member
I came across this forum on some searches I was doing regarding any differences between making bacon from commercially available pork sides, or wild. Well, I found a really old thread and figured I would liven up with a new one. I got lucky and landed a nice sized boar that dressed out to 230 lbs and was able to pull some great sides for bacon! Each side was about 6 pounds after clean and trim.
After removal of belly fat, before trimming:

After trim (yeah yeah, the inside skirt is still attached, don't judge me. Too small to fuss over anyways :D)

I make my dry cure pretty simple, It works for commercial pigs, I don't see why it wouldn't for feral. 2 cups brown sugar, 2 to 3 tablespoons of black pepper, 1 cup kosher salt, pink salt (per package directions per pound).

I lay on a modest layer of salt before adding my cure mix. You can see the half-and-half look below.

Then in to a bag they went. I have had them curing now for 2 days and they have tightened up considerably faster than I had anticipated. They feel like a commercially available side would feel like after 5 days. This is my first batch of wild bacon, so not sure what to expect.
There's so many wild pigs here that if they're over about 150 pounds (boars) that they become buzzard meat or feed for coyotes. Them big stinking ones, I don't want.
Kinda sums up the general reason there is not much traditional bacon done with feral hogs. This guy didn't smell at all, and he seemed fairly young. If I didn't know any better, I would say he was trapped and fed then finally managed to escape before meeting his demise at the hands of his captor.
You may be right. I doubt a true 230 pounder feral hog wouldn't smell. You could probably smell him from 50 yards away. Also I seen 230 pounders that people claim and think they're more like 50 pounds.
You done good and it ain't nothing like killing and preparing your own meat. Keep it up.
Giving the sides their daily flip today, I noticed these things tightened up considerably since I first put them in to cure. I mean, we're talking door mat stiff. Should I consider these are done now and get them promoted to the last stage, rinse, dry to form pellicle, etc? Or just keep on truckin' as originally planned til Friday?
Pulled them today, 1 day early, from the cure so they can get their pellicle on! Rinsed and patted dry, then gave em some pepper. I snapped the pic before peppering.

They are decently meaty, as seen here. This was 1 side cut in half (2 pieces shown). I didn't notice something until I uploaded the picture. Notice how the salt box says "Kosher for Passover", yet it's been kinda used to prop bacon? How ironic.. :D

1am and just got off work... now I wish the stores were open so I could go get some bacon.

Chowder, I know what you are saying.

Yesterday morning I had to drive about 35 east of me to an auction.
I kept thinking about the two treads txdragon posted about making bacon and sausage.
I had to pull in the truck stop for an egg and bacon breakfast.:)

By the way txdragon, both of the treads are great, however I'm holding you personally responsible for clogging up my arteries.:D

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
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Hunter Customs: Thanks, and sorry for the arterial blockages. Try to increase garlic intake and add a daily supplement of fish oil tablets!! Just wait til I create the ham thread :D

Chowder: Exactly why I make my own bacon. Never seems to be any around at those odd hours when you want some!

AllenJ: LOL! Bacon is a perfectly viable food option when dieting, any dietician should agree! Unless it's a strictly cholesterol-reduced diet :(

Armed_Chicagoan: My brother does the same impression every time LOL!
Txdragon - kinda funny that you brought up the kosher salt for use on an alternative to traditional pork bacon. Some Jewish markets will actually make bacon, but make it from lamb Instead of pork. I've never had it but it sounds delicious.

Your wild hog bacon looks awesome. I'm loving the updates.
Why did I check back in on this one at 9:30 at night when it been a long day and by the time we stopped Louann said it was just to late to cook???

At least I can't smell it sizzling in a pan!