wife accidentally dropped gun..... off of small hill


New member
Good afternoon guys, it breaks my heart to say this but my wife dropped my smith and Wesson 500 8.38 inch model after our range trip today. she didn't mean to and I told her it was fine, but I am not sure if I should have it looked at or not. I cannot tell any damage has been done, but it cracked the smith and Wesson case it came in. it fell a good 15-20 feet. the gun was inside the case with the foam still in it, I just don't want to go out and get me, or worse, my wife hurt while shooting this.

any information that you guys can provide will be greatly appreciated.
If dropping that gun 15-20 feet did any damage to it other than cosmetic, I would think it wouldn't have been safe to shoot .500 S&W ammo out of BEFORE it got dropped........................
Encased in foam, you could probably drop it from the Empire State Building and only scuff the case. I wouldn't have any concerns about it.
I didn't think so. I just wanted to stay on the side of safety lol. everything locks up good and tight and it never left the case but the case did hit on every corner it was possible to strike lol.:o
it took a pretty hard fall haha. i am seriously considering carrying my bear protection model as my CC. what do you all think? too much?
I'm new to this forum, but not due to revolvers. I too seriously doubt any damage came to the gun in the case. Check the timing, lock up and functionality. Other than that you should be fine.
but it cracked the smith and Wesson case it came in. it fell a good 15-20 feet. the gun was inside the case with the foam still in it,

The case did what it was supposed to do. If mine, I couldn't feel too bad about that.
#1 How in the hell does one drop a handgun case 20 feet? Was she bouncing on a trampoline at the time?

B: Unlikely there was any serious damage to the gun. You can look at it, we can't. Do you see anything broken, cracked or knocked out of alignment? The 500 model is a massive stainless steel revolver. Very tough.
I dropped a 1911 in plastic foam case about 20 years ago and it snapped the rear adjustable sight off. Otherwise it was fine. TBH the gun was not that accurate to begin with which was a failing of that particular maker.
A devistating fall like that is certain to leave the gun in unusable condition. It's value now is limited to being a parts gun, and what parts are usable is in question.
PM me abd I will be glad to take your broaken gun off your hands.:D
^^^ :)
Hard to believe it took fifteen replies to get to it.
I vote for a don't sweat it, too.
During my formative years, while practicing my Gunsmoke fast draw, my sixgun went flying across the basement concrete floor and bounced a couple of times.
Didn't hurt it a bit.
Guns are tough pieces of machinery.
They have to be.
I hope your wife didn't fall 20 feet, but I notice that as a true "gun nut" you mentioned only the gun.

I'm sure the UPS, FEDEX, and USPS guys drop them from higher heights than that in transit to the gun shop.
ok, so I am about to tell the story of how my wife dropped my gun and heroically tucked it beneath her while she fell to protect the gun.... just kidding lol.

my wife did not fall, however, she insisted that she carried it because it was her first time shooting it that day and she claimed it as her own. when we got out of the truck at our house she got a phone call and dropped it trying to get her phone out of her pocket. she was holding it like a school book under her mar instead of the case and it slipped out and fell until coming to a stop on a nice solid maple tree.

Let me give you a visual of our land and house. we live in a small, mountain metropolis in the great Appalachian mountain region of Virginia with a total population of about 5 in 3 miles. to make our driveway, I had to level out a good portion of a very steep hill right beside of our house. it is very steep in most places, but more so at the driveway ( I estimated about a 30-40 degree slope) that is covered in maple trees. we only have a 3/4 acre yard because that is all we could flatten and have enough room for kids... and me to play in the yard.

I usually do not go out to the range ( 1 hour drive) and shoot the x-steel targets that I have going down into a valley, but one of our neighbors was having a family get together so I didn't want to disturb them with the shooting and the significant echo of the ping on the metal.

but yes, my wife was not harmed in the making of this tragic tale :D. this also shows that it was all my neighbors fault in the first place lol

the gun shoots good still and is very accurate too. the timing is still spot on and it locks up good and tight.

but I am very thankful that it wasn't my wife that fell...
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this is the picture after I dropped it and shot it again yesterday evening.