Why So Much Hate For The Safety On The Win '94

i own and shoot both non safety and safety, if you want a safety or if you want a non safety have at it. but my own feelings are over the last 59 years of hunting are, i have been close to a few AD,S with lever actions,mostly with young hunters and others loading and unloading in the cold or rain. as we used to drive for deer and bear(a little old for it now)here in pa, and when loading and unloading when changing the drivers with the standers for the next drive. we used a old 4 wheel drive truck to transport the men from one location to another and unloading and loading took place 5-6 times in a day. and we had any where form 20-25 hunters. no one was hurt or killed in the AD,s, (only my hearing was affected). but they could have been very easily. and the safeties used properly would have prevented them. i would not give a new hunter a rifle you can not load or unload that would fire, even a bolt action. eastbank.
I guess Im the only one on this whole thread that likes the safety on the Model 94. But I guess I have nothing between my ears too because I once had an accidental discharge with an original 94.
I can take sarcasm, I have fired thousands of rounds during my life, since I was about Ten Years old, Longer if you count BB Guns and Pellet Guns, and there hasnt been a week , (except when I was in the Marines) that I have not fired a gun. Lots and Lots of shooting, and one accidental discharge, I admit it, I am ashamed of it. But I did have the Muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
I own a 94 with a Push Button Safety, and have killed alot of game with it.
I never had any problem at all with it. Kind of amaizing for a guy with nothing between his ears. Wouldnt you say ?
I'd have to say there's more to it than safety or no safety. If you want no safeties, that's one thing but if you like the idea, then there are all sorts of arrangements for safeties and they don't all work the same, much less inspire you with any confidence. Personally, I didn't like the push-through type safety that came on Winchester lever actions for a while. But on the other hand, the little push-pull safety on the later ones takes more faith that they work, especially since that was all there was. I think the half-cock was eliminated, although Marlin retained the one on their lever-actions. Ruger No. 1 and No. 3 rifles had the push-pull type safety and nothing else. You might say they were lever actions. Opening the action slightly on any of them was not a sufficient safety in my mind.

But to be fair, personal taste enters into the matter. People seem to like the thumb safety on a Colt Government Model, provided it isn't the small one like was on the originals. But either one was simple, short and positive. The safety lever on some other automatics is sometimes none of those things.

Early automatic pistol manufacturers advertised how safe their pistols were, especially Colt with their multiple safeties but I don't recall seeing that in any rifle manufacturer's ads. I probably just wasn't looking for it, however.