Why so anti-McCain?

Ever heard of the McCain/Feingold Bill, aka campaign finance reform? It effectively gutted political speech as guaranteed by the first amendment. McCain spearheaded the effort to take away my right to free speech through political groups I belong to.

He may be a friend of the Second Amendment, but he's an enemy of the First and that makes him an enemy of freedom.
I basically see McCain as a continuation of Bush. In particular, I dislike his warmongering. America should decisively defend itself and retaliate against aggressors, but we need to reject the neocon agenda of a forcibly "democratized" Middle East. America can't afford to continue to act as Israel's pit bull. Not only are thousands of Americans and foreigners being killed and wounded in an action that has no bearing on the security of this country, but we're running up an astronomical debt to nations like China to pay for it. And this is to say nothing of America's damaged image around the world.

I also don't trust McCain to seal the borders, which is a REAL national security issue. Indeed, it's arguably the most important national security issue we face.

Then there's the McCain-Feingold Bill that's already been mentioned. Oh, and the PATRIOT Act. Two assaults on the Constitution.

On the plus side: McCain opposes torture such as waterboarding -- something that, years ago, I never dreamed would ever even be an issue in a nation that claims to stand for human rights. And he seems to be more pro-gun than Bush.
McCain helped gut the first amendment, he doesn't support controlling the borders, and he believes in big goverment. Why would you believe he truly supports the second amendent when he hasn't supported the rest of the bill of rights in the past.
I can't say that the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill is gutting freedom of speech. Then again, I'm not one of those people who believes that money equals speech. If anything you should be attacking it for violating freedom of the press, and the ability of the media to sell their air time as they so desire. Of course, anti-libel laws violate freedom of the press as well, but I don't think people would agree with the media being able to freely falsely accuse people of things (now they at least have to have some sort of truth they're bending out of shape).

I guess you just need to ask yourself two questions about the campaign finance reform laws: 1) How damaging is it to the ability of a politician to get his message out? And 2) Who does it hurt more? As far as I'm aware, it's not an unreasonable regulation, first amendment or no. Of course, I'd like to have a constitution written in such a way as having four of the nine supposed greatest legal minds of our country dissenting on a legal opinion would be a major cause for reconsideration, not something to be expected.

I like McCain; he's a moderate, neither left nor right. His immigration policies worry me, but with the modern system of elections if you let one or two issues out of a whole wide array of issues disqualify a candidate, it's highly unlikely you'll ever find a candidate to support. It's not the lesser of two evils, it's just realizing that nobody's perfect. Now if Party 1 is running Adolph Hitler and Party 2 is running Joe Stalin, that's the lesser of two evils (or "pick your poison" if you prefer), but I see a lot of people complaining about having to pick between Party 1's "70% policy match" vs Party 2's "40% policy match."
IIRC, McCain was part of the cabal seeking to close the "gun show loophole." I see him as willing to sign most any "resonable" gun legislation sent up by Congress.

If you don't know what "reasonable" is, check out the "reasonable" gun control in Austrailia.


McCain doesnt always tell folks what they want to hear. Some folks hate that.

I personally like it.. I also like pragmatism over ideological purity.

I don't like Mcain/Feingold, even though it has been deemed, in part, constitutional. My objections to it are result oriented however. I would have to live with it if he was the nominee, since the alternatives are so bad.

Wildhaveyouhuggedyour1903A4todayAlaska ™
IIRC, McCain was part of the cabal seeking to close the "gun show loophole." I see him as willing to sign most any "resonable" gun legislation sent up by Congress.

-Voted NO on background checks at gun shows. Reference: Lautenberg Amdt #362; Bill S. 254 ; vote number 1999-134 on May 20, 1999

-Vote to table or kill a motion to require that all gun sales at gun shows be completed by federally licensed gun dealers. Also requires background checks to be completed on buyers and requires gun show promoters to register with the Treasury. Reference: Bill S.254 ; vote number 1999-111 on May 11, 1999
I can't support a candidate who would throw open our borders and panders to current and future invaders. Mexico is not our friend, and McCain can't see that. I suspect his eyesockets are packed full of bribe, I mean lobbyist, money.
I share the objections already mentioned, and admit to being a bit worried by McCain's personality. He seems to hold grudges, have a chip on his shoulder, and he doesn't suffer challenges or disagreement well. He's not all bad. He doesn't turn my stomach like the rest of the contenders do, and I'm not sure I'd characterize myself as anti-McCain. Just not pro-McCain enough to vote for him.
He seems to hold grudges, have a chip on his shoulder, and he doesn't suffer challenges or disagreement well.

Heck...that statement could be used to described a large number of members, me included, here at the TFL! I find it rather refreshing that he is passionate enough on the issues to let the sailor in him slip out once in while...
I support McCain. I supported him last time before we elected a man who can't even talk.

McCain is the only Republican this cycle who ever had a chance of winning the general election.
Anybody that will swear upon God Almighty to protect our 2nd ammend rights will get my vote. I dont care if they are a woman, and Alien, or Purple or have a Willow tree growing out their butt. All the other issues are minor compared to guns. When you start talking about disarming me, you really get my attention and on my nerves. Without my guns, i am vulnerable, with them , I have some chance of protecting myself. The Democratic view seems to be " let the government save me, I am helpless" I am not that way. I expect the government to take care of the economy, and the Military, a task the Dems are unwilling to do. I was in the Navy when Clinton went on his butchering spree. Clinton 2 has no bussiness being in the white house. Think about it, if she gets i there, it will be 20 years basically that 2 families have controlled the US! We need new meat in there. Mcain or Huck are our best bets. All the Dems are grabbing for our AR 15s and AKS, SKS's and M1 carbines.
The other issues are important , but take second place to the second ammendment.
Here is one reason, among many:

The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005 was introduced on Thursday, May 12th, 2005, by Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Ted Kennedy (D-MA).

Although Senators McCain and Kennedy adamantly denied that S. 1033 is an amnesty for illegal aliens, it clearly spells out a path to residency for illegal aliens—and yet more immigration.

Among the significant immigration-increase provisions of the bill:

- A new visa category (H-5A) for 400,000 low-skill foreign workers (this cap can be adjusted upwards);

- A new temporary 6-year visa category (H-5B) for illegal aliens (and their spouses and children) already in the country;

- An amnesty for illegal aliens who apply for an H-5B visa and pay a $2,000 fine;

- A provision for the H-5A temporary workers to apply for permanent resident status after four years;

- An exemption of immediate relatives (spouses, children, and parents of U.S. citizens) from the annual level of 480,000 family-sponsored immigrant visas thereby providing additional visas to the family preference categories.
that McCain/Kennedy bill was loaded with pork and he has had a few earmark attempts.

McCain supported Ginsberg and Beyer nomination.
Worked very close with Democrats
Do a site search here at TFL then wander over to THR and do a similar site search and look for "gunshow loophole mccain".

We rail against what he did with McCain-Feingold (freedom of political speech) and McCain-Kennedy (amnesty for illegal immigrants) and for good reason. He tried to do the exact same thing for the second amendment using the tactic of "closing" gunshow loopholes in his proposed legislation. If you can get a copy of the legislation you will see his stalinist teeth showing. The man is a politician, pure and unadulterated. He is trying to reinvent himself as all politicians do when they aspire to bigger office. You may think McCain is a friend of all things second amendment but my history shows anything but friendship.
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