Why shotshells for snakes?

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I do not use the shotshell on snakes but on rats in the yard around the chicken coop. I load the 38 with 7 1/2 shot also load them to kill birds also.
If you MUST kill anything outside of sportsmanship sure the lil shotshells are very effective. In my experience a head shot is very clean and humane. As I type this Tuesday night my dog ( like my child) experienced her first copperhead. She was in a lot of pain and very uncomfortable. I was upset for her and loaded up my vaquero with the 45 colt shot shells. Knowing their habits because they are very common in these parts. (Central Oklahoma) Even after 2 hours I was confident It was still in the area. After 5 minutes of searching I found it to my surprise. About a 3 footer. ( a rather large probably female copperhead) head in the sights I talked myself out of it. Anger, hatefullnes, spite and revenge are things that don't exist in the animal kingdom. It had as much right to live as I do. It only defended itself. I don't decide what gets to live or die. Anyone who kills any living breathing creature for fun or otherwise is really just a useless ignorant undeserving pig. Ive always appreciated nature for what it is. I know a lot of you will disagree. And I'm not saying sometimes it might be the best thing to do. If I had an infestation of venemous snakes I might act differently. If you don't have to end an animals life for no purpose don't. OK rant over. Can't wait to read the comments of the ignorant.
^ and so it begins. Copper heads are rarely fatal. If at all. Small child cat or a tiny lap dog maybe. So I will say had it been a rattle snake I may have felt differently. If it can be avoided I'll avoid it. This was one of those cases. Not too worried about the pooch she can handle it. I don't disagree with someone being concerned for animals or children or what have you. A lot of these comments I've read are for all the wrong reasons. Killing for fun is just so pitiful. But the shot shells work great! ;)
mattl46 said:
Anyone who kills any living breathing creature for fun or otherwise is really just a useless ignorant undeserving pig.

Why don't you just come right out and tell us how you feel about the military on this anniversary of D-Day. A lot of "useless ignorant undeserving pigs" have killed living breathing creatures and many have given their life doing it so you can be free to type your crap.
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Nice try 45 you know exactly what I'm speaking of. What I posted has nothing to do with any respects to military personell. I laugh at your feeble attempt to make me sound did respectful. The post was about snakes. Not soldiers.
Nice try 45 you know exactly what I'm speaking of. What I posted has nothing to do with any respects to military personell. I laugh at your feeble attempt to make me sound did respectful. The post was about snakes. Not soldiers.

Do you really care about snakes and nature OR do just like to get a argument going?
And "so it begins" just as you seemed to want.
Don't you think using shot shells is really unfair since the snake isn't armed, other than the barely more than harmless venom at close range.
So it may not kill all people. Some people with health problems, elderly or very small children, I'm not so sure about that. Especially with the baby copperheads, that come from the big ones like you described.
It's YOUR yard , dog, kids, wife etc. and you decided what's the best for the snake.
@Gary I did not intend for an argument nor to offend. For any offense I do apologize. Not at all my intentions. I did however anticipate negative comebacks for my opinion maybe I should have used different words. Yes I do strongly disagree with killing anything that has as much right to be as you and I. Non lethal means is always preffered at my house. And no I didn't consider anyone with health issues.or the like. But I did say that sometimes lethality was the best solution given ceartian individual scenarios. I've killed a few snakes and always regretted it. And won't say I won't kill another. I just read a lot of senseless comments that sound PURELY uneccesary. There are a lot of people that would agree and disagree. Anyone who truly feels that is the best solution in their situation I wouldn't argue. I just try my best to avoid it. Again sincere apologies for any offense. I don't want to be misunderstood and I'm at fault for my poor choice of words and iIl apologize for that as well. To each his own.

P.S. yes it is MY yard. The dog will survive and I can educate a wife and kids to coexist.
Matt I couldn't disagree more, I hope your ignorance does not end in a death of a human! And by the way every time you eat meat you killed something. I'm sure you will have a stipulation or excuse for that killing as long as it suits your needs rights? But killing to protect your family or dogs from future bites is wrong??? Good night dude. God himself set our hate of the serpent into our DNA because of his lying, deceiving destroying nature!

Genesis 3:14-15 reads, "And YHWH Elohim said unto the serpent: 'Because thou hast done this, cursed art thou from among all cattle, and from among all beasts of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed. He shall crush your head, and you shall crush His heel."

You have your right to let the snake live if you so choose, But to call all of us that wouldn't ignorant and a pig, you don't have that right in my book! But now that you opened the door your ignorance is flaming!:mad:
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@coop. So I was a little high on my horse. I agree with that. And I have apologized. But I do remember saying things like " if it can be avoided" or "ceartian situations" as far as you and 45 go...god and the military have absolutely nothing to do with what I said. I'll be humble and say that their are thing in my first post that could have been changed and to any future reader I apologize for that. It was simply an irritated post for people that GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to kill snakes. Or any animal for that matter. I stand beside my opinion and will take the bashing for my miss worded and un organized post.

My post also stated for FUN or OTHERWISE and OUTSIDE OF SPORTSMANSHIP so no that does NOT include hunting.
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Snake shot for sure. I've never had to kill a snake but I wouldn't carry regular bullets for snakes. Next time I go bear hunting I'm considering bringing my RG .22LR with snake shot.
God himself set our hate of the serpent into our DNA because of his lying, deceiving destroying nature!

Oh jeez. The thread has degenerated into name calling and bible thumping.

Close the damn thing.

Sgt Lumpy
If I let a snake get away, I'd never hear the end of it from the snake eaters. I don't want to disturb the Wah, but if a snake crosses up with me, well it's just going to be instant Karma for him.

Shot is great out of a smoothbore, and If that's what I'm carrying, that's what they get. I always thought the Judge was a natural for snakes because of the full .410 power. If I used shot in a pistol, it would have to be the capsule type, and a .44 or .45 minimum.
I prefer the Shotshells for poisonous snakes, but the .45HP for Pythons or 12 ga. 00 when in Florida. I normally wouldn't bother a non poisonous snake, but the pythons are out of control in fla. killing off many native species. There only predators are us.
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