as mentioned, a 4" barrel is ( has the potential ) to be as accurate as a rifle... the sight radius is the biggest difference... FIL had a simmons 2X on a 4" Dan Wesson 44 magnum... after I got it, I noticed it was particularly easy to shoot, but the front lens had a lot of powder burn pits in it from the shorter barrel...
he also had a 6" 357 Max that wore a 4X Luepold
those 2 guns kinda swayed me into pistol scopes, especially on my Contenders...
in the past couple years, I switched out alot of my pistol scopes for Williams fiber optic ghost rings ( most had to be custom fitted ) as I've aged, my older eyes do like the scopes, but I switched areas I deer hunt ( I've been pretty much only hunting with handguns, for the last 10 years or so )... anyway, I now have public ground on 3 sides, & thicker woods... the deer seem to never stop, they are always at a trot through the woods, & I was having trouble finding them with a 2-7X even dialed down to 2X... the fiber optic ghost rings work better for me...
so... back to topic... they may look odd, but generally shoot pretty nice... just watch out for pitting on that front lens...