Why not Ruger!!

180,000 rounds through the Glock? Geez, I would hate to see the shape of that barrel. The only Ruger I own is a Mark II. It's ok but a pain to take apart for the first time. I still like my S&W 41 better.

As for the other guns produced by Ruger, I never bought them because for a bit more money, I can get a much more accurate gun. Plus, they look butt ugly.

I do believe that Ruger is going in the right direction. Yeah they made mistakes but the true sign of a human being is the ability to forgive. Don't ever forget but forgive. If they do it once, it was a mistake. If they do it twice, crucify them.
The heat thing just hit home with me last week. I took the Kahr, the HP, and the P97 to the range. I couldn't get my normal spot under the overhang, so my bench was exposed to direct sun, 90+ degrees that day. The steel frame guns quickly grew "almost" too hot to hold, whereas the Ruger was quite comfortable throughout the afternoon. Gotta love the Rugers! :)
I guess I'm just another clueless fool who doesn't realize his Ruger doesn't work and doesn't hit the target.
You guys still don't get it.

I guess sarcasm mode doesn't work on TFL.

I was just trying to sum up, in a few lines, the entire content of the "Why not Ruger" thread that was SO popular...

I own nine Rugers. Ruger is my favorite gun company, bar none. I even bought a signed copy of 'Ruger and His Guns'.

At some point I get a bellyfull of the typical, "my apple is better than your orange" threads that waste so much bandwidth around here.

best, weegee

P.S.: There isn't an age requirement here, but I thought there was an intelligence requirement...

(P.P.S.: My apologies to WillBeararms if any offense taken, since I refer to the forum you started. NOTHING about your post implied a flame or bashing of Ruger or any other maker--but it did degenerate into one.)

I operate in a slack-free environment------no offense taken. I just get tired of hearing people bash Ruger while on the other hand they post that this gun had a Kaboom or that gun's firing pin broke due to dry-firing (but it's not the gun's fault). I admit that I have posted negatively about the slide rust that I experienced on a SS P90 but those darned ugly things work.

I like Glocks, Berettas and Sigs but I have had a Ruger or two follow me home and invaribly if you go to the range with only the Ruger, a fellow shooter will give you guff about it.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Glocks rifling last a lot longer than convention rifling because its poligonal. The glock I speak of belongs to Chuck Taylor read all about it in the various gun rags.

I intend to go into harms way.
All my wheels are Rugers (but my wife carries a Smith).

All guns are junk...hit'em with your car (as long as it'sa Ford)

Ask Bowen...

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
There is no firearm on this planet that is as durable and long lasting as a Glock 17. None. There is a Glock 17 at a public shooting range in kalifornia that rents guns. They have a very early model Glock 17, with in excess of 1 MILLION rounds through it, with the same slide barrel and reciever. When you find a Ruger, Smith, Beretta or anyother alloy framed gun that will do 1/10 of that, then we'll talk.
By the way, I do like Rugers and I own a total of 16 of them, they are fine weapons. I own all calibers of the Number 3 rifle, can't anybody say that those are ugly.

7th Glock LEO Armorer

You are just winning friends and influencing people everywhere aren't you?
Poor, little kid. Now go take your Ritalin and have some cookies.

[This message has been edited by Shin-Tao (edited May 07, 2000).]
Ben, you got it. I gotta take me some voice lessons first. Or maybe after a 12 pack of Guinness Stout. :)


Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania