Why not just flip the light switch?

It is difficult to use any firearm with a handheld flashlight. Having the light mounted to the firearm makes that easier. Having the flashlight is not a requirement to use it; but rather an additional option. If flipping on an external light makes more sense in a specific scenario, you still have that option.

If your plan for intruders has you moving through a house (children for example) then a light and understanding how to use them is an absolute must. Most people don't have even basic low-light training and have a poor understanding of how to use light to their advantage - as repeatedly is evidenced by threads like these.
You are blinded and cannot see anything for a short while, that is why you don't flip the light switch. /thread

Possibly. My light bulbs are slow start florescents that start dim and get brighter after a minute or so. Saves a fortune on electric.
My god, man brilliant! :D
Actually I feel the same. I have no use for the tacticool flashlights and all the other geegaws people are buying up. I'm in my house, not Afganistan.
Believe me, I can move through every room of my house in the pitch dark. I know how many steps there are on every set of stairs on the property (for some reason I've always counted stairs since I was a kid). I know where every light switch is. And I know where flashlights are in every room. They're there in case of power outages. It's my house, how could I not know? These are things everyone should know anyway.
Believe me, I can move through every room of my house in the pitch dark.

Not me. The kids are always putting stuff where it does not go.

Looks like it finally got warm enough to put in posts.
I had to chuckle at that last on as I actually did bring my flashlight back from Afghanistan.

I as well am comfortable moving around my home in complete darkness, I prefer to carry my flashlight because I am light sensitive and I would use my flashlight only after I see the intruder to identify the target and possibly effect their vision for a moment.

It's great to see the different points of view, I would have to say for the individual it really comes down to "What are you comfortable with?" because that is what is your best course of action.
I'm in my house, not Afganistan. Believe me, I can move through every room of my house in the pitch dark. I know how many steps there are on every set of stairs on the property. I know where every light switch is. It's my house, how could I not know?

My sentiments precisely.
I know the layout of my house in the dark. I don't need light to find my way around, but to see an intruder.

Personally, the way my house is laid out, the only light switch near my bedroom is the bedroom light. All that does is light me up and show my location, while blinding me to anyone who may be out there in the dark. I have to walk across the livingroom or kitchen to flip on a switch to see anyone.

As for clearing the house, the first thing I would want to do is check on my kids on the other side of the house to make sure they're safe.

This goes against the "shoot them in the dark without clearly identifying them first" strategy followed by many here in T&T.

I've never seen anyone advocate that here. Maybe I missed it. Care to provide a link?
boatme98 said:
Believe me, I can move through every room of my house in the pitch dark.

Great, when you can also identify friend or foe in pitch dark, clear your house at speed in pitch dark, and prevent yourself from being backlit in doorways while also being able to see into darker rooms in pitch dark, you'll be halfway to not needing a flashlight at all.
I think a hand-held light is always a nice option to have, even when you do have a weapon mounted light. However, if you are using a long gun, dialing 911, opening doors, or trying to get your children to safety, then trying to also operate a flashlight with your weak hand can be difficult... Not to mention that many of us would be doing well just to have pants and a firearm handy during a break-in at night. Having a light on the firearm already simplifies the process a great deal.

Like any other tool, it can hurt you if you don't know what you are doing with it though.
I leave a light on in the kitchen. Anyone between me and that is silhouetted.

That's not why the light is on, but it serves that purpose.
I keep flashlights in a few spots in the house mainly because i lose power alot. My primary home defense is 5 dogs though. What I really need for dealing with a home invader is night vision goggles and a suppressed PPK :D. I know I watch too many movies lol.
I've always been wary of weapon-mounted lights, as they give a bad guy a point of aim. I know they free your hands, but that's why I practice one-handed shooting every time I go to the range.

My wife can call 911
That's not nearly as cool as having a flashlight attached to your gun.

Yea, Tacticool.

Besides, with no light mounted on your firearm, where is the bad guy expected to shoot? With a light on your gun it gives him an east target. What’s directly behind the light? Your head! Just aim at the light, bad guy wins!
I use cheap nightlights that plug into wall outlet in my house...not to bright, but you can see things at night.
Besides, with no light mounted on your firearm, where is the bad guy expected to shoot? With a light on your gun it gives him an east target. What’s directly behind the light? Your head! Just aim at the light, bad guy wins!

A lot of people who apparently never been involved in any kind of low-light training seem to be under the mistaken belief that a weapon mounted light is always on. That isn't the case. I really, really, encourage people to test some of these ideas for themselves in low-light.
BRobt., I don't have any kids at home. If there's anybody in my house in the dark, I didn't invite them. A non-problem here.
I don't use a flashlight. I can't use a gun, apartment with neighbors almost everywhere. We have ambient light from the Fish tank and my Alligators tank. I stay low so as not to cast much of a shadow or attract eyes and observe before I call the police or go back to bed. I have considered weapon mounted lights, but I also don't live alone, and again, can't use my guns inside.

I should just let the alligator roam...