Why McCain will be president

The only way Barack Obama can fail at this point IMO is if he's endorsed by George W. Bush.


But you're wrong. There's another way...Dick Cheney could campaign for the guy:

"I won't tell you where I am. That's top-secret. I won't tell you why you must vote for Obama. That's top-secret. Our nation's security demands that you do as I say. The reasons are none of your business. Plus, they're top-secret."
The original post is nothing more than conjecture and opinion. Nothing of real substance in it. All of that aside, my biggest fear for McCain is his health and not his association with Bush (although that will be a deadly connection for his champaign). I am afraid his health will be a big issue during the election because of the fact that he is in constant danger of an almost 100% chance of his skin cancer returning and returning soon. He has been treated multiple times and received numerous surgeries for an extremely aggressive and deadly form of melanoma. If it were to reoccur during the champaign it would be a disaster.
Perhaps he should select Jindal as his running mate who is far ahead of the typical candidate intellectually to temper that possibility.
I see the author uses no facts to back up his assertions that McCain will win The post is nothing more than ones opinion and we all know what opinions are like. Sorry but as of now there is NO evidence to support that McCain can beat Obama. Right now I would not put any money on McCain.
Obama's got a parabolic trajectory. It all depends on where he is in his trajectory on election day. I suspect he passed the top of the parabola already. Will he come down far enough for McCain to beat him by November?

The media are on his side 100%, but they're no Einsteins. Obama's race is the thing that excites them, so they won't stop talking about it. Obama wanted to get past race, because that's been his strategy for dealing with white people all his life. The media play him up as the black candidate, because that's why they'll vote for him. But Republicans are unlikely to vote for a candidate who runs on race. Under his skin, Obama's a lightweight. The media can't see past his skin, so they don't notice or care. Many voters will do better.

If Obama gets elected, America will have flunked the IQ test. I'm guessing he'll lose because we're not quite that far gone yet. Yet. Give us another 20 years and we'll be electing people who will make Obama look like George Washington. But we're not at that point yet. My guess.
YEAH, i DEFINETLY HOPE that McCain wins. Gas is killing me and I cant afford to Stock up on parts and ammo. About how long will an Ar-15 last if I keep it down to about 1000 rounds a year??
What selfish Americans! Don't you know American soldiers are DYING overseas and you are worried about the stupid gas prices?!?!?!? There are American lives at stake and all you care about is ****ing gas prices!!! Oh, my .223 ammo went up 20%. ****ing deal with it. Americans have been paying less than the rest of the world for DECADES and it's now catching up with us. Deal with it. Suck it up like a man and quit whining like a bitch.

Forget your guns, your ammo prices, your gas prices. We are talking LIVES people. Human beings. You sell someone else's life so it cost you $2 less to fill your stupid gas tank? My little brother got shot three times last week for your stupid ass to go to work with never a care in the world.

Selfish ****ing cowards. It makes me want to puke. 80% of Americans don't give a **** about the soldiers fighting and dying for THEM. None of you are worth the paper I wipe my ass with. I embarrassed to be associated with you.

Look in the mirror. That's the enemy.
Wow freakshow? Have a bad week?? I wasnt really complaining about gas prices, just the higher cost of gas has precluded me from buying the neccesary parts and accessories i would like and or need for my assault rifle or as I call it " Modular accesorizeable detachable magazine semi automatic rifle" before the possble election of an anti gun whacko
Damn I wish this prgram had a friggin spellcheck. Im from Texas durnit. I know use word or something
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A bad week? A bad week? Such nerve! How about a few years, the last 6½ years worrying about our soldiers coming home.

That's the problem. You are worried about yourself and only yourself and what you are going to buy and what you can afford. See the problem? It's all YOU, YOU, YOU. People wearing camo and American flags on their clothes are dying for you. Do you understand that? My brother almost died so that you can sit there in your cozy little computer room typing away at all your problems feeding your stupid AR15.

You shouldn't give a **** about your stupid gun. You should care about the soldier's LIVES that are being risked for your ass. Do you get it? No. You will never get it. Freedom has a taste to those that fight that the protected will never know. Sleep well, my fellow American. Our soldiers are dying for you to sleep soundly this night.

90% of Americans have their priorities up their ass. The number one issue in America should be the war we are involved in. If we were half as patriotic as we were during WWII this war would be over. Instead we have politicians hellbent on power and Americans who only give a **** about themselves. Goddammit it makes me sick. No wonder the rest of the world hates us. I agree with them. Americans are revolting.
You might want to tone it down a hair, else I suspect you won't be long for this forum.
Our soldiers are dying for you to sleep soundly this night.
Disagree. They're dying for politicians to keep their jobs. I don't countenance that and I want them home.
Moreover, none of this has the slightest relevance to the current topic beyond the fact that McCain wants to widen the war and Obama wants to end it.... maybe... someday.
So to get it back on track:

McCain won't win because he's supported the current administration too many times on too many issues the voting public hates. In addition he too far left to garner support from his own base and too uninspiring to garner support from anyone else.
People who stay informed see a self-proclaimed "straight talker" who contradicts himself and people who don't stay informed see a tired old crank.
My prediction is that this will be the bloodiest whuppin' since Johnson/ Goldwater.
I did my share of time serving my country. I spent 7 damn years underwater in a submarine. I dont want to hear about you worrying about our soldiers. They will be fine , they are big boys. Dont yell at me, unless you did your part too. I earned my right to complain about this stuff, have you??? Im just trying to put a little comedy into the mix and you freak, lay off the coffee a dab. We are all adults here, i think.
The American fighting man is a volunteer, not a little boy who needs Liberals saving him. America has a military for a reason. Can't handle that, don't join. Simple.
I agree. They voluteered. Soldiers join knowing going to war is possible. They can't trully expect to get out if a war pops up. They can't believe the years of training and preparation is for the heck of it. I never really went to war. I went to sea on 5 nuclear subs. Which every time that thing is at sea, it operates as if it was at war. ( Some ports are pretty bad too , Toulon France kinda comes to mind)

Back to the topic:
Im hoping enough people see through Obama's lies and big ears to vote for Mccain. The war will end when it is over. Do not make us pack up and leave. This will not be another Vietnam with MCCain. If Obama plucks us out, the whole mess starts all over again. THey will say " We beat the Americans Praise ALLAH! " I can already hear it now
The American fighting man is a volunteer, not a little boy who needs Liberals saving him. America has a military for a reason. Can't handle that, don't join. Simple.
I did my time and saw my share of action. Yes, a soldier knows what he/she signs up for but he also counts on his leaders having enough respect for him to not needlessly place him or his brothers in harms way. Especially not for corporate profit of personal vendetta. He enlists to protect his fellow countrymen, not as canon fodder for capitalist greed. He/she does not become expendable the moment they sign the dotted line and to imply as much is offensive.
Ya beat me to it. I am a war vet myself and find the idea of folks yelling "support the troops" out of one side of their mouths while yelling "if ya can't handle it don't join" out the other completely repugnant.

They do sign up with an expectation that they may go to war, but they also expect to do so with the best equipment, training, and leadership. Furthermore, they expect that they won't be put in harm's way unless there 1) it's for a darn good reason and 2) there is absolutely no other choice.
Our elected leaders broke the faith with our troops and we followed suit.

You might pay heed to what the troops themselves think by looking at who they've been donating to and, more importantly, who they haven't.
"...two anti-war candidates getting more money from the people fighting the war or providing support for the war effort..."
Fact is McCain got less military donations than Obama or Paul and that oughtta give these "support the troops" folks pause.
The war will end when it is over.

How will we be able to tell?

How will we be able to tell when WWII and the Korean War are over, so we can stop protecting the Koreans, Japanese, and Europeans?

But getting back to John McCain, here is a large collection of information about his political history.

In 2001, McCain founded the Alexandria, Va.-based Reform Institute as a vehicle to receive funding from George Soros' Open Society Institute and Teresa Heinz Kerry's Tides Foundation and several other prominent non-profit organizations.

McCain used the institute to promote his political agenda and provide compensation to key campaign operatives between elections.

In 2006, the Arizona senator was forced to sever his formal ties with the Reform Institute after a controversial $200,000 contribution from Cablevision came to light. McCain solicited the donation for the Reform Institute using his membership on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. In a letter to the Federal Communications Commission, he supported Cablevision's push to introduce the more profitable al la carte pricing, rather than packages of TV programming.

This "Reform Institute" (an Orwellian name if ever one existed) is a political shakedown machine in the Jesse Jackson model, and employed many of McCain's top campaign staff in between his 2000 and 2008 Presidential runs.
You might pay heed to what the troops themselves think by looking at who they've been donating to and, more importantly, who they haven't.
"...two anti-war candidates getting more money from the people fighting the war or providing support for the war effort..."
Fact is McCain got less military donations than Obama or Paul and that oughtta give these "support the troops" folks pause.

Wow this info should give pause to any strident pro-war person. The writing on the wall could not be any clearer. If McCain, a war veteran is getting less military donations two anti-war candidates then that is proof positive our soldiers are just as tired of fighting this war as the rest of the nation. I suspect a large % of military soldiers will be either abstain from voting or cast their vote for the candidate who will get them home. This election is all about wrapped up.
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Wow that info should give pause to any strident pro-war (characterization edited).

Let's try to do this without the insulting characterizations, OK? :)

The military donations numbers are self reported, so there could be lots of people claiming to be military who are not. I find the numbers a bit suspect, and I'm far from pro-war screech owl status. ;) I can certainly understand why they would be skeptical. The military vote has leaned Republican in recent decades.
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