Why McCain will be president


New member
Here is a quote from some of the comments on an article in the British Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2008/06/09/do0901.xml

The article is a good read and this comment was interesting. I always like to get a view on the american politics from a different (albeit slanted) viewpoint

Bill Clinton was absolutely correct
when he said Barack Obama's candidacy is a fantasy (and that IS what he meant his objections not withstanding). Obama is the anti-Colin Powell and displays all the
venality and opportunism that makes
him supremely unqualified to be anywhere remotely near the White
House (and is why, for all the correct and opposite reasons, Colin
Powell is the obvious 'ethnic' candidate to be President because
he considers himself an American
first and foremost and an Afro- Jamaican only distantly).

The much-maligned working class
rural White folk in America (of which
Obama and many media hacks view
with derision) are far more intelligent than Obama or his
acolytes give them credit. Obama
is opposed by many working-class
(not all mind you) people because
they know a fraud when they see one.
Obama is an empty suit who used
south Chicago natives to rise to
power on post-Black nationalism
and Black victimology rhetoric,
and know that he no longer needs
these people, who has discarded
them perforce. Obama is the penultimate con artist-an Ivy League
Jesse Jackson.

Unfortunately, many so-called educated
American voters are naive and immature
and translate their hatred of Bush
(I am no fan of Bush either) into
silly neo-Hippie Berkelian ideology
which has no place in America.
An analogy to Cuba, of all places,
is in order, Cubans dumped one buffoon for another, when Bautista
was replaced by Castro; their ideologies far apart, but not their

McCain is not perfect and has his
faults and idiosyncracies (as we
all do) but he is no buffoon.
wrong source?????????

It appears the link you provided for the quote you made is not the correct site. HUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused:
It appears the link you provided for the quote you made is not the correct site. HUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is....the quote he put in is from the readers comment section. The article was pretty interesting, but the comments being made were unreal!!! :p
toybox learn how to read and UNDERSTAND what you are reading before posting

Here is a quote from some of the comments on an article in the British Telegraph

I said it was from a comment ON the article, not IN the article itself.

UniversalFrost when you post a quote with a reference you are suppose to have some connections of the quote to the reference. In this case the connection was not there. Perhaps you could magically discover the content of the quote on an unrelated page but most readers expect the normal format: here is the cite for the quote. Not here is a cite and maybe you'll find the quote that in not included. Otherwise you need to cite both the aforementioned article and the comment.

I read your reference page(s) then went on to wonder where the quote was connected.
listen man, I can quote all day in the many various formats for you ( i working on a second masters and have mucho experience in quoting and citing sources for my many papers and my thesis), but a majority of the readers here would not understand how to even read the reference for the quote.

quit squabling over a simple issue. The quoted work is in the comments section of the linked document. get over it man and read the article. very interesting.
It's hard for me to get excited either way. An Obama win could be very bad, but a McCain win still won't be very good.
McCain v Oboma election

I would hate to see Oboma as President!
John McCain has yet to show me that he is capable of winning a debate, much less the 2008 election. Let's hope McCain does not pull a 1996 Bob Dole on us. He stayed home and SAMPLED VIAGRA for the manufacturer.
You know we hashed over this a lot during the primaries and I came to the conclusion that McCain would be better than Obama. However I can't stop wondering how many of his promises to conservatives on taxes, judicial appointments, etc McCain will actually keep. Never the less we at least have some hope he might keep them, with Obama we know what will happen, higher taxes and more Ruth Bader Ginsburg's.
I notice Obama is got a bad flip-flop problem like Kerry had. He is going to sit down with terrorist leaders and Iran , yet he is going to defend Israel at all cost, and invade Pakistan to get Bin Laden. He supports the 2nd admendment, yet will vote for every gun control law possible.

Honestly when you promise everything to everybody, eventually it will catch up to you.

I think McCain will wipe the floor with Obama during the debates. However fear that McCain will not get the full support of the Republican voting base like he should. The anti-bush democrat blood lust on top of the Obama-mania will motivate the democrats to come out in full force.

I fear it will be close, if McCain wins by a tight margin, I expect riots.
Obama may have dislike of Bush on his side, but he's got a lot of baggage to deal with that I think will drag him down.

Consider him trying to wash off the residue from swimming across that racial politics cesspool called Chicago to get to the Senate for one. States with lots of blue collar whites and lots of Hispanics did not go for him in the primaries, and pro black, to hell with everybody else racial politics is why. Many of those votes for Clinton in the primaries aren't going to go to Obama in the general. He's tried to explain that a black racist church pastor that he listened to for 20 years isn't really a white-hating racist. Then, after Rev Wright wouldn't shut up and kept spouting his hatred for whites, admitted that his pastor is a white-hating racist but claimed he isn't. Then, after a visiting white, self-hating (therefore white-hating) Catholic priest lets loose a vitriolic rant laced with anti-white racism against Hillary Clinton, he publicly announces that he is resigning from the church. This is only after it becomes glaringly obvious that white voters not afflicted with white liberal guilt are leaving him. Hey, if it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck, floats like a duck, bottom feeds like a duck, flies like a duck, and looks like a duck it must be a duck!

Also, his small record of legislative accomplishment is full of "Present!" on the divisive issues that make some voters hopping mad and uber-liberal when he actually troubles himself to risk his career by voting "Aye" or "Nay". That will go over well, won't it? He hasn't said what he stands for or against in with these "Present!" votes; I (and many other voters) can only conclude that his political agenda is so out of touch with American values that he must keep it hidden in order to have a chance at winning the election. Actually, we already know this if we've been paying attention: He's rated as THE most liberal Senator in the US Senate. I will repeat and italicize this point: Obama is more liberal than 99 other Senators! He even makes liberal bogeywoman Hillary Clinton look conservative!

Let's not forget the most powerful single issue voting bloc in modern American history: He blamed vote costing answers on a gun control questionnaire on staff and claimed he never saw it. Then a copy of the questionnaire showed up with annotations made in his own handwriting. Oops.
Consider that before his legislative career he served on the board of the Joyce Foundation and even considered becoming its chairman. If pressed, he claims he never did anything there to fund anti-gun organizations, never mind the overall policy position of the Joyce Foundation on this issue. What about his "Cling to guns and religion" comments? Ouch. More votes gone.

Now to the delegates: Obama has more delegates and managed to gain the support of the superdelegates. Clinton got more votes in the primaries though. Obama lacks the popular support that Clinton had within the party itself. That translates into Obama lacks popular support outside of the party too.

Honestly, I now believe that Obama has a lot less inevitability than his supporters claim. Seriously, because anyone who isn't totally committed to liberal absolutes, black nationalism, or mindlessly rabid Bush bashing isn't going to vote for this clown in November
Well-written. I hope you are right and that he(Obama) is unable to pull it off

Ugh, this next year is gonna be stressful. I need to go stock up before they try to ban everthing firearms related.
My parents are pretty solid Democrats and though they think McCain is too old, they are voting for him. The preacher thing did it for them.
a majority of the readers here would not understand how to even read the reference for the quote.
I can tell that your major isn't in 'making friends and influencing people'. :o

The only way Barack Obama can fail at this point IMO is if he's endorsed by George W. Bush.
Au contraire, mon frere...

I think McCain will wipe the floor with Obama during the debates.

While I agree that McCain is superior on issues, presumably the debates will be on TV. As far as telegenics are concerned, Obama makes McCain look like he's running for student council. For someone who's had a career as a politician, McCain has remarkably poor public speaking skills, even worse than GWB, in my opinion. He does not come across as a leader. His incessant eye blinking drives me nuts. Given these factors, I respectfully disagree with the quoted statement. Obama's rock star persona will carry the debates regardless of the issues. Anyone recall the Nixon/Kennedy debate? Poor TV presentation cost Nixon the election, arguably.
I think McCain will wipe the floor with Obama during the debates.
You have GOT to be kidding me. Have you ever seen these two debate?
Obama may be living in a Berkeley- liberal dreamland, but he's also the most telegenic and gifted orator in Washington. McCain, otoh, is just as bad a debater as Obama is good. If he wins this election it certainly won't be due to his performance in the debates.
Yes I have seen both debate and speak. Trust me McCain will wipe the floor with him.
Obama is a preacher/teleprompter reader. He sounds great when he knows what to say but cannot retain facts, think fast on his feet, and will stammer , studder, and screw up. He has already said he traveled thru all "57" states in the US and he thought Memorial Day was for living vets. He has a horrible studder, that even David Lettermen (a big liberal) had a Obama "Uh" count. Lastly Obama is a big flip-flopper so he will not have a firm stance on most issues and will get caught saying flip when he should be saying flop.




McCain, while not a dynamic public speaker is pretty firm on what he stands for, to the bewilderment of some conservatives. While he needs to do some serious brushing up on the economy and domestic issues, he knows foriegn policy, military and the war on terror inside and out. When Obama talks to the press he limits them to just a few questions, McCain has been know to have long conversation with the press until they run out of question to ask. McCain has been in politics for a very long time and ran for President a few times so he is going to be more comfortable in the debates. Finally what McCain has that Obama does not is a personality. Obama is not as bad as the robotic Hilary Clinton (Que a smile, are the cameras on me), but he is stiff, fake and at times unsure of what to say. McCain is a little more looser.

McCain in the lion's den (David Letterman Show)

McCain is not fully ready for prime time, but Obama needs A Lot of work.