Why magnums for the LOWER 48, when even in AK Fish & Game say 30-06 enough?

Reloading makes every caliber more versatile. But if you are limited to factory ammo, I don't think any other caliber has as many options as the 30-'06. And this is coming from a 270 guy....
Whelen was very right about some things and not so right about others.

Yes, ... which invariably reflects the difference between opining from the high perch of "authority" while drunk versus doing so when sober. :rolleyes:

Apparently the Col. dude was known to enjoy his gin. ;)
I live in Mississippi and used to hunt across soybean fields. The 30-06 has always been my go to rifle but I wanted something that shot a little flatter for those long shots so I got a 257 Weatherby Magnum. I used it for about 6 or 7 years and killed some deer with it but moved away from the soybean fields in 99 and never hunted with it again.
i have a 700 rem classic in 300 wb that the original ower had glass bedded with pillars and a new trigger installed and adjusted, and if i could only own one rifle that would be it. i reload and it can be loaded down to 30 carbine or to full blown weatherby speeds if needed or wanted. for deer i load a 165 gr nosler at 2700 fps, i have loaded the 165 gr nosler at 2700 fps for my 3006,s for years and it never left me down with a good shot.
I live in Mississippi and used to hunt across soybean fields. The 30-06 has always been my go to rifle but I wanted something that shot a little flatter for those long shots so I got a 257 Weatherby Magnum. I used it for about 6 or 7 years and killed some deer with it but moved away from the soybean fields in 99 and never hunted with it again.

The .257WB is a great all-around cartridge. :cool:

Super accurate, shoots very flat, hits critters like a 2-ton anvil, and the good news on the shooter's end is: it generates the least felt-recoil of any the Weatherby cartridges intended for deer-size game (or larger).
The odd thing here is this is about bears and you are not going to be shooting bears at 600 yards (well not if you are sane)

I never had a shot that was critial (like only a skull showing). Anything from 243 on up will do fine in heart and lung (not for bear but up to Moose yes.

Scandinavia has been shooting moose with a 6.5 forever.

If you want to shoot flat you load a 30-06 up with 130 gr bullets. Done deal.

Better cartridges for target work but that is reloading barrel wear out and recoil related .

My step dad is going to send me the pictures he has of the Grizzly bear shoots his dad did up at his Homestead and mining claim. No charges, just getting them gone as he had a wife and kid to keep safe (as well as himself up at the mining claim alone)

Stuff up in that area was huge, bears, caribou, moose, primo grazing and eating area.

Coastal bears are supposed to be biggest but those in that valley matched and maybe exceeded. All with a somewhat shot out 30-06.
If you want to shoot flat you load a 30-06 up with 130 gr bullets. Done deal.
I used a 130 grain bullet in a .308 Winchester to kill a deer...huge entrance wound with a blown-out front shoulder. Way too much meat damage.
I haven’t read any of the responses, but just want to kick the hornets nest to get the natives in an uproar again…

The reason for the magnum over the 06…the extra velocity (which equals greater energy) makes up for the lack of shot placement
I haven’t read any of the responses, but just want to kick the hornets nest to get the natives in an uproar again…

The reason for the magnum over the 06…the extra velocity (which equals greater energy) makes up for the lack of shot placement
If you do not read any of the other responses, why should anyone read yours?
I loose no sleep either way, besides these “type” of threads pretty much all start or end the same way…

Starts with a question that has been asked a million times on a million different sites and instead of either not answering the question or ignoring it someone ALWAYS…”blah, blah, blah, why does it matter blah, blah, blah” and in this case the second post. Which eventually leads to a moderator…in a nut shell stating; “thanks for stopping by, thread is closed”.
Doesn’t Alaska have a minimum cartridge for use on Brown/ Grizzly ? I’m thing it’s magnum.
I bought a 300mg for range. I bought a 375 H&H to use on Moose/ Bear ect. My hunting in lower 48 only calls for 150gr bullets. The range is the only governing factor. 30/30 close and 300 far.
I haven’t read any of the responses, but just want to kick the hornets nest to get the natives in an uproar again

So reading a thread first isn't even a thought going in?

The reason for the magnum over the 06…the extra velocity (which equals greater energy) makes up for the lack of shot placement.

:rolleyes: Wrong.

That might be an unintended secondary benefit from a Magnum due to poor marksmanship, but the primary "reason(s)" of using a Magnum cartridge is "reach" over longer distances between you and the critter, and better terminal ballistics on impact so as to achieve deeper penetration of the projectile.
> why Magnums

Americans like BIG booms.

Back in the '50s Phil Sharpe was at Winchester and they showed him their new .458 Winchester Magnum cartridge.

Sharpe: "What would anyone use that for?"

Win CEO: "I don't know, but we'll sell a lot of them."