Why isn't the M1A more popular than ARs and others?

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Gentlemen I have read with some interest your comments on the M-14/M1A, and the AR15/16. I had occasion to use both firearms while in Vietnam.(69-71) Both have it's uses, advatages and disadvantages. For a position that must be held by squad of rifleman, I would arm them with the M-14.
(This would be dependent on conditions, terrain, position of the enemy etc.)
The advantages to the M-16 are numerous and have already been mentioned by many of you. As an arm to the average grunt (if in fact there is such an animal) the 16 has much more going for it. THe military unfortunatly has seen fit to place all kinds of gadgets and gear on it making it heavier than the 14. By the time some urban commando finishes
playing around with the 16, they have in reality a heavier clumsier weapons system, than was designed. At what point are you going to use a night scope? When will you use that 37mm grenade launcher and where? Why did you put on the collabsible stock? Now add the foolish flashlight that everyone can see, and don't forget the lazer target sensoring unit/coupled with the $800.00 night sights. Now you are ready? Hell keep it simple, if you are comfortable with a 14 use a 14, if you can hit more with the 16 use it. Just remember the 16 is not a heavy duty brush arm.
Jake, sorry I took your post the wrong way, I wasn't aware you wanted a debate---I was simply posting my opinion on the subject. BTW, the mag release on the FAL is in the back, not really on one side or the other and can be easily reached with either hand. Yes, the FAL barrel is screwed into the receiver, but the upper and lower receiver can be separated with the removal of a single screw.
My perspective on this is that of a former "light" infantry soldier, and I know I would not want to be humping that huge, heavy M14 through the boonies and I also wouldn't want to be trying to attempt many offhand shots with it after having to hump it.
Everyone who's posted pretty much sums up the answer. For me, it came down to a number of differing factors. And those being:

1. Cost. $1300.00 vs. $800.00, I don't have alot of cash to throw around. I could have waited and saved up more for the M1A, but what's the fun in that. Plus accessories ie; magazines and scope mounts are more plentiful and more affordable for the AR.

2. Familiarity. After 8 yrs in the USMC I'm familiar with the AR. I've never shot an M1A.

3. Mission Requirements. I live in an area that is rapidly urbanizing. My longest practicle shooting is at 100 yds or less. More suited for the AR. The potential that the M1A has would rarely be realized.

All that said, I really want an M1A. I do feel it is a better battle weapon, but then who will I be going into battle against?


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Dan: You say who could you possibly be going to battle against?.. I feel you need to read the writings of our founding Fathers because they felt that the right to keep and bear arms was a right established to keep the American population ready to fight a possible war against our Government if it decided to turn to tyranny and establish laws that are unconstitutional. The polititions are already making unconstitutional laws and the attack on Waco should tell you the government will slaughter innocent people if they can get away with it. I suggest you wake up and look around.

I'm awake and I see what's going on. At the risk of starting a flame war (which is what I think Rich has been trying to end), all I will say is that any battles that are going to be fought will be done at the ballot box.

I know that view seems to chafe those that have an overthrow the govt by armed conflict fantasy. I just don't see it happening. I think those who talk about it are probably the last ones prepared to actually participate in any armed conflict.

Just my observations...


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All of the above are the reason that the ARs lead in popularity. Price difference, ammo avail, The Black rifle mystic, Less recoil. The M14 -M1A is not a assault rifle but rather a battle rifle. We who were old enough to remember when the M14 replaced the M1 were not for it at all because we were going with a mid range cartridge and now they have gone to a short range rifle. The spray and pray strategy is more fun for most people so the AR is ahead. In popularity
Gale, in the Infantry, we used M16s and were not taught, nor encouraged to use spray and pray. Our weapons were to be on semiauto at all times and every shot was meant to count. I remember getting reemed by a full bird colonel once because one of my men who was surrounded by Opfor at contact ranges didn't practice trigger control on his SAW...don't think the popularity of the AR/M16 has anything to do with spray and pray mentality.
More to do with less weight and better ergonomics.
Rik, my appology sir, I just re-read my earlier post and I don't like the way it came out. Have to be more precise with the written word than the spoken word.
Dan I agree with you 100%, But I am not so innocent minded to think that our citizens won't be lied to by polititions and the media and elect a anti constitutional Government like the people did in Germany. We can still keep the few rights we got left if we keep the pressure on at the voting booth. So I will try to stay optimistic. But will always be ready for the worst.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>

HAL - Dave, are you there Dave?

Dave - Yes HAL, I am here

HAL - Dave. We might have a problem. I think Huston should be notified

Dave - Problem HAL? What type of problem

HAL - Well Dave. Topic length is approaching maximum byte length. I'm sure you noticed the load time, haven't you Dave?

Dave - Why... Yes HAL, I have.

HAL - Dave. Should I lock the Topic Dave?

Dave - No HAL. I'll lock the Topic.

HAL - OK Dave, If thats what you want. Dave? Should I start a Part II?

Dave - No HAL. We'll let the Members do that if they want to continue this topic

HAL - OK Dave. Dave?

Dave - Yes HAL

HAL - I love you Dave

Dave - I love you also HAL

Honest My computer is talking to me!

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by Schmit (edited January 24, 2000).]
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