Why is the NRA so quiet….

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"They were denied their initial bankruptcy petition by a court in NY. Now they have to fight it out."

US bankruptcy judge Harlan Hale dismissed the NRA's bankruptcy petition:

"The Court is not dismissing this case with prejudice,113 but should the NRA file a new bankruptcy case, this Court would immediately take up some of its concerns about disclosure, transparency, secrecy, conflicts of interest of officers and litigation counsel, and the unusual involvement of litigation counsel in the affairs of the NRA, which could cause the appointment of a trustee out of a concern that the NRA could not fulfill the fiduciary duty required by the Bankruptcy Code for a debtor in possession."

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Reading the Court decision, makes it look like Mr. LaPierre needs to do some remedial work, and the sooner the better. It would also help if he were more open with the membership about what is happening.

Lots of questions in the air,,, so why nothing from Mr. LaPierre???/
True, there are some internal organizational problems with the NRA-- but I think ending one's membership is not a good idea. It's throwing the baby out with the bath water.

What other loud, effective voice stands up for gun owners?
While still a member I've looked elsewhere . . .

I'm still a member of the NRA, but mostly because they has such frequent membership campaigns that I re-upped through 2024 without realizing it. Anyway I looked around and have joined to IL organization. The Illinois Rifle Association and Guns Save Lives. Both look after my 2nd amendment rights here in IL.

Life is good.
Prof Young
One point to consider, when involved in a fight, its generally a poor idea to "telegraph your punches".

The NRA is in a couple of big fights right now, the open legal fight against lawsuits from NY, and the internal fight within the organization over Wayne LaPierre's actions and where they have brought us.

I can't see Wayne & co telling the world (including both the membership and their opponents) what their plans are, in whole or part, until they feel the time is right.

Sad to see the NRA's great work over a century and a half being trashed by the actions of those we counted on most. :(
Asking for a friend.

Here's the .2 cent version, tell the friend to join the local organizations who are truly fighting in court for average smoe. The NRA likes to take credit for any victories they were never involved with to begin with.

To answer the question they are running scared, because once you get into court everything is open for public scrutiny. Some might be surprised that their yearly dues, that only around .2 cents for every dollar goes to any gun cause, the rest is spent on Big salaries and trips to Vegas.

Like a lot of things in America, the NRA like the gun manufacturers don't care one bit, it's all about the bottom line on Wall-Street and only Mossberg and Glock are still privately own. Of which only Mossberg out of the two to be trusted.

And all the rest when push comes to shove will sell us all down the river, just like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Redditt, etc., etc., etc.
Have you ever read around the various gun forums online, most are own by a company out of Canada, a country that hates gun ownership, yet own all these various gun forums for the sole purpose to sell crap to the tacti cool crowd.

Some of them look like an open market Arab bazaar, wall to wall vendors.
I am a Life Member so I am not going away. I get the "American Rifleman" magazine and find it well done.

You can search the magazine here:

Listening to Gresham's radio show.I didn't write anything down,and I can't give verifiable sources.

And I'm not offerng value judgements.

From the Board of Directors,two have resigned.(I hope I get this name right)

Buzz Mills of Gunsite, and Ted Nugent.

A factor might be the board of directors no longer have a legal liability insurance.I do not have the details.
“Here's the .2 cent version, tell the friend to join the local organizations who are truly fighting in court for average smoe. The NRA likes to take credit for any victories they were never involved with to begin with.“

I completely agree. As well as GOA and the very good TFA here in Tennessee, I’m still a member of MSI in Maryland.

The NRA pushed what they called ‘constitutional carry’ here in TN, when it is in no way Constitutional Carry. It just allows exceptions to current law, but not for 18-21 (for example). They worked with establishment, entrenched politicians rather than pursuing what they pretend they are working for. Really annoying!
I have been a Board Member in a large group of members.

It just got to be a waste of my time. I resigned when I got tired of the endless messages and other stuff. My opinion was never considered.

This is not a rare event as most other gun organizations take the same deal.
So why do you do slam (troll) the biggest gun organization in the world? Did Obama and Biden pay you for your support?
We need 7 guys that are in charge of making the best guns and ammo in the U.S.A. We need them to control the donations that we offer.

Biden and his socialist's supporters are giving you the finger.
HiBC said:
Listening to Gresham's radio show.I didn't write anything down,and I can't give verifiable sources.

And I'm not offerng value judgements.

From the Board of Directors,two have resigned.(I hope I get this name right)

Buzz Mills of Gunsite, and Ted Nugent.
And a couple of years ago (or so) a number of other high-profile directors abruptly resigned from the board. One of them was Pete Brownell -- I don't remember the others, but Pete wasn't the only resignation around that time.
I'm a Life Member and not going anywhere. Despite all of its problems, the NRA is still the ONLY entity that gets a bit of fear and respect from anti-gun elected politicians. With so much potential for really onerous new gun laws, now is not the time to abandon the NRA, Wayne LaPierre notwithstanding.
Although I absolutely accept and respect those opinions, the actions of the so-called "leadership" simply discredits them.

I quit funding their luxury lifestyle a few years back, and it's gotten worse since.
The latest issue of American rifleman had the usual moan letter from Wayne bragging how much he has done for gun owners, and the current President, a lady, about what a wonderful job they are doing,,,the other editorials were the usual puff pieces.
Not a single word about the problems with the state of New York, about the aborted attempt to file bankruptcy and the move to Texas…Come on people, tell us what is going on,,,,
Not did they address the large drop in membership this past year?
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