Why is Glock still building the 20SF, 21SF, 29SF & 30SF models?

"Sorry, "Because people still buy them." does not explain this." Why not? Its your opinion that this does not explain it. What do you think it is a big massive conspiracy:rolleyes:. They build what sells, if people still buy 3rd gen guns in enough volume to make it profitable then why not. I believe your seeing something that's not there.
If that was true, then Glock would continue to make Gen 3's in all of their other models, too. Which they don't.

They have stopped manufacturing Gen 3's in all of their most popular models in .357 SIG, 9mm and .40 S&W calibers.

Really? And you got that info how?

Because the US Glock website still lists the regular models in all calibers, then ones labeled "GEN 4." You show me a 17L Gen 4 (a periodically produced model), then I'll believe you.

In 2013, they discontinued the C models... and was said to do the same with the ones you are talking about in this thread (Gen 3 guns). It wasn't a unsubstantiated story... and you can look up the articles written about it. So, I definitely would like to know your source that Gen 3s are discontinued.

You asked a question and got what most people see as the answer. If that doesn't suffice... go call Glock.
BluRidgDav said:
Sorry, "Because people still buy them." does not explain this.
From a business perspective, yeah, it does. Perhaps more accurately: "Because people still buy them in sufficient numbers to create a profit margin that will keep the stockholders happy."

BluRidgDav said:
If that was true, then Glock would continue to make Gen 3's in all of their other models, too.
Not unless people were buying them in sufficient numbers to warrant doing so. Even if some of a given model are selling, there's some "floor" number below which it still makes sense to discontinue.

BluRidgDav said:
....They have stopped manufacturing Gen 3's in all of their most popular models in .357 SIG, 9mm and .40 S&W calibers.

The ONLY Gen 3's still in their line-up are the four wide-body SF models that I asked about, and four other narrower .45 ACP/GAP caliber guns: 30S, 36, 38 and 39...
You must have some inside information unavailable to the rest of us then, because as of today's date, Glock's website lists both Gen 3 and Gen 4 in:
In .357 SIG -- G31, G32 and G33;
In 9mm -- G17, G19, G26 and G34
In .40 -- G22, G23, G27 and G35
They have stopped manufacturing Gen 3's in all of their most popular models in .357 SIG, 9mm and .40 S&W calibers.

That's completely untrue.

And with USSOCOM, NSWC, and others having specifically adopted the Gen 3 Glock 19, it's unlikely that they will stop manufacturing these for a very long time.
Quote: Why is Glock still building the 20SF, 21SF, 29SF & 30SF models?
I live in California and you can get the gen4SF as I have a Glock 21. The trouble is California charges a premium price and they are still limited supply. Not all GEN4SFs are available. I have found the 20 and 21 available.

Sorry, no new Gen 4 is legal to sell in California from a gun store. If a private party is selling one, you may be able to buy it, but no gun store can legally sell a new Gen 4 glock.

From California DOJ website

Roster of Handguns Certified for Sale
Handgun models will be removed from the roster on the list expiration date unless the manufacturer renews the listing prior to the list expiration date.

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This list is valid for Tuesday, March 28, 2017

No Generation 4 Glock handguns have been approved as of: Tuesday, March 28, 2017
No Glock handguns made in the USA have been approved as of: Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Ride Madone already said alot of this.........Winterhawk56 is spreading mis-leading information. Gen 4 Glocks are NOT available to ordinary citizens in CA to purchase new from a dealer. CA has what is called a "Roster of Handguns Certified for Sale", which is a list the CA Dept of Justice has established to identify handguns that ordinary citizens can legally buy new from a dealer......provided that handgun had the mandatory "safety" features required by the state at the time of testing/approval/listing.

Every few years, the CA powers-that-be, introduce new, more stringent requirements a gun mfr must meet in order to have a gun tested and approved for sale in CA. The latest requirement is that any new semi-automatic handgun a mfr wishes to sell in CA must be capable of "microstamping" the gun's serial number on the shell casing (in two places) during the firing/ejection process. This technology does not currently exist (or at least is not feasible), and the gen 4 glocks came out AFTER this requirement was established. So, no gen 4's (or ANY new semiauto from any mfr) on the CA list. Ever. The gen 3 guns are "grandfathered" under the prior level of requirements, so they are on the list, and available new. My point to all of this is that California is a HUGE market for handguns, that is a major reason Glock still makes some of the gen 3 guns.

All that said, yes, there are ways to legally acquire a gen 4 Glock in CA....either via interfamilial transfer from a child or parent/grandparent (not siblings, cousins, etc) who is out of state (difficult), or purchasing one used from someone who is either exempt (LEO) or brought one in from out of state (which always drives a significant mark-up in used gun prices), or being a previously mentioned exempt person (again, LEO).

Ordinary CA citizens will never be able to purchase a new gen 4 from a dealer.