Why is a particular pistol your best and your most accurate?

It has a lot to do with style of grip . . .

My 1911 45 and my 357 snubbie both have rubber or partially rubber grips with finger grooves. I shoot both of those guns more accurately than any of my other handguns.

Life is good.
Prof Young
I have to say, that’s an education!

As I’m a bit new to the practice of sending lead downstream, it came to me one time, as I shot in near total darkness, that only one small arm that I have ever operated worked as a seeming pure extension of both my body and intent. I’m sure there will be more...but this time, after about 1000 rounds my P07 matched the one I rented a year ago.
Trigger is the most key for me. A good SAO trigger, specifically a 1911 is my most accurate platform. Therefore my 1911s are my most accurate guns.

Generally followed by my revolvers in SA, then Glocks.

The Glocks is likely due to having more trigger time on them than anything else not called a 1911.
I have quite a few pistols, some of which are revolvers. My favorite...because I shoot it well...is a series 80 Colt Gold Cup that was worked over by the late George Madore.
I run it as a .45 and also as a .22 with a Nelson conversion.
I have, at this point in my shooting life, shot a great many guns. Nothing has pointed as well in my hands as that Colt.
Mostly a SA trigger

I think at least for some folks the popularity of the 1911 is the fact that it is an easy pistol to be accurate with.

A long heavy trigger pull makes accuracy far more difficult.
I can't answer this...took Python, S&W 19, Colt .38 Trooper S&W 15 to the range shot all 4. Best group was with the 15. Don't prove a thing. Now for the 28, 586, 686 etc.
Nothing is more important than reliability. So, IMO, reliability trumps accuracy.

XDm9, XD9 Service- 1000 plus rounds and NO malfunctions of any kind.
Colt 1911, LW Commander .45- about 450 rounds and three or four FTF, FTE

Even though the Colt is a bit more accurate than the XDs in my hands its not enough of a difference to be more important than reliability....I have more confidence in the XDs.

The point I am making is my best isn't my most accurate. My best is my most dependable.
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I have several very accurate pistols and revolvers. I can only say that, with centerfire pistols and revolvers, nothing has grouped better for me than the SIG P210 pistols. I have others that have equaled the 210's accuracy upon occasion, but none have bettered it in my hands.
Reliability trumps all else for me too. I don't tend to keep guns of questionable reliability for long.

Best, I don't know. We're fortunate to have such a wide variety of quality firearms available to us nowadays. I guess it comes down to how each of us defines "best".
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A Ruger MKII , it was worked over buy Clark Custom Gunns .
An accuracy/ reliability and target trigger job was preformed . Then a Red Dot sight was mounted .

Just thinking about shooting it puts a smile on my face , the trigger pull is like kissing a pretty girl...just magical , place the red dot on your target and simply think "dead center" and it's hit ..... I don't know what they do at Clark Custom Guns but you should have them do you a target trigger before cashing out your chips .
All of my guns are accurate enough in that if I have to use them in a defensive mode, the other guy ain't walking away. There's one exception and that's a Davis .25 cal Derringer I had to take it away from my dad after he threaten a couple of bikers. Good thing they had a sense of humor. My dad was 87 at the time. I shot it and couldn't hit anything pass 3 feet.
Nothing is more important than reliability. So, IMO, reliability trumps accuracy.

Not to downplay the vital importance of reliability, but, if you can't hit what you're aiming at (accuracy) all you have is a reliable noisemaker.

One needs a sufficient amount of BOTH. As to what that amount is, that's your personal call.
Most accurate is my S&W 15-3 38special. I think it may have had a trigger job before I got it from a range which went out of business--city took their property by eminent domain for a parking lot. (Yes, I know. What an underhanded way to close down on firearms!)
I must be blessed because of all the handguns I’ve owned there has been no reliability issues( including P-11 ). But some had accuracy issues in my hands.

Both issues can only be assessed after purchase and maybe I’ve dodged the reliability issue because I’m very brand/model selective.

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Most accurate from a bench rest: Colt Python with "Targetmaster" 148 HBWC ammo, and Colt gold Cup NM with 185 grain semi-wadcutters. (Girl scout loads.:D)

Most accurate and reliable off hand is my SIG P226 9MM with Federal 9BPLE 115 grain +P+.
My most accurate are revolvers in this order
Sw k.32 masterpiece
Sw model 57 .41 mag
Sw model 27 .357 mag
Sw model 29 .44 mag
Sw model 686 .357 mag
Sw model 66 .357 mag
Ruger Blackhawk .45 acp-.45 colt
The Only auto is a ruger .22 mark lll that is very accurate also.
I'm not sure I can claim any single handgun as most accurate or even most reliable. I've had fewer failures to fire with revolvers than with my bottom feeders. BUT, given the ammunition a particular example prefers the reliability becomes about the same as with a revolver. Then there is accuracy. At 3 yards to 7 yards most all of them are equally accurate. At shorter distances my little fixed barrel handguns like a Sig 230 or East German Makarov are amazingly accurate. Move out to 15 yards and the longer barrel longer sight line handguns become more accurate. Take out defensive drills and my 6" Dan Wesson 15-2 probably gets the nod on accuracy. Then there is weight and inertia; a Smith 4" 27/28 seems more repeatable than a Smith 4" 19. My Smith 19-5 with target trigger & hammer & adjustable sights and some trigger work is slightly more accurate then my 100 year old Colt Army Special.

The big BUT in all of that is "How accurate am I on a given day" and that truly is a variable.
None of my handguns are accurate, they are handguns. If I were to answer which of my handguns can I shoot the tightest and most consistent groupings ? , that would be my Ruger GP100 6" in 357 mag. I gauge my comparative precision by shooting at 50' supported off a tripod rest and some of my semi handgun groups look pretty ugly ! LOL
I would have to say my original S&W m17 K22. From years of carrying and the
thousands of rounds I've put through its my go to 22 handgun. That's a hard
choice because I have target pistols that will outshoot it on the range or at
least shoot as good. I even have other K22s that I can't seem to shoot as well
as my original that I got new in 1964. In fact all my handguns are target grade.
The only 3 guns that don't make this cut are old 3screw Rugers.
Same here. My first K22 still outshines my others.
At 25 yards, it gets difficult for me to determine which of my pistols is most accurate between the Les Baer PII, S&W PC1911, Sig P210 American, and the Dan Wesson Pointman 9.

At 7 or 10 yards, any service grade pistol will shoot. But the plastic striker fired guns can't run with the ones mentioned above past 50 ft.