"Why I stay married to Bill"..drivel alert

I kind of like the sin of weakness and not malice excuse. "Honey, buying $2000 dollars worth of stuff at that gun show was a sin of weakness, not malice...." Unfortunately I don't think that it would work with my wife and she would commit a sin of malice after I tried using that excuse. :)
I wasn't surprised. "Victimization" is really big these days in liberal circles. Hell, she's just trying to take advantage of the spineless NY contingent and their sympathy vote. "Oh, the poor, brave woman for standing by her Bill." Hell, there's not enough of those 1.6 gallon-per-flush toilets for all the BS they're spreading these days.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Back when the Lewinsky scandal broke she was defending him, even though she already knew his history. Given the fact that she went on about how horrible these allegations were, but would NOT admit that, if true, the allegations warranted his resignation, it seems pretty clear that she, at the very least, had doubts about his innocence. So, how did she defend him? She blamed it on a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Even though she knew that he might very well be guilty as charged, she deliberately blamed the scandal on their political enemies.
That was a sin of malice.
Don't count on the media to seize on this, however.

Well, my wife is not the First Lady, not a lawyer, and not even a college grad. But she has Hillary Clinton beat by a mile in the departments of wisdom, discernment, and truthfulness. If I acted in any way like Bill Clinton, my wife would have far more self-respect than to compromise herself by subscribing to Hillary's thin rationalizations. She'd give me my walking paper--and I'd have earned no less.

Anyway, as usual, Mrs. Clinton inspires me to reach for the Pepto-Bismol and the airsickness bag.
Hilary's words typify our society these days. "Oh, it was my parents fault..." "I was abused as a child..." etc etc yadda yadda yadda. No one takes responsibility for their actions anymore, it's always the fault of someone else.

Hilary disgusts me. Everything she stands for is repugnant to me, from her "Village" concept (excuse me, they're MY kids), to this sham of an article. Liberals make me sick!

Excuse me while I go retch into the toilet...

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited August 03, 1999).]
So now we know. Bill Clinton is a sexual predator with no discernable morals because he had to live with the emotional torment that was heaped upon him at such a tender age.

It's interesting that they've been careful to say the abuse was *not* physical or sexual in nature. He was just emotionally abused. Hah! So Bill was at Ground Zero for the contest of PMS vs. menopause. My soul just aches for the poor guy. I feel his pain.

Boy, it sure is easy to blame stuff like this on the dead, since they tell no tales.

However, there may be a silver lining to this: The courts may start cranking out child custody decisions that are based in part on the harmful atmosphere created by "female squabbling". The feminists would love that, but then, they DID stand silent and thereby helped Clinton retain the office that he'd disgraced. At the very least, Bill's Big Excuse could become popular with men seeking a little entertainment"... "Honey, did I ever tell you about how my grandmother and my mother used to fight"? *Zzziiipp!*
RacerX, Are you laying down the groundwork of the insanity defense of a sociopath? I hope I won't have to sit on that one!

DC, Yes, I messed up and watched the news again this evening! Actually saw the woman saying things about love etc!

Sorry, I lost my train of whatever little thought I have.

Bill: (boots on, pants tucked in, shirtsleeves rolled up), "Man, I'm tired of all this shoveling. Someone else take a turn."

Hillary: "Sure honey!"


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