"Why I stay married to Bill"..drivel alert


New member
Man, do I hate excuses. If this guy had a shred of decency, he would own up to what he is without trying to justify his pathetic brand of morality. WAAAA, it's mommy's fault. This crap sickens me. The leader of the Free World, and people still can support him and keep a straight face. History will judge this stooge harshly.

Man I need to get off the fence on this subject, huh. ;)


"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future."
Adolph Hitler, 1935
August 1 1999

Hillary Clinton: why I
stay married to Bill

Christopher Goodwin, Los Angeles

AMERICA'S first lady, Hillary Clinton, who is also
the country's most publicly betrayed wife, has
revealed for the first time why she has stood by the
president. She said his infidelities were a
"weakness" caused by the psychological trauma of
childhood abuse.

In an interview that gives an unprecedented insight
into their marriage, Hillary reveals that she believes
Bill Clinton's childhood experiences set a pattern for
his philandering.

She also discloses that, until the scandal broke over
his affair with Monica Lewinsky, she thought he had
"conquered" his unfaithfulness.

"Yes, he has weaknesses. Yes, he needs to be more
disciplined, but it is remarkable given his
background that he turned out to be the kind of
person he is, capable of such leadership," she said.

"He was so young, barely four, when he was
scarred by abuse. There was terrible conflict
between his mother and grandmother. A
psychologist once told me that for a boy being in
the middle of a conflict between two women is the
worst possible situation. There is always a desire to
please each one."

Ever since arriving in the governor's mansion in
Arkansas in 1978, Clinton was known, in the
parlance of the state, as a "hard dog to keep on the
porch". When he became president in 1993 Betsey
Wright, his assistant, had to devote much of her
time to coping with "bimbo eruptions". But only
when the Lewinsky affair was exposed did Hillary
realise that her husband had not changed.

"You have to be alert to it, vigilant in helping. I
thought this was resolved 10 years ago. I thought
he had conquered it; I thought he understood it,
but he didn't go deep enough or work hard
enough," she said.

Referring to the period after Clinton's affair with
Gennifer Flowers, the Arkansas beauty queen who
claimed a 12-year relationship, Hillary said: "You
know we did have a very good stretch - years and
years of nothing."

The interview, to be published this week in Talk, a
new magazine edited by Tina Brown, former editor
of The New Yorker, is the first time Hillary has
talked about her marriage since her husband was
impeached for lying about his sexual relationship
with Lewinsky, the 21-year-old White House

Asked by Lucinda Franks, the interviewer, whether
their marriage would survive the strain of her
standing for the Senate in New York, Hillary
replied: "He's responsible for his own behaviour
whether I'm there or 100 miles away. You have the
confrontation with the person and then it is their
responsibility, whether it's gambling, drinking or
whatever. Nobody can do it for you.

"He has been working on himself very hard in the
past year. He has become more aware of his past
and what was causing this behaviour."

Hillary emphasised that the affair with Lewinsky
occurred after the deaths of his mother, her father
and their old friend Vincent Foster, who shot
himself. "He couldn't protect me, so he lied," she
said simply.

"You know in Christian theology there are sins of
weakness and sins of malice, and this was a sin of

When Hillary was challenged that many people
believed she had stuck by Clinton for her own
benefit, she revealed her deeper motivations for
loyalty. She said she had learnt the lessons of her
mother's bitter experience: Dorothy Rodham, the
product of a divorce, was put on a train at the age
of eight with her three-year-old sister to be brought
up by her grandparents.

"My mother never had any education. She had
terrible obstacles but she vowed that she would
break the pattern of abandonment in her family,
and she did," Hillary said.

"Everybody has some dysfunction in their families.
They have to deal with it. You don't walk away if
you love someone. You help the person."

When Hillary tried to draw a comparison from the
Bible to describe her allegiance, the interviewer
suggested a passage from Corinthians. "Love
endures all things? No, I love that, but I was
thinking of when Peter betrayed Jesus three times
and Jesus knew it but loved him anyway. Life is not
a linear progression. It has many paths and
challenges; and we need to help one another."

"And it is love, isn't it?" asked the interviewer.

"Yes, it is," Hillary replied. "We have love."

She survived the infidelities and the public outcry
through "soul-searching, friends, religious faith and
long hard discussions". She said: "I don't believe in
denying things. I believe in working through it. Is
he ashamed? Yes. Is he sorry? Yes. But does this
negate everything he has done as a husband, a
father, a president?

"There has been enormous pain, enormous anger,
but I have been with him half my life and he is a
very, very good man. We just have a deep
connection that transcends whatever happens."

Her chief of staff, Melanne Verveer, said that as the
president tried to make up for what he had done
she had seen "physical passion" come back into
their lives. But the rapprochement emerged slowly,
according to another aide, who said Hillary had
"barely spoken" to Clinton for eight months after
the semen stain on Lewinsky's dress was made

During the past 18 months Hillary has lost weight,
changed her hairstyle and started wearing smart
clothes. Clinton, say aides, has noticed the
difference with some surprise. "Doesn't she look
beautiful?" he is said to have observed to friends.

Hillary says she and Clinton enjoy the intimacies of
any married couple. "We talk. We talk in the
solarium, in the bedroom, in the kitchen - it's just
constant conversation. We like to lie in bed and
watch old movies, you know, those little individual
video machines you can hold on your lap."

News of the interview began to circulate in
Washington a few days after a court fined the
president $90,686 (£56,700) for lying in the
harassment case brought by Paula Jones. It was
the first time a sitting president had been fined for
contempt. Jones had accused Clinton of making an
unwanted sexual advance to her in a hotel in
Arkansas before he became president.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Geez, another 'victim' in the Blameless Society. while everyone makes mistakes or screws up from time to time, the measure of the man is in accepting responsibility for your errors and doing what you can to make it right. Of course, making the same mistake over and over is only slightly less stupid than putting up with/accepting it.

It's bad enough that we elected this irresponsible, undisciplined dweeb, and now his major apologist wants a turn (bad judgment and all)!?!?

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited August 01, 1999).]
its several wonderful lawyer tricks in that interview.......
Shes paving the way for people to give her the benefit of the doubt, she comes out all touchy feelie, and then later she calmly explains her love for her husband, including the requiste bible quotes, the ones touting jesus's behavoir in particular.......
When asked if "bill is ashamed of his behavoir", she replies in one word answers to the negatives, and expounds at length on his supposed reasons and the reasons are always someone elses......what tripe......
Since They were 18 they were legally responsible for their behavoir---unless they owned the law like now....fubsy.
Their "marriage" was nothing more than a business arrangement from the start. Hillary is a total,phony, political hack. She made a decision long ago to strap herself to Bill for the ride to political opportunity.

She is even attempting to use her "victimhood" now for political gain. These people are really sick.

Time for a Pepcid.
The Bible passages are what gets me. They 'play' religious.....but don't act on their 'beliefs'. He,an adulterer and liar and DEFINATELY not someone who came out and openly said he was sorry. Not until he was FORCED to! Theres no repentance. Now,Jimmy Swaggart.......that was repentance. This clown.....would turn around and do it again if he had the chance,as he has in the past.
I thought Jimmy Swaggart got caught again...

stanmanplan, I'm not trying to be picky, but the Hitler gun registration quote on your message is a hoax. The Nazis did indeed benefit from gun control, but I think most of it was passed before they came to power (which is even scarier in a way). Here's what Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has to say about the quote:
<A HREF="http://www.jpfo.org/faq.htm

" TARGET=_blank>http://www.jpfo.org/faq.htm


Question: Is the following an authentic quotation?

"This year will go down in history. For the first time a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future."
--Adolph Hitler, 1935

Answer: No, it's a hoax. At least nobody has been able to verify it.

One version of the quote references a newspaper or magazine, and when someone checked the reference, there was nothing about it. Also, I believe there was no German gun control laws passed in 1935.

[This message has been edited by BTR (edited August 01, 1999).]
What really cracks me up is, according to her statement, the alleged abuse that gave rise to his future disgusting behavior:

His mom and grandma are feuding...he loves them both and doesn't want to take sides...thus, according to Hillary, that is "scarring abuse". Huh?...say what?

The scarring abuse was in actuality the shameless indulgence, permissive spoiling and blatant acceptance of his @sskissing Eddie Haskell personality. Nothing a weekly meeting with a belt wouldn't have straightened out

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
The abuse bit might hold water until a person is an adult. Once that happens, you are responsible for your own actions, regardless of your past. This is just another lib/lie to justify his behavior. To lay the blame somewhere else besides where it belongs.

As to Hillary believing this crap, I have no doubt. As a true died in the wool liberal (Hillary not me), there is always an excuse for everything. Its the guns fault or the abusive child hood... anything but where the true blame rests.

And the farmer hauled another load away, while the bull rolled over and dropped dead from overwork. In other words, what B.S.!
Paul B.
Most likely the reason she stays married to the ratweasle (First Felon) is because she does not want to take a trip to the park ala Vince Foster.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Folks, I hate to be the one to tell you,but it is all SPIN. Now she is on record with an explanation that Mother Theresa could be proud of and she can pass off all forthcoming questions in her campaign by saying "I've already answered that".
Probably everybody on this forum was exposed to conflict as a child. His problem has already been well-covered.

Better days to be,

Why do many women still support either of them? Any self-respecting women should be screaming for both of their heads. I think she is a worse role model than he is. It just makes me sick...
I didn't know whether to vomit or laugh my butt off. I was queasy in the beginning but when I got to the part about her losing weight and a new wardrobe I nearly split a side laughing. I don't care how much weight she lost she still has those thunder thighs. If she got liposuction on those bad boys the're would be enough tallo to render down to make enough bullet lube for the whole TFL group. She still looks like Alvin and the chipmucks sister.

"Solidarity is the Key"
Don't be so quick to judge. I myself was a victim of a terrible childhood trauma. When I was about eight my father took me quail hunting with him. I made the grevious mistake of standing on the right side of a Remington 12 gauge auto. First shot fired and BAM! I took a hot shell casing right up side the head. I haven't been quite right since. Everytime I see a firearm, I get this terrible feeling that I should be shooting and you really don't want to know what the smell of gunsmoke does to me! These things can have a profound impact on your life and force you to do things that normal(?) people wouldn't dream of. Of course it could just be that I'm just looking for any old excuse, cause actually I'm just full of crap. :D

What I can't figure out is why on earth did I read this garbage? Excuse me, I gotta go puke!
She's just preparing her future neighbors for the time when she and dip**** leave the White House and move in next door. So, if he invites your daughter over to admire his cigar collection, relax. It won't be his fault.
hillary did this to get her poll numbers up. when she herself is the "little woman",her poll numbers are up. when people actually listen to what she says, her poll numbers are down.
right now she's losing to rudy g.
According to Hillary, Bubba is guilty of "sins of weakness", not malice. I wonder if Juanita Broaddrick shares that view?