WHY hunt crows?

Why? To watch them go "poof" when struck with a high velocity rifle bullet of course...I only shoot them on the ground this way though for safety reasons.
gudel - Yep, hit a crow COM with colibri from rifle. It flew off. Not enough velocity. CCI CB loads a little louder, but much more effective.
Crows crap on my car. I always thought it was incidental, but after doing some reading and watching PBS, I've come to the conclusion that they do it on purpose.

I'm not joking. I believe they do it on purpose. Watch any PBS show about birds and you'll agree with me. I'd kill the little bastards if my neighbors wouldn't notice the 12 gauge belch hell fire.
I've killed 2 crows with .177 pellet guns in the backyard over the years - that's about 8 grains at 900-1000 fps. I don't see why a 20 grainer going 500 fps wouldn't kill them pretty easily, but maybe not.... If there's a number one reason not to use colibris, it's because they're inaccurate as all hell.

Now that's interesting - why in the heck would they crap on your car on purpose - that's certainly a great reason to kill them, but I'm skeptical of that.
LOL, I swear! They crap on cars on purpose! Probably because all those times cars drive up or down driveways, forcing the crows that are bathing in the gutter to get out of the way. It just pisses them off, so they crap on the cars.

Now before I get too off-topic, you don't think those Colibris are accurate enough eh? I've had this hankering to try them for pest control. Airgun maybe a better choice?
That's hilarious. Yes, super colibris will have a few accurate ones, then a massive flier every 3-5 rounds (like 1.5" off at 10 yards - terrible, terrible), at least in my .22, so an airgun is better for anything past about 8 yards I'd say. I have an RWS model 350 - my preferred pellet is the heaviest one available commercially (to my knowledge) - it's made in Germany - called the H & N Silver Point - the heaviest variety of this type in .177 - it's over 11 grains, and has a pretty decent BC. The weight also keeps the vels subsonic, to maintain accuracy.