Why Heller is a stumbling block for BHO

I don't think either side can be trusted, right or left. Public opinion and polls (that equal votes) are what cause pro or anti gun stances.

I get a kick out of all the anti Obama crowd. I am not convinced that McCain is any more "pro-gun" than Obama, no matter what he says.

Don't forget who was behind the ORIGINAL Assault Weapons ban in 1989. Remember that one? Not the Clinton ban, but the BUSH Sr. ban. This stopped the importation of certain types of "Assault" weapons (like the Beretta AR-70), and got the ball rolling for the gun grabbers. Bush backed this attempt at legislating Morality after the Stockton schoolyard shooting (Purdy). When I voted for Bush Sr., I had no idea he would turn on the gun owners who had helped put him into power. The NRA endorsed Bush SR. in the 88 election, and he repaid us after getting into power with a gun Ban to appease the public and press (CNN).

If either side (including McCain) sees an advantage to banning certain types of weapons, or pushing for gun "Registration" (one step closer to confiscation!) once they get in power, they will. No matter who is in office after November 08, when another violent shooting hits the networks, and the public demands action, the new Admin. will support more gun control. Of this, be sure.

History repeats itself.
HKUser, you've got the idea.

If anything, the Mainstream Press HATES feeling like they got played.

They may want to anoint BHO as messiah, but their own arrogance and need to feel smarter and more informed than anybody else does make them all touchy about the issue of somebody playing them.

They hate to be played, unless, of course, they are in on the play.

BHO has been caught playing them on this issue.

He's tried to cover it up by claiming his previous bald-faced assertion of his support for the D.C. Ban was "inartful."

Now, I typically never, ever, ever, ever watch the CBS national news, but I did tonight just so I could watch Katie Couric have to talk about the Heller decision.

And she straight-up asked BHO about the total contradiction of his earlier statements about supporting the D.C. ban, and his statements today about supporting the Heller decision which killed that ban.

That's Katie Couric, asking BHO about his flip-flop and smarmy routine.

And she asked in an aggressive manner, and pointed out his blatant flip-flop and contradiction.

Obama supports the 2nd admendment...well kinda, well you know he thinks people should be able to go hunting. Of course he wants to make sure the streets are not more dangerous and there could be some "common sense" restrictions that could yet be applied. And of course he would never ever appoint Supreme Court Justices that would rule against gun ownership.

What a joke, this guy is pathetic.:barf:

Hey did Michael Moore say once he would leave the Country if the Supreme court ruled in favor of individual gun rights? No, maybe not. I think I must have just dreamed that up.:D
The NRA is going to spend $40 million to make sure Heller remains a stumbling block for Obama.

Here's a key excerpt:

The NRA filed suit on Friday to overturn handgun laws in Chicago, Obama’s hometown, and three Windy City suburbs

“You put a microphone to his face and ask: ‘Do you support the Chicago gun control laws?’” said Grover Norquist, an NRA board member, envisioning how to prolong the story and make the Illinois senator squirm.

It’s a quandary that the NRA and the McCain campaign hope will haunt Obama in battleground states with a deep attachment to the hunting culture that crosses party lines. "

Here's the link.


This is a huge issue that Obama has tried to have it both ways on.

But the issue is so huge, he can't keep doing that.

No matter which side he tries to please, he makes the other side mad.

And the fact that the next ground-shaking lawsuit is hitting his hometown guarantees this will be a big stumbling block for him.
