Why don't manufacturers provide 2 magazines?


New member
I was just reading the current Combat Hanguns and an article on a new Colt pistol. The Colt representative said they were only selling the guns with one magazine. He said that there were reports of dealers taking the extra magazines out of the boxes and selling them, so they decided to only provide one magazine and drop the price a few bucks. What bull! Colt sells to distributors, who sell to dealers, who set the price. If a dealer is shady enough to take a magazine out of a box, then I'm sure they'll just "raise" their prices a few bucks.

What are all the other manufacturers excuses? I have wanted a Coonan Arms pistol for years and finally had enough money, but then I found out they only come with one magazine. If I'm paying $700 for a new gun, I expect two magazines. My Hi-Power came with two mags, so did my P-7. Am I wrong? Or do others feel the same way? Without a magazine your expensive pistol becomes a single shot (or a no shot if it has a magazine disconnect)All auto pistols should have a spare mag. I have at least three for all mine.
I think they should come with 3.
One for in the gun - the other two for the mag pouches...

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The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Me thinks ALL pistols should come with 3 mags or speedloaders for the wheel guns. With what we are paying today why not? Or they could do somthing like Para Ordance was doing and include a discount cupoun for a couple extra mags with the weapon. This way they can not say sombody swiped the mag before you purchased it.
Ruger sell semi auto's with 2 mags.

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John 3:16
My Sig came with two, but my Springfield only came w/ one. I too think everyone should have at least 3 mags for each gun. I have 3 for my Sig, but haven't gotten around to getting extras for the SA.
Hey!, MY Ruger P-94 only can with one mag. It says "Special Edition" on the case. It is a molded case and only one cut out in it for a mag. Is one suppose to come in the pistol and one in the cut out?

| the person with |
| enough MONEY & POWER|
| to pry it from my |
| cold dead hands |
Typically a box that has a cutout for a magazine, should come with 2 mags. One in the gun and the other in the cut out. If Colt is claiming to save the consumer a few bucks, that is not a bad reason to ship with only one magazine, especially when you can pick up surplus mags real cheap. If a dealer is so shifty that they try and pull one over on you, do your research. The resources are readily available. Checj the web and pick up a Shotgun News. You will easily be able to determine what a fair price is and see if a dealer is giving you the shaft.
My Kimbers came with only one magazine. The only autos that came with two mags were a S&W model 39 and a Ruger P90. I am also of the opinion that they should come with 3 mags.
My Colt Gummint Model 45 came with two mags.

Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up... Yankee Doodle
My Colt Defender came with 2, a friend's Officer came with 1, and we bought them around the same time. I have no clue.

As stated above, I think all should come with 3. Perhaps as Joey said, Para-Ordance may have the best solution. Colt could offer a coupon for the consumer to get the extra mag. And perhaps a discount if tehy buy more than one extra mag.

On the other hand, I do not want to wait. Phillip said it; it should be up to the consumer to make sure they are getting the product they are paying for. I checked the Colt web site to see if it came with one or two, and if my gun came otherwise I would have raised a stink. Before you make that final purchase, make sure you know what you are buying.

I hate laws that make me a criminal without me even knowing it.
Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
My Glock came w/ 2 hi-caps, and my S&W I bought with 3 hi-caps.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
My Glocks all came with two mag each.

My Kimber only came with one.

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry


ICQ no. 46780559
My Mark II, Glock, S&W 5906 all came with two mags. The literature from the Mfgs also says they come with two mags.

Seems some of you are not reading the catalogs and gettin` ripped off. Buyer beware!
I don't know if including only one mag with the gun is the answer, but I sure know that some dealers do take out the extra mag, sell the gun (at retail) with only one, then tell the customer that they "will see if they can get another one". They can (surprise!), because it is under the counter.

A local dealer here in Lakeland, FL (Guns Galore if anyone cares) once lost a sale with me because of the mag-stealing thing. I had the check written and yellow form filled out for a brand new Smith 4516-1 and then he put the gun back in the box and I asked "Where's the extra magazine?"
He replies "Smiths don't come with an extra mag."
I say "Sorry, yes they do, this is not the first new Smith I have bought."
Then he tries: "Well, because of the Assault Weapons Magazine Ban, they have stopped including an extra mag."
I said: "That may be for hicap guns, but since this pistol only has a SEVEN ROUND mag, it would hardly affect this one."
After that he just shrugged and said they had extra mags for sale. I said: "Not to me" and tore up the check and the yellow form right in front of him and walked out.
I like that RikWriter. that's a good response for someone who tries to treat you like you don't know what you are talking about. Way to go!
This issue amongst my friends and our dealer back in the '80s. The styrofoam box for the HK91 clearly took three magazines, yet only one was provided. Where were the other two we'd ask and we concluded that the importer kept them (the ad did say one 20 round mag).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Ouch! Those HK magazines aren't cheap...

I've only bought 1 pistol that didn't come with a spare magazine. A Bersa Thunder22...

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