why do you shoot

Have a shotgun and a couple of handguns around the house for home defense. The rest are for fun at the range and a couple of 20 gauges for fun shooting sporting clays.
I have one “fun” gun, a .45 Blackhawk convertible that is where I derive my shooting pleasure.

My CC guns are viewed more of a necessity and shooting is practice/training.

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In retirement, getting out on the plains with a rifle, tromping around shooting prairie dogs on some ranch cause the owner hates the mangy disease carrying rats, is a holiday in paradise for me. Hunting deer and pronghorn has become a real obsession so the prairie dog shooting is outstanding preparation to hunt medium size game. Hand loading ammo is an indoor activity that contributes to the enjoyment of shooting. Like many previous posters, this started for me around 8 years old....64 years ago. A Daisy Red Rider addicted me to shooting. Every time I accumulated enough money to buy BB's I would get in Dad's pickup when he took the milk to the creamery, dash into Ben Franklin's and get "ammo" for the Daisy. After the chores were done I was on the hunt. I ain't quitin till somebody takes the keys to the pickup.
I shoot Precision Pistol competitively, although I'm not really that good at it, only a Sharpshooter. I enjoy being with like minded people. I enjoy competing against myself. If I can get one point higher than the previous match, it's golden. Most importantly, I enjoy forgetting what's going on in real life. For that 5 or 6 hours it takes to shoot a 2700 match, nothing else in the world matters. I have some serious health issues, but do not even think of that during a match, or even while training for matches. I get into "the zone" and I swear, World War 3 could start behind me, and I wouldn't notice it. I focus on the task at hand, and all the worlds problems vanish, at least for a while. I guess you could call it therapy?
I shoot for fun...................................I have guns for self defense, hunting, friendly competition..........BUT I shoot for the fun of it.
My mom was a police officer. I guess it's in my blood. I have been shooting since I was 9 years old. I am not an expert on guns, though I am a very solid shooter. I enjoy it. It's relaxing. It gets my mind off of everything else for a little bit. And, I don't know any other way but to shoot.
It's fun and I enjoy it. I haven't shot since last week and I won't be able to go shooting until tomorrow. It is a tough life.
I first shoot to find the best load for any particular firearm. Second, after this is completed, I challenge my skill both at the range and then in the field. I like WWII and older rifles.
At first i started shooting for self defense but over the years shooting and reloading have turned into my favorite hobby's to help me relax and unplug from the stress of life..
J.G. Terry. (ref a veteran of the RAF in WW2) I was born in 1935, 4 years b/4 the start of WW11. Lived 8 miles out from Liverpool Docks. The Germans liked to bomb them, our Spitfires like to shoot them down. Lord Derby's estate hid behinds it's big walls, a group of RAF Chaps, spitfires, and camouflaged hangers. A buddy of mine and I used to spy on them.
Little kids just got chased!