Why do you need an "assault rifle"?

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The only assault weapons I own were manufactured during WW2 or before.
These are true assault military weapons designed for war.
Most are bolt action rifles but a few are semi-auto.
I collect these as a hobby.
I own a number of AR15 platform rifles and they are not assault weapons but sporting rifles.
The term ASSAULT being applied to a gun designed and sold to the general public is a pet pev.
To answer the OP question I do not need an assault style weapon. I do not need any kind of weapon to feel good about life or feel safe.
I do love shooting sports of all sorts and do hold a CCW permit because when seconds count the police are only minutes away and / or guns are lighter to carry than a cop.
Sorry for the rant!
We all need a fire truck in my town to stop a dangerous raging fire from engulfing the town and killing people.
So why would anyone want to stop us from having an "assault rifle" to stop a violent assault on us by a dangerous criminal?
Fire trucks STOP - do not start fires.
Assault rifles (semi-auto , actually, but included in contrived definition revision by libtards) STOP ASSAULTS by violent criminals on innocent people.
Seems logical to me. :cool:
Semi-auto rifles, pistols, or knives are NOT "assault weapons". Don't fall for the Liberal trick of demofing (sp?) something to scare others.

If I choose to own an AR or M16 or whatever, I will do so because I CHOOSE to, not because I need to.
The one on the left is a Flesh-blasting-Life Terminator. The one on the right is Mega-Power Ballistic Armor Obliterator. They are both evil and make people turn evil just by touching them.
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